Parish Councillors Jeanette Dawson (Chairman), Sylvia Harlow (vice-chairman), Georgina Glover, Kathy Wilson, Maria Morcom andKaren Williams.
Kent County Councillor Alan Marsh (for part of the meeting).
Clerk to the Council, Amanda Sparkes
80 Chairman’s Opening remarks andApologies for absence
Cllr Dawson welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a happy New Year.
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Parish Cllr Mike Prince (unwell).
81 Declarations of Cllrs’ Interest - There were no declarations of interest.
82. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting dated 18 November2014
Cllrs resolved that the Minutes were a true record of the meeting and they were signed by the Chairman.
83. Cllrs reports
Cllr Dawson - Cllr Dawsonexplained there had been no meetings so little to report. The roads in the village have been swept at last but there are potholes still to be filled.
Cllr Harlow report - Cllr Harlowexplained that the KALC meetings now clash with Westbere parish council meetings so she can no longer attend them. She has dealt with the wildlife figures and sent them to KMBRC and in a month’s time they will send a report to compare to last year’s report.
The light in the Shrubbery Corner phone box is still not working – Cllr Dawson agreed to talk to a contact about this.
Cllr Williams – Cllr Williams reported a new booking in the hall, and that the preschool is fine. The Hall Committee should receive a grant from Canterbury City Council for £750 towards a new fence between the hall’s outside space and Newlands Care Home once a top up to the budget is ratified by the council’s Executive. The Clerk explained she pointed out a scoring error to Canterbury City Council where the application should have received a further 10 points so the order for allocation of all projects changes.
Cllr Wilson – Cllr Wilson advised that the Christmas lunch went well with 45 people attending and raised £600. A power cut occurred during it due to temporary overloading.
As neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, Cllr Wilson had been made aware of a break in in Walnut Tree Lane in December. She had contacted the PCSO straight away for more information although the PCSO had been on annual leave. She circulated the incident with all known information to the neighbourhood watch email recipients. To encourage take up of the email alerts the WVPS have agreed to run an article in their next newsletter. Cllr Morcom agreed to also run an article in the next PC newsletter – Cllr Wilson kindly agreed to send her relevant text.
Cllr Morcom – Cllr Morcom advised there is lots of broken glass on the pavement on the A28 between Pennington Close and Bushy Hill Road. The Clerk will report this. Cllr Morcom made a further two observations: there are several lanterns in street lights not working; and the fields at the top of Bushy Hill Road are quite badly flooded with quite deep water in the ditches. Cllr Williams commented that this is not the first time this had happened.
Cllr Morcom explained she had noticed a Notice posted on the field at the top of Bushy Hill Road but did not know what it says. Cllr Williams agreed to look at it and circulate details to all councillors and the Clerk about the content.
Cllr Glover report – Cllr Glover commented that the green looks fine and the hedge looks lovely. She advised the decision has been made to have 39 councillors instead of 50 at the May 2015 city council elections. She is going to stand for the areas covering Westbere, Sturry, Fordwich, Broad Oak and Hersden.
Cllr Glover advised she is busy at the city council, with lots of meetings around changing to commissioning funding – this will affect every organisation that receives a grant, so will affect the village hall.
Cllr Glover advised she attended the KALC AGM and that the speakers had been excellent.
84. KCC Cllr Alan Marsh – Cllr Marsh advised he historically wanted a weight restriction applied to the A291 road running through Herne village, but was told this was not allowed on an A road. But now, in order to satisfy some of the issues with the Westgate Towers, roads from Borstal Hill, Whitstable to Canterbury will have a 7.5 tonne weight restriction. Cllr Marsh has therefore asked for Herne and Hoath roads to be included in the order.
Cllr Marsh commented that he is not happy about the concurrent grant shortfall as it causes double taxation for Westbere residents.
Cllr Marsh commented that with the May city council elections and with fewer councillors, and a committee, not cabinet, system, Canterbury City Council will be run completely differently.
Cllr Marsh advised he signed off the request for a disabled parking space to be marked out opposite Westbere Church. This will now go to the Joint Transportation Board for consideration.
Cllr Marsh commented about the city council’s refusal of planning permission of CA/13/02005/FUL at St Anne’s convent, Staines Hill for the installation of roof-mounted solar glazing panels on the south east and south west facing elevations. The planning committee’s grounds for refusal were that solar panels would be intrusive on the convent roof. He explained that the convent could appeal or they could re-submit an application to put the panels on the ground, provided there is room, and if they can be placed in the right direction. Cllr Glover explained that she had asked the convent for the paperwork to assist them. Cllr Marsh also offered support.
