Pennsylvania History – Chapter 3, Lesson 1

Pages 30-33

Directions: Use the glossary on pages 176-179 to define the following words.

1.  prehistory -

2.  maize -

3.  league -

4.  Woodland Indians -

5.  Lenni-Lenape -

6.  tribe -

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1.  Another name for Delaware Indians is .(page 33)

2. Paleo Indians means .(page 32)

3.  Indian word for corn is .(page 32)

4. Group of people who have a common purpose is called .(page 33)

5.  Since Pennsylvania Indians made their homes in the woods they were called

(page 32).

6. The most important Algonquian tribe was (page 32)

7.  The two groups of Indians who lived in Pennsylvania were the (pages 32-33)



8.  Name the three Algonquian tribes. (page 32)




9.  Name the five Iroquois tribes. (page 33)






10. Indians is the name Columbus gave to the Native

because he thought that he had reached India. (page 30)

11. ______is a person who was born in a certain place or country or someone already living in a place or country when settlers from other countries arrive. (page 30)

12.  The first Indians came to North America from ______. (page 30)

13.  The very first Indians were called ______Indians. (page 32)

14.  The two languages spoken by the Indians in northeastern America were the

and .

(pages 32-33)

15.  The League of Five Nations lived ______of Pennsylvania. (page 33)

16.  The League of Five Nations was formed by ______tribes.

(page 33)

Pennsylvania History – Chapter 3, Lesson 2

Pages 34-41

Directions: Use the glossary on pages 176-179 to define the following words.

1.  basic need -

2.  environment -

3.  conservationist -

4.  sweat lodge -

5.  longhouse -

6.  palisade -

7. clan -

8. sachem -

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1.  The Indians made most of their clothing from ______. (page 39)

2.  Indians wore ______on their feet. (page 39)

3.  Tribal ______were chosen by important women from the clans. (page 40)

4.  The main duty of the tribal league’s council was to keep ______among the nations. (page 41)

5.  The Indians believed that everything around them had life, or a ______.

(page 41)

6. Basic needs are . (page 34)

Basic needs include:





7. all the things around use like water, land, animals,

plants, and air. (page 34)

8. A a person who uses the environment wisely.

(page 35)

9.  A sweat lodge is

. (page 35)

10. A ______is a fence made with pointed, logs. (page 36)

11. The Iroquois ______could be as long as 100 feet. (page 36)

12. is the most important Indian food. (page 37)

13. A is a group of families with a common ancestor. (page 40)

14. Algonquian word for chief is . (page 40)

Differences Between the Iroquois and the Algonquian Tribes
Iroquois / Algonquian
SImilarities Between the Iroquois and the Algonquian Tribes
Iroquois and Algonquian Tribes

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