Crosswords for the Global History and Geography June 2011 Regents

Global History and Geography Name: ______

E. Napp Date: ______

Word Bank: Environment, Economist, Temperature, Byzantine, Interpreting, Opinion, Gupta, Guilds, Pilgrimage, Diffusion

Word Bank:

Winter, Ming, Humanism, Columbian, Fewest, Ottoman, Absolute, Mercantilism, Asia, Participation

Word Bank:

Nonalignment, Modernizations, Independence, Irish, Turkey, Appeasement, Hitler, Imperialism, Democracy, Assassination

Word Bank:

India, Cold, Reduce, Mandela, Desertification, Globalization, Fundamentalism, Laws, Nationalism, Exceeds

Word Bank:

Capitalism, Galileo, Steam, Locke, Gandhi, Iron, Confucianism, Europe, Hiroshima, Crusades,

The Essays:

  • Thematic Essay: Technology

Throughout history, societies have developed significant technological innovations. These technological innovations have had both positive and negative effects on a society or on humankind.

Task: Select two technological innovations and for each

-Discuss why the technological innovation was important during a specific time period

-Discuss the positive and/or negative effects this technological innovation had on a society or on humankind

Printing Press / Nuclear Weapons
-Faster production
-Cheaper books
-Spreading Martin Luther’s ideas during the Reformation / -Greater Destructive Capacity
-Used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
-Potential for Mutually Assured Destruction during the Cold War
-Positive Impact
Increased spread of ideas / -Negative Impact
Mass Destruction
  • Document-Based Question:

Throughout history, governments have adopted policies or have taken actions that have contributed to the denial of human rights to certain groups. These groups include Ukrainians, Cambodians, and Rwandans. This denial of human rights has had an impact on the region in which it occurred as well as on the international community.

Task:Select two groups mentioned in the historical context whose human rights have been denied and for each

Cambodians / Rwandans
  • Historical Circumstances
-Rise of Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge
-Return to “Year Zero” /
  • Historical Circumstances
-Belgian favoritism of Tutsi
-After independence, Hutu majority
  • Specific policy
-Evacuation of Cities
-Removal of Western ideas /
  • Specific Policy
-Identity cards
  • Impact on Region and/or International Community
-Many Cambodians killed /
  • Impact on Region and/or International Community
-Many refugees