Olive-sided Flycatcher HABIT@ Model

Input grids

Covercond - Cover-condition grid

Cond - Condition grid

Model description [click here for APL script]

Habitat quality for Olive-sided Flycatchers depends upon both nesting and foraging habitat, which are treated as separate local resources. Nesting habitat depends on cover type and condition, while foraging depends on cover type and condition, as well as the proximity to high-contrast edges.

Local Resource Availability

Nesting habitat is based on the local resource index (LRInest) for cover-condition class (Table 1) of the focal cell.

Foraging habitat is based on minimum of the local resource index for foraging (LRIforage) determined by the cover-condition class (Table 1) and the edge index, representing proximity to high-contrast edges. The edge index is the maximum of the product of the contrast between the two cover types that make up the edge (Table 2) and a logistic function (Fig. 1) of the distance to each nearby edge. The edge that gives the maximum value is used—for instance, if there is an edge between SI and SE at 50 m from the focal cell (0.05  logistic100,–20[50] = 0.05  0.924 = 0.046), and an edge between SE and SM at 100 m (0.75  logistic100,–20[100] = 0.75  0.5 = 0.375), the resulting edge index would be 0.375.

Home Range Capability

The home range capability for nesting is defined as a threshold relationship of the proportion of a 150 m diameter circular home range that contains high-quality nesting habitat. Optimal habitat for nesting (1.0) is achieved when at least 10% of the home range has an LRInest 0.75. Suboptimal nesting habitat (0.6) occurs when at least 10% of the home range has LRInest 0.5 (Fig. 2). Both values for HRCnest decline linearly below 10% of the home range.

The home range capability for foraging is defined as the mean of local foraging within a circle of 150 m radius, inversely weighted by the distance squared.

Landscape Capability

Landscape capability (LC) is based on the number of 150 m radius home ranges that can be placed on the landscape by tiling non-overlapping home ranges starting with the cells with the highest HRC. Home ranges are then dropped by using the HRC as the probability of retaining each home range (e.g., a home range centered on a cell with a HRC of 0.85 will have a 15% chance of being dropped). LC is the total number of home ranges in the landscape for that time step.

Table 1. Local resource index for each cover-condition class for Olive-sided Flycatcher for nesting (LRInest) and foraging (LRIforage).

LRInest / LRIforage / Cover-condition
0 / 0 / Road
0 / 0.50 / Barren
0 / 1.00 / Water
0 / 1.00 / Mountain Grassland
0.50 / 1.00 / Riparian
0 / 0 / Greasewood
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Grassland: Early Grass - Forb
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Grassland: Mid Grass - Shrub
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Grassland: Shrub - Grass
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Savannah: Herb - Annual
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Savannah: Herb - Perennial
0 / 0 / Semi-Desert Savannah: Herb - Shrub - Tree
0 / 0 / Sparse Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Woodland: Herb Dominated
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Woodland: Herbs - Shrubs
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Woodland: Shrubs - Trees
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Woodland: Tree Dominated
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Sagebrush Woodland: Herb Dominated
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Sagebrush Woodland: Herbs - Shrubs
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Sagebrush Woodland: Shrubs - Trees
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper Sagebrush Woodland: Tree Dominated
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper-Oak-Serviceberry Woodland: Herb Dominated
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper-Oak-Serviceberry Woodland: Herbs - Shrubs
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper-Oak-Serviceberry Woodland: Shrubs - Trees
0 / 0 / Pinyon-Juniper-Oak-Serviceberry Woodland: Tree Dominated
0 / 0.10 / Mountain Shrubland: Herbs - Shrubs
0 / 0.10 / Mountain Shrubland: Early Shrub Dominated
0 / 0.10 / Mountain Shrubland: Late Shrub Dominated
0 / 0.10 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak Forest: Stand Initiation
0.05 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.10 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.15 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0.10 / 0.10 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak Forest: Fire Maintain Open Canopy
0 / 0.10 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak-Aspen Forest: Stand Initiation
0 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak-Aspen Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.10 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak-Aspen Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.15 / 0 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak-Aspen Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0.10 / 0.10 / Ponderosa Pine-Oak-Aspen Forest: Fire Maintained Open Canopy
0 / 0.50 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer Forest: Stand Initiation
0.10 / 0 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.85 / 0 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.90 / 0.05 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0.85 / 0.50 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer Forest: Fire Maintained Open Canopy
0 / 0.50 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Stand Initiation
0.05 / 0 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.85 / 0 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.90 / 0.05 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0.85 / 0.50 / Warm Dry Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Fire Maintained Open Canopy
0 / 0.90 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest: Stand Initiation
0.15 / 0 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.90 / 0 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.95 / 0.05 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.90 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Stand Initiation
0.10 / 0 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.90 / 0 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.95 / 0.05 / Cool Moist Mixed-Conifer with Aspen Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.85 / Pure Aspen Forest: Stand Initiation
0.10 / 0 / Pure Aspen Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.75 / 0 / Pure Aspen Forest: Understory Reinitiation
0.80 / 0.05 / Pure Aspen Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.95 / Spruce-Fir Forest: Stand Initiation
0.20 / 0 / Spruce-Fir Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.95 / 0 / Spruce-Fir Forest: Understory Reinitiation
1.00 / 0.10 / Spruce-Fir Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.95 / Spruce-Fir-Aspen Forest: Stand Initiation
0.10 / 0 / Spruce-Fir-Aspen Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.95 / 0 / Spruce-Fir-Aspen Forest: Understory Reinitiation
1.00 / 0.10 / Spruce-Fir-Aspen Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.95 / Spruce Forest: Stand Initiation
0.20 / 0 / Spruce Forest: Stem Exclusion
0.95 / 0 / Spruce Forest: Understory Reinitiation
1.00 / 0.10 / Spruce Forest: Shifting Mosaic
0 / 0.05 / Mesic Sagebrush: Herbs - Shrubs
0 / 0.05 / Mesic Sagebrush: Shrubs - Herbs
0 / 0.05 / Agriculture
0 / 0 / Urban

Table 2. Edge contrast values for Olive-sided Flycatcher, used in LRIforage.

Stem Exclusion / Understory Reinitiation / Shifting Mosaic
Stand Initiation / 0.05 / 0.75 / 1.00
Stem Exclusion / 0.50 / 0.75
Understory Reinitiation / 0.10