The Stanford Forum.
Meeting held at the Sure Start Centre, 13th July 2016, 7.30PM
1Apologies received from Vikki Girling, Shane Hebb & Kathy Ottley.
Attending were Trevor & Jackie Robe, Alan Farenden, Peter & Shirley Watson, & Terry Piccolo.
2Minutes of the last meeting
Not signed, quorum not present for this item.
3Police Crime Report
Date, time, locationcrime typedescription
050616 15.00Rectory RoadBurglaryWindow smashed 1st floor & items removed
050616 22.10The GroveAtt. BurglarySuspect attempted entry rear door & chased off
050615 22.00Wharf RoadAtt. BurglaryDoor window broken, disturbed & made off
050616 22.25Hadfield RoadBurglaryEntry gained by UPVC door, disturbed? Nothing appears stolen
040616 20.45St Margarets Av. AssaultSuspect grabbed victim around neck while in community garden
060616 02.10The GroveReceivingSuspect named found in possession of stolen goods from recent burglary after house search
070616 18.30Corr. RoadDamageWindow of Peugeot broken car not entered.
060616 08.00London RoadNon PaymentSilver Fiat filled up with fuel & drove off
090616 11.36London RoadNon PaymentWhite male £10 fuel into Focus & drove off
100616 18.00London RoadDamageSuspect has ripped up 2 signs
190616 21, 30Conrad RoadTheft of truckSuspects unknown removed Isuzu BT15XNH
140616 10.15London RoadMalicious callThreats of rape to mother & daughter
220616 22.30Kings ParadeAtt BurglarySuspect unidentified failed to gain entry via door
230616 00.37Mucking Wharf Rd Burglary2 windows forced, items taken.
240616 20.00Webster RoadBurglaryRear door glass smashed, property searched, & items removed
260616 14.20Corr. RoadTheftSuspect named removed advertising board from Post Office, challenged & replaced; but is damaged bolts missing
4Councillors Reports; Shane Hebb via email, & Terry Piccolo
King Street disabled bays - Disabled vehicle users already had three dedicated spaces for parking, with added room to manoeuvre and now a ramp has been installed to allow those same residents have safe access to the footpath.
Biker issues on land behind Barratts – Cllr Shane Hebb and Cllr Piccolo will be calling a round-table meeting with agencies across the borough to prevent illegal biking, and see if alternative provision can be considered. Idea is to look at a place for bikers to go; somewhere less intrusive on residents. Terry, met the Police & Crime Commissioner, police are now aware of the Thurrock wide issue area for bikers. Some limited funding available.
Squibbs – Another planning application. The two buildings agreed at a previous meeting are now to be condensed into just one; somewhat larger building. It made little difference from the already-agreed permissions, and so therefore there was little to challenge as the previous permissions would still stand anyway. Likewise the applicant came to committee with plans for the landscaping of the site; a far less significant affair than the public inquiries and various committee meetings we have all come to expect from this applicants endeavours! The disappointing thing is that the applicant continues to see the need for the water tower to be ripped down, to advance their business plan. This continues to pull at the heart strings of many of us who live, play and work here.
Air quality report – Health Overview and Scrutiny are looking at air quality, and I have asked for the recent WHO report to be considered soon in the future for consideration and potential action planning.
· New Administration – New policies ( these are our Summer priorities).
“Cut It” – we have had to restore the grass cutting equipment, and get some back which had been at the repair shop for +6M. Now they are operational again, the grass will be cut through the summer. Commitment is to ensure that Thurrock looks tidy and attractive. Terry, considering local farmers for 1st cut of the year.
“Clean It” – assault on fly-tippers being announced at Cabinet on Wednesday. We will execute a heavy enforcement-led approach against fly-tippers.Terry, Fly tipping going to cabinet tonight. Aiming for more investigation & enforcement, for small quantities, with a fixed penalty of £450. Existing petty littering penalty £75, with enforcement
“Fill It” – pot hole repair programme, with new type filling in process being used (should guarantee the pot holes for a year).Terry, was a lot of criticism of the quality of repairs, new technology cuts cost to 1/3rd, aim to do whole of Thurrock by October. Post meeting (Alan) did holes in my road so quickly I never saw them! Very tidy.
Waste Transport Licences. All businesses must have a waste transport plan & keep records showing compliance for 2 years.
Most rubbish bins in Stanford are overflowing by Monday, more larger bins are being costed.
Middle field festival waste, awaiting collection.
Travellers at The Manorway, goes to court Thursday. Very tidy camp.
5Treasurers Report, Jackie Robe.
War Memorial fund £2160.91;Forum fund £3362.00;
Music festival; final figure not in yet. Fairground, Ice cream etc figures all down due to the downpour & early closure; unsafe to continue. Donations £1520.05
7Forum Publicity, Advertising
D&N Events, family stuff; will try to get for Blackshotts for a week; £6.99 all day.
9Blooming Marvels
Peter, planting all done, just maintenance now.
12Future Projects, Initiatives
Kathy Ottley is keen on another bench, near shrubberies opposite nos 1-2
13 Any Other Business
Music Festival had to stop early; Health & Safety. The stage was flooded, slippery, electric cables, not safe to continue.
Meeting closed 9.15.
Date of next meeting 10th August 7.30PM