Individual Development Plan

The IDP is a valuable tool that gives trainees the opportunity to address their short term and long term career goals. The NIH has mandated that IDP's be a regular part of training and that institutions encourage trainees to comply with this mandate. The NIH has also mandated that institutions must monitor and track compliance of the IDP. We thank you for your attention to this important matter.

About You

1.  Name

2.  Status (postdoc or Graduate Student)

3.  Department

4.  E-mail Address

5.  Date Submitted

6.  ORC ID (required: details available here:

7.  Total number of publications to date (to be completed by postdocs only)

8.  Total number of first author publications to date (to be completed by postdocs only)

9.  Total number of months of full-time research experience before entering graduate school (to be completed by graduate students only. If you had part-time research experience, please convert to the full time equivalent (e.g., 3 months at half-time =1.5 months of full time experience). Please EXCLUDE experience in labs associated with a course (e.g., organic chemistry class + lab). If you pursued a master's degree, include those months if your activities were primarily research. Exclude those months if your activities were primarily classroom-based.)

Top of Form

Please give a brief overview of your research project and major accomplishments in the past year

1.  Please list your publications this year (Include: Title, all authors, Name of Journal, Year of Publication, Volume, Page #'s. If available, please give PMCID #)

2.  Please list any honors and awards you received this past year (Include any fellowships, grants written and applied for, professional society awards, travel awards (external))

3.  Please list any professional meetings you attended

4.  New areas of research or technical expertise acquired in the past year

5.  Please describe any teaching activity (TA, Sheridan Center, etc.)

6.  Please list committee or other service activity

7.  Any other professional activities or activities with professional relevance that you'd like to list (Community activities, volunteer activities, etc. - should have relevance to your professional goals)

Plans for Next Academic Year

Your goals and objectives for the coming year

1.  Your research project goals (Brief Paragraph)

2.  Anticipated publications (indicate projected titles)

3.  Anticipated meeting or workshop attendance

4.  Fellowship or other funding applications planned

5.  Other Professional Training (Course work, teaching activity)

6.  Please discuss your long term goals

7.  Identify target dates for the duration of your graduate/postdoctoral training

8.  Define specific skills and strengths that you need to develop (based on discussions with your mentor) to help you achieve the long term goals you identified above

9.  Define the approaches to obtain the specific skills and strengths described in the previous question together with anticipated time frames (examples include courses, technical skills, teaching, supervision, conferences, workshops, etc.)