If you have been selected for verification, you will need to submit additional documents such as your (and/or your spouse’s or parent’s) tax return transcript(s). You can request and download your federal tax return transcript(s) from the IRS Online, request your transcripts be sent to you by mail, or contact your local IRS office by using the office Locator at


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  1. Go to Under Tools, select “Get Transcript of My Tax Records.”
  2. Select “Get Transcript Online.”
  3. If you have never set up an IRS Login, read the popup and click “OK”; then click “Get Started.” (If you’ve already created an account, enter your UserID under “Login” and skip to step 9.)
  4. Enter your first name, last name, email address, confirm email address, and then select “Send Email Confirmation Code.”
  5. Retrieve your code by viewing your email account in another browser window or tab. NOTE: If you close the IRS website, you will have to restart the process. The code expires after 30 minutes. Enter your 8-digit code and click “Verify Email Confirmation Code.”
  6. If you filed as “Married Filing Jointly”, the account setup requires the primary tax filer’s (the person who appears in line one of the tax forms) information.

Enter the personal information required. NOTE: Make sure that you enter your address exactly as it reads on

your Tax Return form. At this step, you can choose to sign in as a guest by checking the box at the bottom of the screen or to create an account for future transcripts.

  1. Answer the identity verification questions and click “continue”. If proceeding as a guest, skip to Step 9.
  2. While observing the password and ID rules, create a user ID and Password. Enter a Site Phrase and Image that you will recognize when logging in.

Next, enter challenge questions; these answers will be needed if you forget your password in the future. Select “Continue”.

  1. Once you are logged in and/or your account is setup, select “Higher Education/Student Aid” as the reason for the request. This will guide you to the Return Transcript section. Then, select the appropriate year and download your Return Transcript.
  2. When finished, be sure to securely save or print your IRS tax return transcript and log off of the IRS website.

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  1. Revert back to step 2 and select “Get Transcript by Mail."
  2. Fill in the required fields.
  3. Select “Return Transcript” and then choose the year that you are requesting.


  1. Complete Form 4506T-EZ to order a copy of your Tax Return Transcript by mail. The form can be found on the IRS website:
  1. Fill the form in completely, selecting the appropriate year(s) needed.
  2. Mail or fax the form to the appropriate IRS address (shown on the instructions page of the form.)

You may also be required to submit your W – 2 forms…

If BBCC requested W-2 forms and you are unable to locate some or all of your W-2’s, you can order a W-2 transcript from the IRS.


Follow the instructions above for ordering a tax return transcript online. Once you are logged into your account, be sure to select “Wage & Income Transcript” at the bottom.


You may complete Form 4506-T, selecting the

“W-2 Transcript” Option and mail it to the address indicated on the form. You should receive your transcript within 10 – 14 business days. (Form 4506 avalable at

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