5th InternationalBest Practice Competition


Please submit your entry to the 5th InternationalBest Practice Competition by 5.00pm, Monday 23 January 2017. You will receive notification on whether your entry has qualified for “Round 2: Present Your Best Practice” by Monday 6 February.If successful you will be requested to pay theEntry Feeby Wednesday 1 March and invited to give a presentation on your best practice at the5th International Best Practice Competition in Mumbai, India,25/26thApril 2017.

If you have any questions please email Dr Robin Mann,.

To enter the Best Practice Competition complete the EntryForm.

Some do’s and don’ts:


  • Describe your good/best practice – this good/best practice may relate to a managerial practice, process, system or initiative within your organization.
  • Make sure that you have clearly stated what the best practice is in precise terms. Is it a best practice because it is unique or due to how it was deployed and the results achieved?
  • Submit practices that you think organisations from other industries can learn from and apply (these will be favoured)


  • Don’t submit a best practice on your organisation’s “Business Excellence Approach” or “TQM Journey” which may encompass everything your organization does. If you want to focus on a large change management programme then focus on a certain aspect of it that has made it successful, for example, “leadership commitment”, “stakeholder communication” or “sustaining business excellence”.
  • Don’t submit an end-product or service or new technology as a best practice. If you have a product or service that is innovative or a new technology think instead of submitting a best practice on your new product development process or innovation process that helped you to develop an innovative end-product or service.

A few examples of best practices previously submitted are:

  • Developing an outstanding place to work, using a work environment survey as a tool
  • Excellence in learning and development
  • Creating a business intelligence system which delivers insight from every angle
  • Reinforcing values
  • Morning meeting protocol
  • Leadership development program
  • Service excellence - Making every contact count at public counters

If a best practice can be broken down into more than one practice consider whether to submit more than one entry. Your organisation may submit up to three entries.

IMPORTANT – Only text can be used in the submission – no graphs or pictures. Graphs and pictures can be used in Round 2 and not in this Round. Submit the completed form to by 5.00pm, Monday23 January 2017.

To help you to maximise the use of the space in the form we have included a word count. If you are copying and pasting information from other documents and your mouse clicker is not enabling you to paste then use CTRL C and CTRL V


Title of Best Practice(Max 100 characters including spaces. 100 characters remaining.)

What process/area of your organisation does your Best Practice impact upon? (up-to 3 areas can be given)

/ 1. Leadership (vision, values, developing leaders, ethics, governance)
/ 2. Social and environmental responsibility (surpassing regulatory requirements/engaging with the local community)
/ 3. Strategic planning and deployment
/ 4. Customer and market focus (understanding customers, building customer relationships, marketing)
/ 5. Seeking, connecting and forming international partnerships for export growth
/ 6. Performance measurement (selecting measures, analysis, reporting, balanced scorecard, triple bottom-line)
/ 7. Benchmarking (performance and best practice benchmarking)
/ 8. Knowledge management and information technology
/ 9. Education, training, development and learning
/ 10. Employee teams, empowerment, motivation, and satisfaction
/ 11. Health and safety
/ 12. Process management and improvement (six sigma, QC, QA, and quality management)
/ 13. Innovation (in products/services and processes)
/ 14. Supplier relationships and partnerships
/ 15. Standards and certification (IS0 9000, IS0 14000 etc)

Description: What exactly is the best practice? Describe the best practice clearly. Is it an operational or managerial practice, process, system or initiative? How was it designed and implemented? How important is it to your organisation? How many staff and/or customers or suppliers does it affect?

(Max 1500 characters including spaces. 1500 characters remaining.)

Level of deployment: Is the practice used throughout your whole organization or just one part of the organization? How well is it understood and applied by relevant personnel? How long has it been deployed?(Max 1000 characters including spaces. 1000 characters remaining.)

Innovation:What is innovative about the practice? Is it a new practice, is it a practice that you gradually improved over time, or is it an idea or practice that you adapted from another organization?

(Max 1000 characters including spaces. 1000 characters remaining.)

Best Practice performance: Describe the non-financial benefits (e.g. increased motivation or satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, greater productivity, less complaints) and financial benefits if available (e.g. $ saved, % increase in revenue) that have resulted from implementing the practice.

(Max 1000 characters including spaces. 1000 characters remaining.)

Best Practice evidence: Has the practice been validated as a 'good/best' practice (e.g. was it adapted from another organization through benchmarking, have you compared the practice and its performance against benchmarks, have you received any recognition or award for the practice or do you believe it is a good/best practice based on your own experience)

(Max 1000 characters including spaces. 1000 characters remaining.)

Review/next steps planned:How will the best practice be sustained or evolve in the future?

(Max 1000 characters including spaces. 1000 characters remaining.)


/ A) If my organisation’s entry is successful in Round 1, we are willing to participate in Round 2 and give a presentation at the 5thInternational Best Practice Competition in Mumbai, India, 25/26th April 2017. We understand that Round 1 is free and Round 2 requires the payment of anEntry Fee by Wednesday 1 March.
/ B) I understand that the name of my organization, the best practice title, and the name of the process area will be published on the Competition website should we qualify to Round 2. If we do not qualify we understand that our organization’s name and entry will not be published.
/ C) I understand that if we qualify to Round 2 our presentation will be recorded on video, and that all Round 2 participants will have access to these and our entry form. These will be made available in a secure and private area of the BPIR.com website. This is in the spirit of sharing best practices. After 10 days the videos and entry forms will be made available to all members of the BPIR.com unless I inform the organisers not to do this for my organisation’s entry. All organisations that qualify to Round 2 and agree to share their best practices will be given 5 free passwords to the BPIR.com for one year’s access. The BPIR.com is a benchmarking and best practice website that is owned by BPIR.com Limited. I understand I will be notified if there is interest in publishing my organisation’s best practice on another website.
Organisation name /
Department or Team Name (optional field to complete) /
Name of contact person /
Position /
Email address /
Telephone number /
Address of organisation /
Country /
Number of full-time-employees /

Please advise who or what organisation first made you aware of the International Best Practice Competition: