QUICK GLANCE: Accessing Reports on Edusoft (once you administer any assessment through EDUSOFT)
How to access different reports for Data Analysis from assessments:
o Go to www.edusoft .com and log in (with your username and password)
o Click the Benchmark Exam tab. Followed by clicking the Reports link or icon.
o The Reports screen will display the following report options:
o Performance Band Reports: Performance Band reports show you average scores for a class or group, divided into performance bands. You can create these reports for all students, for each period, or for individual students.
o Class List Reports: Class List reports show you how each student in a class or group performed on an exam. You can create these reports for all students in a group or for one or more periods.
o Student Performance Reports: Student Performance reports show you how an individual student performed on multiple assessments. You can choose to include standards or question groups and select different score types.
o Report Builder: Report Builder shows you how a group of students performed on up to 10 assessments. You can see the results for different score types grouped by period, by demographic information, or by many other options. It also enables you to compare tests with other tests, such as district results. The Report Builder also allows you customize your reports.
Click on each report tab and follow the steps to build your report.
**How to access specific Item Analysis Reports and Item Response Reports:**
o Click the Benchmark Exam tab. Followed by clicking the Item Analysis link or icon.
o The screen will display the following report options:
o Item Analysis Reports: Item Analysis Reports show you information about the validity of an assessment. The report also lets you analyze incorrect answers to identify why students struggled with concepts or misunderstood them.
o Item Response Reports: Item Response Reports show you individual students' responses to assessment items as well as the most commonly selected distracters for each class. They also show how each assessment item aligns to specific state standards or question groups.
Ø For the Item Response Report and a majority of the other reports, click on the report tab.
Ø Select the assessment you want a report on (highlight the folder/test), it should appear on the left side of screen.
Ø Highlight assessment on left side of screen and click the continue tab (on right bottom of the screen).
Ø In the General Report Options, it is recommended you CREATE ONE REPORT FOR: select EACH PERIOD
Ø Sort questions by: select either GROUPED BY QUESTION GROUP or GROUPED BY STANDARD
Ø Click (optional) if you want to display student id
Ø Recommend you select to HIGHLIGHT QUESTIONS by desired percentage of correct answers by students
Ø Click continue
Ø On following screen, select BY SPECIFIC PERIOD
Ø Click to view report as SPREADSHEET version (middle tab)
Ø View, analyze and save report to your file