Training and Exercise Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2013

Delaware Fire School


On February 6, 2013, the Training and Exercise Subcommittee meeting was held at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover, with representatives from the Training and Exercise Subcommittee and DEMA.

Attendees were:

a.  Robert Newnam, DSFS, Chairman

b.  Thomas Nesbella, DEMA

c.  Suzanne Raab-Long, DE HC Assoc.

d.  Harvey Velott, DSP/DIAC

e.  Claudette Martin-Wus, DTI

f.  Eric Huovinen, Sussex Co. EMS

g.  Robert Pflaumer, DEMA

h.  Jim Cubbage, DEMA

i.  Bruce Von Goerres, DSP

j.  Matthew Higgins, DNREC

k.  Loren Reed, DEMA

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Newnam of the Delaware State Fire School at 8:30 a.m. The minutes were amended and approved from the January 9, 2013 meeting.

The December minutes were approved.

Chairman Robert Newnam asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Exercise Program

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, briefed committee on 2013 Exercise schedule.

-  NCC, Drill, 3/7/13

-  Kent, Drill, 3/28/13

-  PH, FE, 4/17-18/13

-  NCC, FSE, 4/27/13

-  Sussex, Workshop, 4/30/13

Training Program

Tom Nesbella, DEMA, briefed on the 2013 WMD Training schedule.

-  MGT-343 Disaster Management Wastewater Utilities, 1/22-23/13 (25 attended)

-  MGT-403 Responding to the Functional Needs Populations 2/12/13 (27 enrolled)

-  AWR-209 Dealing with the Media 2/21/13 (27 enrolled)

-  AWR 232 Mass Fatalities Planning & Response for Rural Communities 3/7/13 (11 enrolled)

-  AWR-160 WMD Awareness Level Training 3/7/13 (17 enrolled)

-  PER-230 IRTB 4/11/13 (2 enrolled)

-  PER-231 PRSBI 4/11/13 (2 enrolled)

After Action Report Improvement Plan

- AAR’s

- None

Financial Statements

- Tom Nesbella briefed the Committee on the FY10 financial statements. Chairman Newnam stressed that all discipline leads are required to have their training and exercise project requests submitted at the March 6, 2013 Subcommittee meeting due to the close out of FY10 Grant funds at the end of June. All FY10 funded projects must be anticipated to be completed by 30 June 2013.

Old Business

-  None.

New Business

-  None.

Training Request

-  Harvey Velott requested the expenditures of $17,662 to send members of every tactical team in Delaware to tactical training in New York. This training is to enhance tactical training procedures and provide certifications. 22 Officers will attend one of 14 certification courses such as SWAT legal issues, SWAT supervision, Tactical leadership, Sniper Operations for SWAT Supervisors, chemical munitions instruction, rappelling, scenario instructor for simunition and shotgun breaching instructor. Point of Contact: Sgt Rodney Workman. Location: Turning Stone Resort in Verona, New York. Date(s) of Trip: 4/23-25/2013.

Approved: (Von-Goerres/Huovinen)

-  The Little Creek Fire Company requested the expenditures of $4,600 for Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Training. The training will provide specialized training involving rescue and removal of trapped, injured or lost firefighters. This training will provide rescuers with safer and quicker techniques for access to victims. Educating firefighters on the proper use of ropes, packaging techniques, communications, air management, basic medical procedures, use of a Thermal Imaging Camera, searching methods, tools and teamwork. Point of Contact: Ed Strouse. Location: Little Creek, Delaware. Date(s) of trip: 7/13-14/2013

Approved: (Von-Goerres/Higgins)

Exercise Request

-  Claudette Martin-Wus requested the expenditures of $2,500 for a Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) table top exercise. This table top exercise will incorporate all State agencies that have completed the COOP Program and have at least completed the initial COOP drill. This exercise is being used to identify interdependencies during a COOP event, to identify gaps in plans, and to further develop Continuity Coordinators’ responsibilities of maintaining and initiating plans and guiding decision-makers with use of plans. Point of Contact: Claudette Martin-Wus. Location: Dover Fire School, Delaware. Date(s) of Trip: April 18, 2013.

Approved: (Von-Goerres/Velott)

-  All other exercise requests not funded by DEMA will be added to the agenda for next month’s meeting.

NIMS – NIMS update

-  None.

Other Subcommittee Business

-  None.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 am.

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at the Delaware State Fire School in Dover @ 8:30 a.m.


Training & Exercise Subcommittee

February 6, 2013