Table S1 Sequence information forSugarcane streak mosaic virus and representative species of the family Potyviridae used in the present study
Genus / Virusa / Isolate / Host / Country / GenkBank accession no. / ReferencesPoacevirus / SCSMV / YN-YZ211 / Saccharum spp. hybrids, variety YZ05-211 / China: YachengYunnan / KJ187047 / This study
Poacevirus / SCSMV / HN-YZ49 / Saccharum spp. hybrids, variety YZ05-49 / China: LingaoHainan / KJ187048 / This study
Poacevirus / SCSMV / MAY-Formosa / Saccharum spp. hybrids, variety Formosa / Myanmar: Mongkong / KJ187049 / This study
Poacevirus / SCSMV / PAK / Sugarcane / Pakistan / NC_014037 / Xu et al., 2010 [1]
Poacevirus / SCSMV / ID / Sugarcane / Indonesia / JF488066 / Li et al., 2011 [2]
Poacevirus / SCSMV / JP1 / Sugarcane / Japan / JF488064 / Li et al., 2011 [2]
Poacevirus / SCSMV / JP2 / Sugarcane / Japan / JF488065 / Li et al., 2011 [2]
Poacevirus / SCSMV / TPT / Sugarcane / India / GQ246187 / Direct submission
Poacevirus / SCSMV / IND671 / Saccharum spp. hybrids, varietyCoC 671 / India / JN941985 / Parameswari et al., 2013 [3]
Poacevirus / SCSMV / THA-NP3 / Sugarcane / Thailand / JN163911 / Direct submission
Poacevirus / TriMV / U06-123 / TriticumaestivumL., cv. RonL / USA: Kansas / NC_012799 / Fellers et al., 2009 [4]
Bymovirus / WYMV / JA / Triticumaestivum L. / Japan / NC_002349 / Namba et al., 1998 [5]
Bymovirus / BaYMV / IIa / Barley / Japan / D01091 / Kashiwazaki et al., 1989 [6]
Bymovirus / OMV / UK / Oat / United Kingdom: Kent / NC_004016 / Zhang et al., 2002 [7]
Bymovirus / BaMMV / F / Barley / United Kingdom: Bedfordshire / NC_003483 / Peerenboom et al., 1997 [8]
Tritimovirus / WSMV / Sidney 81 / Triticumaestivum L. / USA / NC_001886 / Stenger et al., 1998 [9]
Tritimovirus / ONMV / NE / Oat / USA / NC_005136 / Stenger et al., 2004 [10]
Tritimovirus / WEqMV / IR / Oat / Iran / NC_009805 / Rastegar et al., 2008 [11]
Tritimovirus / BrSMV / FR / Wheat / France / NC_003501 / Gotzet al., 1995 [12]
Ipomovirus / CVYV / ALM32 / Cucumissativus L. / Spain / NC_006941 / Janssen et al., 2005 [13]
Ipomovirus / SqVYV / FL / Watermelon / USA / NC_010521 / Li et al., 2008 [14]
Ipomovirus / CBSV / KOR6 / Cassava / Tanzania / GU563327 / Mbanzibwaet al., 2011 [15]
Ipomovirus / SPMMV / EA / Nicotianabenthamiana / Peru / NC_003797 / Colinetet al., 1998 [16]
Brambyvirus / BIVY / Ark3 / Blackberry / USA: Chickasaw Arkansas / NC_008558 / Susaimuthuet al., 2008 [17]
Rymovirus / RGMV / DK / Ryegrass / USA / NC_001814 / Direct Submission
Rymovirus / AgMV / ND402 / Agropyronrepens / USA / NC_005903 / French et al., 2005 [18]
Rymovirus / HoMV / PV81 / Barley / Cananda / NC_005904 / French et al., 2005 [18]
Potyvirus / PVY / O / Potato / France / NC_001616 / Robaglia et al., 1989 [19]
Potyvirus / MDMV / BU / Maize / Bulgarian / NC_003377 / Kong & Steinbiss, 1998 [20]
Potyvirus / SrMV / Xiaoshan / Sugarcane / China / NC_004035 / Chen et al., 2002 [21]
Potyvirus / SCMV / HZ / Maize / China / NC_003398 / Chen et al., 2002 [21]
Potyvirus / PenMV / B / Pennisetum / China / NC_007147 / Direct Submission
Potyvirus / CaYSV / UK / Canna / United Kingdom / NC_013261 / Direct Submission
Potyvirus / JGMV / AU / Johnsongrass / Australia / NC_003606 / Gough et al., 1993 [22]
Potyvirus / CSV / DE / Dactylis spp. / Germany / NC_003742 / Goetz et al., 2002 [23]
a Virus abbreviations: SCSMV (Sugarcane streak mosaic virus), TriMV (Triticum mosaic virus), WYMV (Wheat yellow mosaic virus), BaYMV (Barley yellow mosaic virus), OMV (Oat mosaic virus), BaMMV (Barley mild mosaic virus), WSMV (Wheat streak mosaic), ONMV (Oat necrotic mottle virus), WEqMV (Wheat Eqlid mosaic virus), BrSMV (Brome streak mosaic virus), CVYV (Cucumber vein yellowing virus), SqVYV (Squash vein yellowing virus), CBSV (Cassava brown streak virus), SPMMV (Sweet potato mild mottle virus), BIVY (Blackberry virus Y), RGMV (Ryegrass mosaic virus), AgMV (Agropyron mosaic virus), HoMV (Hordeum mosaic virus), PVY (Potato virus Y), MDMV (Maize dwarf mosaic virus), SrMV (Sorghum mosaic virus), SCMV (Sugarcane mosaic virus), PenMV (Pennisetum mosaic virus), CaYSV (Canna yellow streak virus), JGMV (Johnsongrass mosaic virus), and CSV (Cocksfoot streak virus)
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