Board of Directors Meeting

September 10, 2014 / Meeting #3

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 8:15 pm.

Roll Call

Directors present: Brian Quinn, Rob Memmesheimer, Jim Donini, Megan Restieri, Gabi DiBlasi, Bill Lardi.


Motion to accept the minutes from August 13, 2014 was moved, seconded, and carried (msc) by unanimous vote.

Reports of Officers

1.  Financial Report

a.  Balance in PayPal as of 9/9 is $8,972. No monthly statement was presented.

b.  Tax return has been filed by our CPA. Hard-copy has been presented to secretary for archiving.

c.  Invoices from Tate were given to Jim. Brian raised questions regarding status/update on previous Panthers Den payments made related to invoices. Jim to provide update, with a final decision to be made at the October meeting. Rob clarified that this was related to deposits made in October 2013 to reserve 18 hours of space which was only partially used.

2.  Registrar’s Report

a.  Registration for fall has opened. As of 9/10, 2 boys and 7 girls have registered.

b.  Bill requested that we clarify responsibilities to respond to inquiries to info@mylaxct. The respective boys and girls program directors should respond to general inquiries. The registrar should respond to inquiries specific to registration issues. Megan offered to be a second person to handle girls inquiries. All to copy info@mylaxct to let everyone know that someone is responding.

c.  The board discussed pushing back the previously approved October 1 date open spring registration to a later date to avoid confusion with fall registration.

d.  Bill raised question regarding fall programs registration number and financial impact to club. Fall Directors (Brian and Gabi) confirmed programs are self-funded, so no negative impact.

Old Business

1.  2014-15 Budget

a.  Bill presented a preliminary operating budget with a recommendation to maintain same fees as last year. The preliminary draft reflects an operating budget of the 3k in the red.

b.  Brain asked about the need to budget for indoor time, suggesting that we don’t need to allocate for that.

c.  The board noticed an error in the U9 girls fee. The fee should be $175. Readjustment of girls fee from $150 to $175 reflects an additional $425 in revenue.

d.  Motion to approve the fees for the spring was msc by unanimous vote.

e.  Motion to approve the fee discount schedule for the spring was carried by majority vote.

f.  The preliminary budget will be transitioned from Bill to Jim and Brian to be finalized.

g.  The final budget will be presented in October for approval.

2.  Boys Fall Lacrosse

a.  SHU Coach Jon Basti will run the clinic. His compensation is registration fee minus costs for first 50 players, estimated to be $50 per player.

b.  Clinic plans from Coach Basti are due to Brian on October 1st.

c.  The dates have changed to October 4th, 11th, and 18th from 2-5pm at the football field at Wolfe Park. Rain date is October 25th.

3.  Girls Fall Lacrosse

a.  SHU Coach Amanda Williams will run the girls clinic. Her compensation will be $300.

b.  Clinic format to be held 9/21, 9/28, and 10/5 from 10-11:30am at Great Hollow Lake.

c.  Gabi asked for a copy of the flyer from last year to modify for distribution. Rob will for

d.  Received related correspondence requesting a time change for the 10/5 session in order to accommodate the Trail run at Wolfe Park. Gabi to follow up on this request.


New Business

1.  Fundraising

a.  Brian asked to add fundraising to the agenda for the October board meeting.

2.  Motion to adjourn was msc by unanimous vote.


Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rob Memmesheimer


Monroe Lacrosse Association

PO box 4113

Monroe CT, 06468