St. Alban’s Catholic Primary School



St Alban’s School will educate our young children within

a happy caring environment and Christian atmosphere,

thus their whole lives may be inspired by

the Spirit of Christ they experience.


These phrases have been in existence for a while and both have been used to describe the actions/tasks and jobs of a GB committee. After some research and checking the dictionary definitions, it is clear that there is a very clear definition for each phrase.

  • Terms of reference – refer to the structure of a committee, for example membership, executive officers, quoracy
  • Remits – refer to the tasks/jobs that the committee undertake on behalf of the Governing Body, GB, – as a delegated responsibility, to make a decision , or to make a recommendation to the GB for the body to make a decision


Remit / Delegated to:
To draft the Governors’ Development plan including:
  • Overview of monitoring / evaluation practices
  • Monitoring and evaluation & review of polices
  • Oversight of governing body involvement in the school’s self-evaluation and the school improvement planning process
  • Oversight of the strategic development of extended services
  • To monitor and contribute to local area developments through collaborative working with other governing bodies.
/ SD&C Committee
Ensure that new governing body members receive adequate school based induction, including an induction booklet or pack and appropriate training. Appoint a Mentor/Buddy to help and support the induction of new governors. / SD&C Committee
To ensure that the national curriculum is in place and to consider any disapplication to pupils / SD&C Committee
  1. T
/ To decide which subject options should be taught having regard to resources and implement provision for flexibility in the curriculum (including activities outside school) (secondary schools only) (often this is a delegated responsibility for the Head teacher and Senior Management/ Leadership Team, but should be reported back to the committee members and the full governing body) / SD&C Committee
To agree targets for pupil attainment to be included in the School Improvement Plan. / SD&C Committee
To consider the school’s RAISEonline and other performance data annually and to regularly monitor progress termly, towards in-year attainment targets for all children / SD&C Committee
To receive and consider reports on standards of teaching / SD&C Committee
To receive monitoring reports on the attainment and welfare of vulnerable children and other groups of pupils with reference to local and national benchmark information. / SD&C Committee
To receive and consider reports on the allocation and impact of the “Pupil Premium” on raising standards of attainment / SD&C Committee
To consider, monitor and review the school’s Curriculum policies on behalf of the governing body, for example
a. Religious Education, (including Collective Worship)
b. Sex and Relationships Education and Drugs Education.
c. Discipline and behaviour (including Anti-Bullying policy) / SD&C Committee
To support, and receive reports from curriculum link governors e.g.
  • Literacy/Numeracy
  • Transition,
  • and other areas of the curriculum (by agreement)
/ SD&C Committee
To receive reports (written and verbal) from Senior Leadership Team members and curriculum leaders/managers relating to curriculum improvement action plans, intervention strategies and pupil performance data in all curriculum and Key stage areas / SD&C Committee
To prohibit the political indoctrination of pupils and ensure a balanced treatmentof political issues / SD&C Committee
To monitor and review the school’s curriculum contribution to its Equality scheme. / SD&C Committee
To monitor how the school listens to pupils’ view / SD&C Committee
To monitor the arrangements for school visits/residentials / SD&C Committee
To monitor the arrangements for collective worship and provision / SD&C Committee
To monitor the provision for vulnerable groups of children, e.g.
  • Black and Ethnic Minority Children
  • Traveller Children
  • Looked After Children
  • Young Carers
/ SD&C Committee
To set the times of school sessions and the dates for school terms and holiday / SD&C Committee
To consider and review the school’s admissions policy and make recommendations to the governing body. / SD&C Committee

Strategic Development And Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference:

The Committee will:

  • at the first meeting each academic year:
  • make recommendation on the appointment of Committee Chair
  • review the terms of reference and remits for the committee
  • report on these matters to the next meeting of the GB
  • ensure that there is a Clerk at each meeting and agenda/minutes are produced and distributed at the next full GB meeting
  • hold at least one meeting each half term
  • operate with a quorum of at least three governors.

Members of Committee:
Mrs Clare Cuomo (Foundation)
Mrs Eileen Rees (Foundation)
Mr Stuart Olivier (Foundation)
Mrs Tammie McNamara (Staff)
Mr Andrew Monaghan (Staff) / Chair of Committee:
Meeting Dates for Year: / Quorum: (3)
At a meeting of the Committee 50%, rounded up to a whole number, of the governors in post to be quorate of which a majority must be Foundation Governors

Date: Monday 12th October 2015 by Full Governing Body

Signed: Clare Cuomo Chair of Governors

When Policy was discussed: Governors Strategic Development and Curriculum Committee Meeting Monday 12th October 2015

Date of Review: September 2016 by the Governors Strategic Development and Curriculum Committee

St. Alban’s Catholic Primary School

Strategic Development and Curriculum Committee Remit

October 2017

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