Biology 12


A. Nucleus

1.In general, what is the function of the nucleus?

Contains DNA

2. What are the processes, involving DNA, that occur in the nucleus

Replication and transcription

3. What is the end result (products) of the 2 processes that occur in the nucleus?

DNA and mRNA

4. What structures are made in the nucleolus?


B. Endoplasmic Reticulum

  1. What are difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in terms of structure and function.

Ribosomes on the RER. No ribosomes on the SER

  1. Account for the large amounts of SER in both testes and liver.

Testes- SER creates steroids like testosterone

Liver- SER detoxes the cell


1.Would water be added to or released during the synthesis of ribosomes (ribosomal subunits being joined together) (think bio molecules)

Released. Dehydration reaction to create large molecules

2.Outline the differences in roles between attached and unattached ribosomes (polysomes)

Attached…create proteins that leave the cell

Polysome- create protein to be used by cell


1.What is the function of the Golgi Apparatus?

Store, modify, and ship ER products

Create lysosomes

2.How are molecules sent from the golgi to the cell membrane?

By vesicle

3. What organelle is created by the Golgi?



1.What is the function of enzymes?

To catalyze a reaction

2.What is the function of lysosomes?

To break down macromolecules

3.Where are the enzymes, found in the lysosomes, made?



1.If plant cells have the ability to convert light energy to ATP using chloroplasts, then why do plant cells also contain mitochondria?

The chloroplasts also create sugar that the mitochondria uses to create more ATP

2.Why do mitochondria appear in large numbers in skeletal and cardiac heart muscle?They create ATP and muscle cells use a lot of ATP to perform their function

3.What is the basic reaction that occurs in cellular respiration? (write it out)

Sugar and oxygen  carbon dioxide and water and ATP

4.What is the basic reaction that occurs in photosynthesis? (write it out)

Carbon dioxide and water  sugar and oxygen and ATP

5.Are there any similarities between the reactions in #3 and #4? Explain

Opposites…the products of photosynthesis are used to create more ATP in mitochondria

6. What is the pigment used in chloroplasts? What colour is it? Why is it green?

***This is a tricky question…you will need to look this one up***

Chlorophyll, green, it reflects green wavelengths and absorbs yellow and blue


1.If there was a problem in a cell where the nucleolus stopped functioning, what affect would this have on the following organelles?

-Ribosomes…they would not be created

-Lysosomes…if no ribosomes were created…no protein synthesis ie) no enzymes so no lysosome function

2.Explain the relationship between the ER and the Golgi complex

Products of the ER (protein and lipids) are modified by the golgi

3.Why does the ER surround the nucleus?

It is convenient as mRNA and ribosomes leave the nucleus to go to the RER

H. Membrane Transport and Tonicity

1) Match the structure/process to the letter:

1. Phospholipid bilayer B
2. Osmosis X
3. Simple Diffusion Y
4. Facilitated Diffusion Z
5. Channel protein A

2) Explain the difference between diffusion and osmosis in term of concentration gradients, molecule transported, and energy used

Both no energy

Osmosis is the movement of water, moves from high to low water or low to high solute

Diffusion is the movement of solute, moves from high to low solute

3) Explain the difference between simple, facilitated diffusion, and active transport

Simple and facilitated diffusion both do not use energy. They both move from high to low concentration but facilitated uses a protein to enable passage across the membrane

Active transport uses ATP as it takes solutes from low to high concentrations…against its concentration gradient

4) Compare/ contrast Endocytosis and exocytosis

Both use ATP

Both transport molecules across a membrane

Endo takes molecules in and exo take molecules out of the cell

5) Contrast pinocytosis, phagocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis

Pino…takes in small molecules and liquids

Phago takes in large molecules

Receptor-mediated uses a receptor protein to take a specific molecule into the cell

6) Draw examples of a hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solution showing both the concentration of the cell and the solution