New Sarepta Minor Hockey Association
April 15, 2014
Call Meeting to Order: 7:10 pm
Attendance:Jesse Abraham, Mike Ames, Greg Baldwin, Shelly Boland,Cory Bowler, Jeremy Buote, Burdinsky, Jennifer Charette, Amber Fell-Comire, Keri Demchuk, Darren Demchuk, Garth Dewitt, Geoff Dowson, Chris Edgerly, Lisa Edwards, Carrie Erdmann, Craig Millar (for Fleming), Trish Galenza, Chris Gill, Tara Hinkle, Mariluz Inbrigston, Garry Inbrigston, Corrine Carter, Andy Kellert, Del King, Arlene Kohut, Vanessa Laberge, Jeff Laberge, Kris Langille, Kate Clifford, Shawn Lauer, Cindy Lauer, Dave Mcintosh, Sherry Mcintosh, Wes Nessler, Karmen Newman, Audra Newman, Tom Noble, Matt Nordstrom, Blaine Perry, Paul Polei, Rod Preston, Jodi Preston, Ashley Rouncville, Jenelle Smith, Derrick Spence, Wes Springer, Rachel Gregor Stang, Laine Tyloski, Trevor Volkman, Jolene Wenzel, Lauren Wickenheiser, Kim Gross, Aaron Golson, Annette Winland (56 people in attendance)
Chaired By: Andy Kellert
Minutes: Kate Clifford
Review of Fall AGMMinutes: Complete
Corrections, Errors or Omissions: No
Accept Fall AGM Minutes: Paul Polei and Dave Mcintosh
Corrections to Spring AGM: No
Adopt Spring AGM Agenda: Craig Miller and Carrie Erdmann
Presidents Report: Andy Kellert
  1. Concerns
-Handout provided showing late ice returns summary for 2013/2014 season. Total cost of unused ice was $3527.73 with an additional $1191.48 as being able to be resold on short notice. The balance of this amount comes out of the NSMHA account and is a concern. Some of the late ice return issues were due to circumstances such as provincials and out of control of teams but a good chuck of it was from poor team planning around x-mas time and when attending away tournaments. This past season teams were invoiced once at Christmas and then again at end of season for any late ice (within two weeks) deemed to be preventable. 2012/2013 had no unused ice time invoiced, so some teams were surprised to get an invoice this year. In the end, as some teams had issues with late chargebacks and rules, all teams were refunded by the NSMHA to be fair to all teams and costs shared by all. This was a lesson learned by the whole association and the executive board will be working over how to improve this over the summer months to be better organized for this in the future.
-Also shared a report outlining how registration fees are accounted for and a breakdown of association revenue versus costs per team. This was due to some members inquiring throughout the year what registrations fees pay for. The report showed that without association fundraising all teams would be in a deficient and that registrations fees alone do not cover teams costs for ice, refs, clinics, etc.
-Association Fundraising and Commitment Hours: This was a big year for fundraising this year with over $37,000.00 being raised for the association. With only so many families in the association it was difficult at times to get enough volunteers. Some commitment hour cheques will be cashed for families who were unable to assist.
  1. Accomplishments
-Boundaries are complete and filed but waiting for Hockey Alberta to sign off.
-Governing bylaws were updated April 2013 and have been posted on the NSMHA website. Very large Thank You to Jeff Laberge, Tom Noble and Chris Edgerly for their hard work
-New player registration fee of $99.00 was introduced this year. The association received 8 IP’s, 1 Atom and 1 Peewee. This is positive for families and the association.
-This was the first year for the Team development assistance program. The items that were purchased at start of year were a benefit for all teams.
-Jacket Supplier Big League went bankrupt but the association has been in contact with L’il Buckaroo for future demands and looks forward to work together and seeing new items. A page on our website will be set up with options available and how to teams may order.
-Great league success at team levels with banners being awarded at every division’s within 1660 league and even a zone championship.
  1. Future Goals
-Renovation and construction of new equipment room is being planned in locker room 3 and 4 for lockers and meeting room. Each team would have a key to their own locker for jerseys, first aid kits etc. Details of needs have been sent out for quoting.
  • Equipment Room discussions are had with the members of the AGM. Estimated cost for the installation of lockers for this room are $4000.00 to $8000.00. Jesse Abraham offers to the AGM to donate some or all of the metal required to build the lockers which will bring down the original estimate. AGM members vote in favor of proceeding with the equipment room up to $5000.00 maximum.
  • Andy has applied for a Leduc County Grant for the NSMHA and we are hopeful to receive $2000.00 still awaiting a formal letter of approval. Looking positive
-Executives have been working towards reviving the midget program as we have been 2 seasons without. Great efforts were made to form a team last year but unsuccessful. Already working and discussing with other communities in hopes of having one for the 2014/2015 season and keeping our kids registered in New Sarepta.