Cllr Marsh advised that for Broadband he has been assured that by December 2015 all of Kent will be covered for faster broadband.
85 Adjournment of the Meeting –As no residents were present there was no adjournment.
- Planning Matters
Planning items are recorded on appendix two, previously circulated to Cllrs, and attached to these minutes.
(a)RECEIVED the bank statements and bank reconciliations for November and December 2014, and RESOLVED the signature of the Chairman thereon;
(b)NOTED receipt of a cheque from Mr and Mrs Wingfield of The Old Rectory for £1,070 as a contribution to the replacement steel railings
(c)Section 137 rate - NOTED that the Section 137 expenditure limit for 2015-2016 has been increased by the Department for Communities and Local Government to £7.36 per head of electorate.
(d)Clerk Salary increase – National agreement - NOTED that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services has agreed salary increases for parish clerks: A 2.2% increase in salary from 1 January 2015; and a one-off pro-rata non-consolidated payment of £15.59 in December 2014 (subject to normal tax and national insurance arrangements); and a further one-off pro-rata non-consolidated payment of £3.00 payable in April 2015
New transparency code for parish councils with an annual turnover under £25,000
From April 2017 there will be a new audit framework and parish councils with an annual turnover of less than £25,000 will be exempt from external audit. However they will be subject to the Transparency Code to enable local electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the accounts.
The requirements:
1. From at least 1 July 2015 and each year thereafter before 1 July, councils must:
- Publish all transactions / items of expenditure above £100 (excluding VAT), with the date that the expenditure was incurred**, and a summary of the purpose of the expenditure. (Copies of all bills, vouchers, receipts and other related document do not need to be published but should remain available for inspection.)
- End of year accounts, according to the format in the Annual Return form, accompanied by the bank reconciliation for the year, an explanation of significant variances, and an explanation of any differences between ‘balances carried forward’ and ‘total cash and short term investments’, if applicable
- Annual governance statement, according to the format in the Annual Return form – and
signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. Any negative responses should be explained fully,
including how any weaknesses will be addressed.
- Internal audit report, according to the format in the Annual Return form – and signed by the
person who carried out the internal audit.
- List of councillors’ responsibilities (and any representations on external bodies).
- Details of public land and building assets
2. Publish Minutes of full council and sub-committee meetings within one month of the meeting taking place.
3. Publish the agenda and associated papers for a meeting no later than 3 clear days before the meeting to which they relate is taking place.
4. The above information must be published on a website which is publicly accessible free of charge.
** The date expenditure was incurred is not the date that the payment is made – but rather, expenditure is incurred by a council when an order is placed, or if no order, when the goods and services are received.
NALC are suggesting to Government officials that the Code when it goes through its parliamentary timetable by changed to require councils to confirm when a payment above £100 has been paid rather than incurred.
Westbere Parish Council requested £6,645 for 2015-2016 concurrent functions. After the Canterbury City Council’s Executive meeting in November 2014, the council proposed an additional amount to the budget of £32,000. The previous worst case scenario, depending on which option is chosen, gave Westbere parish council a shortfall in reimbursement of £3,500.77. The worst case scenario now proposed would give a shortfall of £2,192.44, so the precept budget for 2015-2016 is now at least £1,308.33 better off. The Executive’s preferred option, Option B, funds the application at 71% and gives an award of £4,690.92 (and a shortfall of £1,954.08)
End of Quarter 3 spreadsheet
RECEIVED the Clerk’s spreadsheet showing expenditure against budget headings to the end of Quarter 3 (to 31 December 2014)
Provisional local government finance settlement for 2015/16.
Local Government Minister Kris Hopkins has announced the provisional local government finance settlement for 2015/16. The relevant extract of his statement concerning parishes, which mentions referendums but not council tax support funding, is:Parishes are an important part of local government, delivering valuable and valued local services. However that is not a reason for them to impose inflation-busting increases on their taxpayers. The average Band D council tax in England has risen by 2% since 2011 to 2012 – the equivalent figure for the parish element is 14.7% over the same period.That is why I would welcome views on whether the highest spending parishes should be subject to the same referendum principle as the rest of local government. There is also a question about whether town and parish councils whose failings have been highlighted in a Public Interest Report should be included.
