Supply Clergy Compensation Schedule

June 1, 2012

  • Supply Clergy Compensation.Congregations periodically engage clergy for supply work, to perform one or more services on a Sunday or to perform a weekday service. Supply costs (honoraria and travel expenses) are covered by the congregation, and should be given to the supply cleric at the time service is rendered. Congregations should budget monies to cover anticipated clergy absences. Clergy are encouraged to establish relationships with nearby clergy to cover each other’s absences; the Diocesan staff will assist in finding an available supply cleric if necessary.

If the supply cleric is on the Diocesan staff, the congregation does not pay honoraria or travel expenses.

The following rates shall apply to clergy providing supply services in this Diocese:

  • 1 service (Sunday or mid-week) with sermon - $150
  • 2 or more services (Sunday or mid-week) with sermon - $190
  • 1 service (Sunday or mid-week) without sermon - $100
  • 2 or more services (Sunday or mid-week) without sermon - $125
  • Mileage at the standard IRS rate and reasonable lodging and meals

Note: If supply clergy earn $200 or more per month in cash compensation, including housing, from the same congregation for three or more consecutive months, an assessment of 18% (retroactive to the first month) to the Church Pension Fund becomes a mandated benefit. No assessment is due on earnings of age-retired clergy over 75 years of age or for those under 72 unless they earn more than 50% of the median compensation of all active U.S. clergy in a calendar year, in which case an 18% assessment is due from the employing congregation on any earnings for that year unless they have an exemption from the Church Pension Fund at the Bishop’s request.

Ordinarily, no Church Pension Fund assessment is due on earnings of clergy over 65 years of age who are on disability retirement with the Church Pension Fund.

Please have a check ready and waiting to give to the Supply Clergy at departure.