SAIL Project Scoping Document

SAIL reference number: 0569

High level summary of project proposal

The PRIME Centre is a research centre funded by Health and Care Research Wales with a focus on primary and emergency care. Part of the centre’s remit is developing linked data research with the SAIL Databank. The centre has funding for 1 FTE grade 8 analyst to support this work. The SAIL analyst team has agreed to use this funding to provide the support role.

The primary work undertaken will be supporting PRIME researchers in developing grant proposals and disseminating completed research using linked data in SAIL. This work will involve the following:

  • Answering questions about the data.
  • Checking feasibility, sample sizes, etc.
  • Contributing text about SAIL and SAIL data for bids or papers.
  • Possibly collaborating on a proposal as a co-applicant, or as a co-author on papers where both SAIL and the PRIME researcher agree this would be beneficial.

This work will be undertaken for bothresearchers in Helen Snooks’s group in Swansea University and external researchers within the PRIME Research Centre. All queries will be managed via Ashra Khanom on Helen Snooks’s team. The Swansea PRIME team and SAIL will collaborate on the development of a template to capture information from researchers about their potential projects or requirements.

Half of the post is funded by Swansea University, so a minimum of half of the time will be reserved for the use of her group.

The lead contact for the SAIL team will be Arfon Rees, overseen by Dan Thayer and Caroline Brooks. Various members of the SAIL team will undertake the work, as appropriate.

Ashra and and Arfon will meet monthly to review progress and workload, and ensure goals are being achieved. Time tracking software will be used to log time spent on the project, in line with SAIL Analyst Team usual practice. Arfon will prepare a monthly report on resources allocated to PRIME activities. Full capacity will be defined as 5 hours per day spent on agreed tasks (the rest being overhead toward team management, skill development, etc.), over 221 working days per year. It is expected that the demand will vary over time, based on funding deadlines, etc., so Ashra and Arfon will agree how to manage this appropriately.

In addition, there will be 6-monthly meetings involving senior members of the SAIL and PRIME teams to review the work. A SAIL analyst can also attend PRIME team meetings at the request of PRIME.

In the event that the work supporting proposals or papers does not use all available capacity, how to use this post within SAIL will be agreed between the SAIL analyst team and the Swansea PRIME team. Possibilities include:

  • Contributing to methodological publications about SAIL work.

Support for existing development activities that develop the primary and emergency care datasets as a resource for researchers, including exploration of how to include Welsh Ambulance Service data in the SAIL Databank.

Proposed Project Tasks,Timescale, and Costs

This section sets out the tasks to be undertaken by SAIL team members in support of the project. Timescales for the project are given in elapsed time following notification of IGRP approval

All prices below are exclusive of VAT. Where VAT charges are applicable these will be met by individual projects as an additional cost. If this project is VAT exempt or should be assessed for taxation at a 0% rating, please provide a VAT exemption or declaration certificate - these can be provided by Swansea University on request.

Costing Method:

Project Element / Timescale / Effort (days) / Cost
1 FTE Grade 8 analyst / August 2016-March 2018
Total: / 0

SAIL Team Primary Point of Contact:

Name:Arfon Rees / Email:
Telephone: +44 (0)1792 604 072

For the research team:

Research team Primary Point of Contact:

Name: / Email:


If applying for funding, date on which a decision is expected: ______

Prospective start date of project: ______

Signed on behalf of research project

Signature ______

Name printed in Full ______

Designation ______

Date ______

Signed on behalf of SAIL Team

Signature ______

Name printed in Full ______

Designation ______

Date ______

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