Lawrence Peter Casalino MD, MPH, PhD

Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health

Chief, Division of Health Policy and Economics

Weill Cornell Medical College

402 E. 67th St. , Room LA-217 Phone: 646-962-8044

New York, NY 10065-6304 E-mail:


Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Health Services Research) 1997

Specialty area: organizational sociology

M.P.H. University of California, Berkeley 1992

M.D. University of California, San Francisco 1979

B.A. Boston College (Philosophy) 1970

Academic Appointments:

Weill Cornell Medical College:

Chief, Division of Healthcare Policy and Economics 2014-

Department of Healthcare Policy and Research

Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health 2013-

Chief, Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research 2008-2013

Department of Public Health

Livingston Farrand Associate Professor of Public Health 2008-2013

University of Chicago:

Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Health Studies 2007-2008

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Studies 2000-2007

Faculty, Center for Health and the Social Sciences 2005-2008

Faculty, Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy 2001-2008

Faculty, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program 2000-2006

Stanford University:

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine 1995-2000

Other Employment:

Senior Advisor to the Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research 2014-2016

and Quality (AHRQ)

U.S. Federal Trade Commission:

Consultant, anti-trust cases 2003-2006, 2009, 2014

Center for the Study of Health System Change

Provider Research Team Member for the Community Tracking Study 2000-2001

Provider Research Team Leader for the Community Tracking Study 2002-2004; 2007-2008

California Bureau of State Audits 1998


Coastside Medical Clinic 1980-1995

family physician, co-founder

Stanford Coastside Medical Clinic 1995-2000

family physician

United Farmworkers Union 1972, 1974


Honors and Awards:

John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize from the American Board 2016

of Internal Medicine

Herbert W. Vaughan Visiting Professor in General Internal Medicine and Primary 2011

Care, Harvard Medical College and Brigham & Women’s Hospital

John Fry Fellow, Nuffield Trust, London 2010

Chair, Academy Health Annual Research Meeting 2010

Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award in Health Policy Research 2000-2004

Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1966-1970

Professional Service

External Boards, Technical Expert Panels, Committees:

Technical Expert Panel 2016-

AHRQ Comparative Health System Performance Initiative

New England Journal of Medicine 2015-

Thought Leader – New Marketplace, New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst

Congressional Budget Office 2015-

Panel of Health Advisors

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the 2015

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/RAND Corporation

Technical Expert Panel: Ambulatory Care Payment and SES

New York City Advanced Primary Care Planning Workgroup 2015-

Institute on Medicine as a Profession 2015-

Medical Professionalism in an Organizational Age Task Force

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the 2015

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/RAND Corporation

Technical Expert Panel: Provider and Insurer Market Concentration

Rutgers Center for State Health Policy 2015

External Advisory Committee

American Hospital Association 2012-

Committee on Research

Health Research and Educational Trust 2012-

Board of Trustees

American Medical Group Association Foundation

Board of Directors 2008-2015

Steering Committee: Chronic Illness Care Challenge Campaign 2012-2014

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2008-2016

National Advisory Committee

Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research Program

American Medical Group Association Foundation: 2014-15

National Advisory Committee for the AMGA National Diabetes Campaign

National Quality Forum 2013-14

Expert Panel for the Risk Adjustment and Socioeconomic Status project

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) 2013

of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Mathematica

Policy Research Institute

Technical Expert Panel: “Identifying High-Performing Health Care


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2012-13

Technical Expert Panel: "AHRQ Value and Efficiency Surveys and

Communicating About Value Checklist”

American Medical Group Association Foundation 2012-

Scientific Advisory Committee for the “Measure Up, Pressure Down
National Campaign to Improve Hypertension Detection
and Care in Clinical Settings”

American Medical Association 2012-

Advisory Committee on Professional Satisfaction,

Care Delivery and Payment

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services 2012

Technical Expert Panel: “Evaluation of DHHS Delivery

System Reform Efforts and Affordable Care Provisions.”

American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation 2012

Organizational Assessment Tool Advisory Committee

National Cancer Institute 2012

Expert Panel

Evaluation of the NCI Provider Survey Initiative

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2011-

Technical Expert Panel

Collecting Data on Physicians and Their Practices

Academy Health Annual Research Meeting

Abstract Review Committee: Improving Safety, Quality, and Value 2014

Chair of the Annual Research Meeting 2010

Planning Committee 2008-2009

Theme Leader: Processes to Improve Quality 2008-2009

Chair, Article of the Year Committee 2008

Article of the Year Committee 2006-2007

Abstract Review Committee 2007

Executive Committee 2005

Theme Leader: Care of Patients with Chronic Diseases 2005

Chair, Dissertation Award Committee 2005

Dissertation Award Committee 2004

Partners Community Health Care 2011

External evaluator for the Partners Pay for Performance


National Committee for Quality Assurance 2010-2011

Accountable Care Organization Task Force

CAHPS Patient-Centered Medical Home Survey 2010-2011

Technical Expert Panel

CAHPS Clinician and Group Survey 2009-10

Technical Expert Panel

Health Affairs 2009-2010

Special assistant to the editors for the special issue on

Reinventing Primary Care

The Century Foundation 2008

Working Group on Medicare Reform

American Pediatric Association, Society of General Internal Medicine, 2008-2009

and Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Steering Committee, Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiative

Department of Health and Humans Services and the Robert Wood 2007

Johnson Foundation

Expert Panel on Quality and Health Information Technology

Health Information Technology Adoption Initiative

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) 2007

Reviewer for the March, 2007 Report to the Congress: Assessing

Alternatives to the Sustainable Growth System

Advisory Council for “Transforming Medicare into a Sustainable and 2006-2007

Equitable Health Program for America’s Elderly.”

