BIOLOGY 2014-2015

Research Project: Cell Structure & Function 100pts

The Cell Project

For this project students will investigate cell structure and function.

Students may choose to create a 3 dimensional model, (other choices could also include: a film, a short play, an article of clothing, design a game, perform a song, or any other creative and reasonable suggestion.)

You must also compose a short 1page paper describing your cell and its functions. In particular students should describe the major organelles, their function, and any structure that are particular to that cell type.

Students may choose either a specific type of cell, a human cell, or a cell from one of the other 6 kingdoms of life from the following lists. You may also choose to do an organelle but please see me before you begin.

Examples of Human cell types include;

Retinal bipolar cell


White blood cell

Skeletal muscle cell


Hair cell (skin)

Hair cell (organ of corti)

Sweat gland

Red Blood Cell


Examples of other organism cells


Bacterium-e. coli, syphilis, streptococcus


Plant cells

Plankton of various types

Dictyostelium discoides

You can also choose to do any of the important organelles we have worked on in class like




Endoplasmic reticulum


Or any other alternative, just ask!!!

The project will be graded on

Creativity- You should have a model whose appearance is a reasonably accurate representation of the cell. It should show creative work in its planning and construction and should be visually interesting

Content - You should be familiar with this cell type and be able to respond to basic questions about its structure and function. Your paper should accurately describe its major features and functions

Completion- The Project should be finished, show good effort and be completed on time

Cell ModelsGroup Names

Cell Project Grading rubric / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Content / The project is poorly constructed and/or doesn’t accurately reflect the cell.
The paper does not provide a complete description of major features and function / The project is average quality and omits some major cell feature.
The paper does not provide a complete description of major features and function / The project is a good representation of the model.
The paper gives an accurate description of the cells features and function / The project is an excellent representation of the cell with detailed features.
The paper gives an accurate description of the cells features and function
Creativity / The model does not show a level of completion or is poorly constructed / The model is complete but lacks visual interest and or solid construction / The model is well made and visually interesting. / The model is well made and visually interesting and shows creative thought in its planning and construction
Completion / Both the model and/or paper lacks full effort and/or is submitted late / Either the model or paper lacks full effort and/or is submitted late / Both the model and descriptive paper are complete and submitted on time / Both the model and descriptive paper are superior and completed and submitted on time
Final Grade / Totals x 5