-Development of the NSMHA rules and regulations is in the works and are hoping to have it complete for September 2014. This is a living document that may require constant changes each year. A committee is in place and will be working on it over the summer.
  1. Additional Information
-Suggestion Forms: A few forms were received anonymously.
  • Two had concerns over the lateness of peewee practice times and requested they be moved to earlier slots for next season. Andy commented that this is something that can definitely be looked at when forming next years schedule.
  • Another request was not to schedule home games on Sundays. This would be difficult to instill as teams would surely be playing out of town if we did not submit home ice on Sundays, which would mean even more travel for our teams taking more time on Sundays. This may not be possible. Andy commented that 1660 is looking at changing game time rules which may aid in some of the travel & game time concerns.
-Concerns of game and practice times around Christmas and New Years and if they are required. Members are asked if they would like to keep games and practices over the holiday season. 10 members wanted to keep the practices and games over the season and 46 did not. Teams will need to discuss with their team managers to make sure ice slots are returned in time to avoid late chargebacks.
-Volunteer sign-up sheets are posted at the entrance for families that want to get started on their commitment hours for the May 31st Parade and September 14th Demolition Derby.
-NSMHA Annual Equipment Swap Meet for June 1st is discussed to determine membership interest. After a vote it is about equal with interest. Executives to look at dates for this event maybe a little closer to the start of the season and will post info on website once set up..
-NSMHA Fundraising has received some new ideas to possibly raise money for the association, they were Hockey Loser Pool, another raffle, ball tournament, golf tournament. All good ideas to look at.
Treasurer Report: Kim Gross
-Current Account Balance: $37,762.00. This amount does not reflect and an expense that was added from the team awards night.
-Account is sitting healthier than at the start of the 2013/2014 season due to the purchase of new jersey’s.
-$15,442.00 was what was left in the GIC that rolled over into our general account. The executiveis looking at putting some money back into the GIC for future use.
-Audit of the books is still in progress, currently looking for someone to audit them. Once complete the members of the association will have to adopt at the Fall AGM.
-Andy shared & explained a report outlining how registration fees are accounted for and a breakdown of association revenue versus costs per team. This was due to some members inquiring throughout the year what registrations fees pay for. The report showed that without association fundraising all teams would be in a deficient and that registrations fees alone do not cover teams costs for ice, refs, clinics, etc.
-Review of budget shows approximately and $5000.00 difference between budget and actuals. This is due to ice rentals and juggling players to create teams.
-Team Bank Accounts (June 1st deadline) Teams are to leave $100.00 in account. Will need cheques and deposit books returned. Please move additional money out by June 1st even if a late year end party is planned.
Registrar Report: Cindy Lauer
-Final registration numbers from the 2013/2014 season:
IP’s: 9 Prenovice: 12 Novice: 16 Atom: 27 Peewee: 15 Bantam: 15
-2014/2015 Season Predictions
  • based on birth dates and if all players from previous season continue to play:
IP: Unsure Prenovice: 11 Novice: 21 Atom: 20 Peewee: 19 Bantam: 14 Midget: 11
-Launch of online 2014/2015 Registration is hoped for June 1st, please keep checking the website for updated information. The online system is still currently in the testing stages but is being worked towards the June 1st date. This will allow families to pay online with credit cards; Visa or MasterCard. Staggered payments for families is still an option as well as cheques. Once the online system is set up families will receive their tax receipts faster. It is important to get registration forms filled out ASAP to help determine teams earlier. There will also be an In Person registration on June 11th, 2014 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  1. Registration Fees for the 2014/2015 season
-Ice Fees increase at all levels by 3% yearly. Hockey Alberta’s fees have increased from $34.50 to $37.50. The new amounts still include 2 pair of socks and the hockey clinics provided by NSHMA. All attempts were made to keep fees as low as possible.
New Fee Amounts are presented in a handout as well as read to membership
Motion to Accept membership approval: Darren Demchuk and Trish Galenza
Vote to accept the 2014/2015 Registration Fees:
All in Favor: 56
Opposed: 0
Abstained: 0
Process for Motions:
-Motion will be read
-Speaking to the motion will be read
-Seconded called for – with no second, the motion will fail
-“Question” after reasonable discussion, should question be called by any member of the association the discussion will cease
-Review of motion
-Chair summary
-Any discussion arising around the motion will be deferred to the next AGM
#1 – NSMHA Dressing Room Sponsorship
Submitted by NSMHA executives
Motion Read
We make a motion that NSMHA sponsor annually $2000.00 to the AG Society for the naming rights of the Home dressing Rooms 1 & 2. According to the Sponsorship letter received from the AG Society this will mean the sponsorship of $1000.00 per room for the next 10 years. In total the sponsorship will amount to $20,000.00
Speaking to the motion Andy Kellert:
NSMHA are the primary users for the building and have not donated to the AG Society previously. It shows pride within our association. We would receive a sponsorship board along with Logo’s on the dressing room doors.