Funded by the Smith-Richardson Foundation

PIs: Len Nichols and Robert Berenson

Regional Market Pilot Evaluation for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2006-2007 Consultant. P.I. Dennis Scanlon, U. Pennsylvania

Institute of Medicine 2005

External Reviewer for Report #2 – “Medicare’s Quality Improvement

Organization Program: Maximizing Potential” - for the Committee on

Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures, Payment

and Performance Improvement Programs.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2005-2006

Expert Advisory Council for the Regional Market Pilot Program

The Leapfrog Group 2005-2006

Advisory Panel re Expanding Rewards for Quality

Aetna Medicare Health Support Disease Management Program 2005-2006

(funded under a competitive contract with the Center for Medicare

and Medicaid services); Physician Advisory Board member

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 2004

Technical Review Panel: Medicare Fee-for-Service Chronic Care

Improvement Program

Center for Value Purchasing Project 2004

Park Nicollet Institute Health Research Center

funded by the AHRQ Partnership for Quality Initiative

Center for Health Information Technology Leadership 2004

Expert Panel Member for “The Value of Information Technology

in Chronic Disease Management”

Connecting for Health (Markle Foundation; Robert Wood 2004

Johnson Foundation)

Work Group on Financial, Legal, and Organizational

Sustainability of Electronic Interconnectivity

Robert Wood Johnson and California HealthCare Foundations 2002

"Rewarding Results" program

National Advisory Committee

Harvard University Study 1998-1999

"Incentives in California Physician Groups”

Advisory Committee

Mathematica Policy Research Institute 1998-2000

MedPAC Study of "Health Plans’ Selection and Payment of Providers"

Advisory Committee

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 1997-1998

"Strengthening the Patient-Provider Relationship"

Advisory Committee

Study Sections:

National Institutes of Health 2011

Common Fund Center for Scientific Review

Special Emphasis Panel

Integrating Comparative Effectiveness Research Findings into Care Delivery through

Economic Incentives

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2010

Special Emphasis Panel

Delivery System Demonstration Grants

National Institutes of Health 2004

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Special Emphasis Panel

Translational Research for the Prevention and Control of Diabetes

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 2002

"Partnerships for Quality" program

Editorial Boards and Activities:

Co-editor (with Richard Kronick and Andrew Bindman) for a special issue of

Health Services Research. December, 2015:

“Incentives for Physicians: What We Know and What We Still Need to Learn”

Medical Care Research and Review (editorial board) 2002-2015

Peer Review for Journals:

Annals of Family Medicine

Annals of Internal Medicine

Health Affairs

- theme advisor, primary care issue, 2010

- theme advisor, workforce issue, 2013

Health Services Research

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of General Internal Medicine

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

Journal of Health Economics



Medical Care Research and Review

Milbank Quarterly

New England Journal of Medicine

Social Science & Medicine

Peer Review for Foundations:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

"Partnerships in Quality" program

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

"Health Care Financing and Organization" program

National Endowment for the Humanities

California Healthcare Foundation

Administrative and Committee Activities at Weill Cornell Medical College:

Member, Care Delivery and Operations Committee, Weill Cornell Physician Organization 2015-

Reviewer, Seed Grant Proposals for Cornell-Ithaca and Well Cornell Medical College 2014


Co-chair, search committee for a chief for the Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness 2015


Member, search committee for a chief of the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology 2014

Co-chair, search committee for a chief for the Division of Health Systems Innovation 2014-

and Implementation Science

Co-chair, search committee for a chief for the Division of General Internal Medicine 2013-14

Chief, Division of Health Economics and Policy, Dept. of Healthcare Policy and Research 2014-

Chief, Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research, Dept. of Public Health 2008-13

Co-chair, Weill Cornell Healthcare Leadership Fellows Program 2011-

Member, Clinical Transformation Task Force, Weill Cornell Medical College Physician 2011-2014


Co-chair, search committee for a new chief for the Division of General Internal Medicine 2010-2012

Weill Cornell Physician Organization Clinical Integration Task Force 2010-11

Administrative and Committee Activities at the University of Chicago:

Admissions Committee, PhD Program, Dept. of Health Studies 2008

Physician In Context Committee, the Pritzker Initiative Curriculum Review 2005-2008

Faculty Advisor, Pritzker Student Advising Societies 2005-2008

Faculty Grading Working Group, Pritzker School of Medicine 2005-2006

Steering Committee, Licensing Committee for Medical Education 2004

Institutional Task Force

Chief Faculty Advisor, MD/MBA program 2003-2008

Chair, Departmental Health Service Research Search Committee 2003-2004

Dean’s Special Committee to Review the Department of Medicine 2003

Dean’s Institutional Task Force to Review the School of Medicine 2003

Chair, Family Medicine Governance/Search Committee 2001-2002

Faculty Club 2002-2003

board member and chair of membership committee

Admissions Committee, MS Program 2001-2008

Dept. of Health Studies

Pre-Clinical Course Review Committee 2000-2008

Other Administrative and Board Responsibilities:

Integrated Bay Area Network Physician-Hospital Organization 1993-1994

Board of Directors

Serra Medical Group IPA 1985-1992

Board of Directors

Vice President (1990-92)

Seton Medical Center, Coastside 1984-1986

Medical Staff President



Co-director: Health Policy Medical Student Area of Concentration 2014-

Study Design and Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research 2012

Weill Cornell Medical College

(course co-creator and co-director)

The Social Context of Medicine, University of Chicago 2000-2008

(course director; required course for all first year medical students)

Topics in U.S. Health Economics, Sociology, and Policy, University of Chicago 2003-2008

(course director: graduate seminar cross-listed in Law, Public Policy,

Sociology, and Health Studies)

Summer Research Course for Medical Fellows, University of Chicago 2002-2008

(instructor; teach segments on qualitative methods and on the use of

organized processes to improve quality in health care)

Medical Student Summer Research Group Leader, University of Chicago 2005-2006

Instructor, Executive MBA Program In Health Care, University of California, 1999


Primary Care Clerkship Preceptor, Stanford University 1995-2000

K Awards Mentored:

Alyna Chien, M.D. K08 from AHRQ. “Do Performance Incentives Improve Healthcare Quality For Vulnerable Populations?” Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School.

Caleb Alexander. M.D. K08 from AHRQ. “A randomized trial to reduce patient’s out-of-pocket prescription costs.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Andrew Ryan, Ph.D. K01 from AHRQ. “Estimating Hospital Outcome Quality: Applications to Pay-for-Performance.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College.

Yuhua Bao, Ph.D. K01 from the National Institute of Mental Health. “Designing payment and performance evaluation for depression care management.” Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College.

Tara Bishop, MD. K23 from the National Institute of Aging. “Hospital Employment of Physicians and the Quality of Medical Care for Older Adults.” In progress.

Other Career Development Awards Supervised:

Matthew Press, MD. “Primary Care-Oncology Collaboration for Patients with Medical Comorbidities.” American Cancer Society Cancer Control Career Development Award for Primary Care Physicians, 7/1/13-7/1/16.

Doctoral Dissertation Committees:

David Nyweide (Health Services Research, Dartmouth, May, 2009). “Does Continuity Matter? Measuring the Quality of Ambulatory Care Among Chronically Ill Elders in the United States.”

Lei Jin. (Sociology, University of Chicago, May, 2005). “Effects of Clinical Decision Support Tools on Physicians’ Clinical Autonomy.”

Doctoral Specialty Field Exams Supervised:

Alex Chandler (Sociology, University of Chicago, 2006)

Daniel Menchik (Sociology, University of Chicago, 2006)

Masters Theses Supervised:

Pamela Ehliach. MS in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research, Weill Cornell Medical College. (2014) “Impact of Health Insurance on Emergency Department Utilization.”

Melinda Chen. MS in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2014. “Patient Care Outside of Office Visits: A Primary Care Physician Time Study.”

Alyna Chien. MS in Health Studies, University of Chicago. (2010). “Unintended Consequences of Quality Measurement.”

Dinesh Kumar. MA in the Social Sciences, University of Chicago. (2007). “A Dose of Competition: Selective Contracting in the 1980s. California and the Further Transformation of American Medicine.”

Alexia Torke. MS in Health Studies, University of Chicago (2007). “Physician Communication with Surrogate Decision Makers About End of Life Care.”

Emily Pela. M.A. in the Social Sciences, University of Chicago (2006). “Quality Measurement and Improvement of Depression Treatment: The Roles of Treatment-Seeking, Compliance, and the Coordination of Care.”

Rachelle Bernacki. M.S. in Health Studies, University of Chicago (2005). “Predictors of documented code status among six academic medical centers.”

Blyrn Caharian. M.A. in the Social Sciences, University of Chicago (2004). "The Business of Medicine: The MD/MBA Dual Degree Trend in Medicine."

Caleb Alexander. M.S. in Health Studies, University of Chicago (2003). “Patient-Physician Communication About Out of Pocket Costs.”

In addition, I have supervised a number of medical fellows’ research (e.g. through the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar program), including, but not limited to:

Keiki Hinami. Hospitalist Scholar, University of Chicago (2008). “Coordinating the Hospital Care of Chronic Liver Patients Under Co-Management.”