APPLICATION (60%) / R 3.0 4.0 / 5.2 5.5 5.8 / 6.2 6.5 6.8 / 7.2 7.5 7.8 / 8.4 8.9 9.5 10
- Daily Active Participation/effort
- Readiness to participate
- often inactive, needs constant coaxing for participation
- often not dressed or prepared for activity
- frequently late
- often sits out of activity (unexplained) / - a few unexplained missed classes
- often inactive, needs frequent coaxing for participation
- sometimes not dressed or prepared for activity , often late
- sometimes sits out of activity (unexplained) / - usually actively participates with some effort, sometimes needs coaxing for participation
-usually dressed appropriately for activity
- usually on time and out of the change room
- rarely sits out of activity / - almost always actively participates with significant effort
- almost always prepared for activity and on time / -always participates to maximum effort
- always properly prepared for activity
- always on time and out of the changeroom promptly
- Personal Fitness/Daily warm up
-does not work to improve level of fitness / -completes warm up with coaxing or direction
-shows minimal effort to work to improve fitness / -usually completes warm up and works on improving fitness level without direction / - completes warm up with pauses
- shows effort to improve fitness level / - always completes warm up to the best of ability
- shows maximum effort to improve fitness level
- Safety
- unsafe use of equipment
-disregards rules
- cannot be trusted due to safety infractions / - exhibits safe behaviour with others, with self, and with equipment only when continually supervised / - exhibits safe behaviour with others, with self and with equipment with some supervision / - always exhibits safe behaviour with others, with self, and with equipment / - always exhibits and promotes safe behaviour with others, with self and with equipment
- Movement Skill
- Leadership Skills
- does not pay attention during instruction
- never assists with class activities / - rarely cooperative
- does not follow instructions first time they are given
- rarely assists with class activities and equipment / - sometimes cooperative
- follows instructions first or second time given
- sometimes assists leading class activities or assists with equipment when asked to do so / - very cooperative
- follows instructions the first time they are given
- often assists with equipment
- sometimes leads class or assists with equipment without being asked to do so / - often helps less skilled students
- always follows instructions
- always assists with leading class or assists with equipment without being asked to do so
- takes initiative to improve class atmosphere
- Living Skills/Making connections
-disregards rules,swears, aggressive play
-causes conflicts / --does not own to their infractions in sport
- often disregards rules,
-seldom resolves own conflicts / -sometimes owns to own infractions in sport
- sometimes follows rules
- sometimes resolves own conflicts / - often owns to own infractions in sport
- often follows rules
- often resolves own conflicts / - always owns to own infractions in sport
- always follows rules
- always resolves own conflicts and often helps others resolve conflicts
- Rules of game/Facts and terms
- Demonstrates concepts and principles of sport
- Strategy in sport
-displays or attempts strategic maneuvers / - always demonstrates various positions and strategies
- highly developed strategic maneuvers displayed
- Extending knowledge
- does not understand scoring system and cannot extend knowledge of game / - rarely demonstrates prior thought in games to gain points/ strategic position
- rarely interprets difficult rules, scores and point system accurately
- does not fully understand scoring system / - sometimes demonstrates prior thought in games to gain points/ strategic position
- sometimes interprets difficult rules, scores and point system accurately and change game accordingly / - often demonstrates prior thought in games to gain points/ strategic position
- often interprets difficult rules, scores and point system accurately and change game accordingly / - always demonstrates prior thought in games to advance/gain strategic position
- highly sophisticated at interpreting difficult rules and scoring, changes game play accordingly
- Analysing and interpreting knowledge
- Teamwork/Communication
-body language and verbal language is negative
-‘ball hog’ / - sometimes discourages others
- sometimes verbal and body language is negative
- seldom passes, plays one way
- seldom communicates to team mates / - sometimes encourages teammates
- verbal and body language is sometimes positive
- exhibits teamwork by changing position, passing, talking
- sometimes communicates to players / - often encourages teammates and opponents
- positive verbal and body language exhibited
- positively demonstrates teamwork with a variety of game strategies
- often communicates positively to players / - always encourages teammates and opponents
- positive verbal and body language always exhibited
- positively demonstrates teamwork, involves less skilled players, effective communicator on team for plays and strategies
- always communicates positively to players
- Sport specific terminology
- does not use correct terminology specific to sport / - sometimes uses inappropriate language
- rarely used correct terminology specific to sport / - often uses appropriate language
- sometimes uses correct terminology specific to sport / - almost always uses appropriate language
- often uses correct terminology specific to sport / - always uses appropriate language
- always uses correct terminology specific to sport