Call for Second: Vanessa Laberge
Question was raised about sponsoring The Girls change room as well. This would have to be looked at with the Ag Society to determine if the amount yearly would increase. In the end the girls join the teams in main dressing rooms anyways but if no extra cost it could be looked at.
All in Favor: 55
Opposed: 0
Abstained: 1
Motion is Passed
#2 – Executive vs. Team Positions
Submitted by Andy Kellert
Motion Read
I motion that members, when at all possible, not be permitted to be a Team Head Coach or Team Manager of a team and at the same time hold a Voting Executive position on the board.
Exception: An exception would be made for current Executive until the end of their terms to be fair to them. The executive would reserve the ability to grant exceptions to this rule if deemed necessary for the betterment of a team or association and if no other options are available
Speaking for the motion Andy Kellert:
The NSMHA voting board(8 members) are elected to be subjective and should be able to think of the association as a whole versus just one team. There is a direct conflict of interest that may arise when an individual is both on the board and in the team position of a head coach or team manager. It puts that person in a tough spot and possibly thinking about their team only when matters or questions arise versus the association. We are a small association, and we have many great people that care deeply about hockey in our community. I realize that it is hard to fill all the volunteer positions on both the teams and executive without some overlap. Therefore other team positions (ie Assistant coaches, asst managers, safety ,etc) would not be included in this motion.
Call for Second: Rachel Gregor Stang
How possible is this with such a small association
If there is a conflict of interest executives should choose not to vote and remove themselves situation.
Finds the motion unclear
This is not in the bylaws currently, if anything would end up on the rules and regulations
No big incidents in the past 9 years so finds the motion unnecessary
All in Favor: 1
Opposed: 50
Abstained: 5
Motion is Defeated
#3 – Association Commitment Requirements
Submitted by Andy Kellert
Motion Read
I motion that the association Family Commitment cheques be raised to $300.00 (10hrs @ 30/hr). Included with this motion is that only the followingassociation positions will qualify for future year commitment hours (10): Executive Board Members, Team Head Coaches and Team Managers. All other positions will be considered team positions and not count toward commitment hours.
Speaking for the motion Andy Kellert:
Having a small association requires a lot of fundraising and commitment hours to keep registration fees down. Has noticed that it seems to be a lot of the same volunteers at each event regularly. Majority of the volunteers for the Oilers 50/50 had already completed their hours.
Call for Second: Kim Gross
Unfair to the assistant coaches, ice allocators, treasurers, equipment managers and assistant managers that all put in countless hours. Assistant coaches need acknowledgment for the countless hours they spend/year
Look at raising the amount of the cheques to push families to helping more with volunteering.
In the last 2 years there have been 10 cheques cashed by families that did not fulfill their 10 hours of commitment – not acceptable as other families have to pick up the slack
Breakdown the motion as 2 parts, raise the amounts of the cheques but do not take away commitment hours from the assistant coaches, ice allocators, treasurers, equipment managers and assistant managers
Concerns that the amount of $300.00 is not enough.
Assistant managers – get directors more involved, do they need to be at the meeting. Would need reviewed
Motion is changed and reread to:
#3 – Association Commitment Requirements
Submitted by Andy Kellert
I motion that the association Family Commitment cheques be raised to $300.00 (10hrs @ 30/hr).
All in Favor: 55
Opposed: 0
Abstained: 1
Motion is Passed
#4 Association Team Chargebacks
Submitted by Carrie Erdmann
Motion is Read
I move that NSMHA add to their rules and regulations a plan of attack to be in place (referred to) where if a team is owing the association a balance of money at the end of the season (for late returned ice, extra carding of team officials, etc) it become the responsibility of the team coach to put in place a plan to clear this balance owing before May 30th of the current year
Speaking to the motion Carrie Erdmann
Controversy the last 2 years and seems to be an ongoing situation. This costs the association money yearly and affects year end balances. Teams have a lot of money that they have raised with fundraising and can afford to recoup their losses. Need to have someone in charge to handle these situations like the head coach or manager.
Call for Second: Kim Gross
Monthly statements are requested, would need help from the ice allocator.
Depends on the invoice date, the AG Society invoices the ice allocator which goes to the association
Teams need to plan ahead better giving time for the ice to be resold. When ice is resold there are no chargebacks.
There are some grey areas such as tiering, regular season and away games. This can be unclear for managers in order to give enough notice.
Better communication is required all around