The whole statement is at
The consultation ended 15 January 2015. KALC responded to DCLG opposing the introduction of referendum principles, expressing concern about the ridiculously short deadline for such an important issue and also on Local Council tax support. In addition to all the points made in the NALC media release, referring to the Parish and Town Council increase in percentage terms is totally misleading. DCLG’s own analysis shows that the average Band D Parish precept is only £52.37 per year (2014/2015) so the monetary costs are minimal.
KALC will also write to all Kent MPs.
The Clerk presented new Financial Regulations, previously circulated to all councillors. These are based on the new NALC Model Financial Regulations as appropriate, together with the Clerk’s report around the changes and new practices required to tighten financial control.
The frequencies and values have been kept the same as the previously adopted Financial Regulations of April 2014.
Deleted sections - The new Model regulations have some new sections – but these may be deleted by a council if they are not relevant. The following sections have been deleted from the Model to give the version presented for adoption: Payments under contracts for building or other construction works (Section 12); Stores and equipment (Section 13) and Charities (Section 16)
NOTED that the following matters must be for full council consideration only:
Para 1.13 The council is not empowered by these Regulations or otherwise to delegate certain specified decisions. In particular any decision regarding: setting the final budget or the precept (council tax requirement); approving accounting statements; approving an annual governance statement; borrowing; writing off bad debts; declaring eligibility for the General Power of Competence; and addressing recommendations in any report from the internal or external auditors.
Payment of salaries (para 7.4) NOTED that each and every payment to employees of net salary and to the appropriate creditor of the statutory and discretionary deductions is not open to inspection or review (under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or otherwise) other than: by any councillor who can demonstrate a need to know; by the internal auditor; by the external auditor; or by any person authorised under Audit Commission Act 1998, or any superseding legislation.
All Cllrs were in agreement and RESOLVED to adopt these new regulations as presented, and introduce the following new financial controls in order to be compliant and tighten financial controls.
i)Counter-signing bank reconciliations and bank statements (para 2.2)
A member of the council other than the Chairman to independently check the monthly bank reconciliations, presented by the Clerk as the responsible financial officer, – and the member to counter-sign the bank reconciliations and the original bank statements also.
ii) End of Quarter statements of receipts and payments and variances (para 4.8)
The Clerk shall provide the council with a statement of receipts and payments to date under each head of the budgets, comparing actual expenditure to the appropriate date against that planned as shown in the budget.
These statements are to be prepared at the end of each financial quarter and shall show explanations of material variances. For this purpose “material” shall be in excess of £100 or 15% of the budget.
The Clerk has previously prepared and presented End of Quarter spreadsheets for expenditure against budget headings – so there is now a new requirement to include receipts and variances information in the future.
iii) PINS and Passwords (para 6.11)
Where a computer requires use of a personal identification number (PIN) or other password(s), for access to the council’s records on that computer, a note shall be made of the PIN and Passwords and shall be handed to and retained by the Chairman of Council in a sealed dated envelope. This envelope may not be opened other than in the presence of two other councillors.
The Clerk had prepared such an envelope and gave this to the Chairman, and explained it also contains the password and access to the parish council’s website and on-line banking.
The expenditure list previously circulated to Cllrs as Appendix 3totalling £ 1,522.67was authorised for payment.
Lord Lieutenant’s Annual Civic Service
CONSIDERED Invitation for a representative from the parish council to attend the annual Civic Service at Rochester Cathedral on 10 March 2015. The invite will be politely declined this year.
Tidal Great Stour Tree Works
In Winter 2013/14, exceptional rainfall caused sustained periods of high flows and flooding on the Great Stour between Fordwich and Sandwich. Due to the relatively low numbers of people and property at risk of flooding, the environment agency has been unable to justify carrying out significant tree maintenance works over the last 10 years. The environment agency has only been able to remove trees that present an immediate risk of blocking the river.
Following the winter floods, the Government made extra funding available to repair flood defences and carry out extra maintenance. The environment agency has successfully bid for funding for works on the Great Stour which will help manage flood risk into the future.
Part of this plan is to remove and prune trees that are currently reducing river conveyance or those that have the potential to do so in the future. The environment agency has surveyed the river between Fordwich and Sandwich and identified approximately 180 trees that require removal or heavy pruning to help maintain flow in the channel. In recent weeks the environment agency has appointed Cleartrack to carry out the works, starting from December 2014. The environment agency will carry out the works over a two year period to reduce the disturbance to local wildlife. The first stage of work will need to be complete by 14 March 2015 when the bird breeding season starts. The environment agency will return next autumn to complete the programme.