World HistorySyllabus


Fall 2016


World History is a state mandated course required for graduation. This course provides students with a basic foundational knowledge of the events and patterns of development of the world’s civilizations. The course has eight sections that take you from the beginning of civilization, up through the present world. In each area, students are introduced to major concepts and themes concerning that particular aspect of World History.


A. Tests: The course will be divided into five units, which are each made up of several chapters. At the end of each chapter there will be an assessment.

B.Daily and Quizzes: Daily work, worksheets, discussion grades, and quizzes. Most daily grades are 100 points.

C. Projects: Each project counts the same as a test grade.

D. Class Notebook: You are expected to keep a neat orderly notebook for this class. Everything from the notes you take in class to the daily assignments you are given should be kept in this notebook.

Each day there will be an opening assignment on the board of questions to answer or terms to define. You will be required to do this each day. Periodically you will be given a daily grade for completing these assignments.

III.Grading Scheme

The grade for the 18 week semester is determined by the following system:

6 Week Benchmark:5%

12 Week Benchmark:5%


Daily Grades:40%

SGA Test:10%

The semester grade will count as 80% of your final grade and 20% will be from the Final Exam

Example: You have a 92 semester average in Economics, and score 84 on the Final Exam. Your final average is (92*.80) + (84*.20) = 73.6 + 16.8 = 90.4 = 91


Unit 1- Beginnings of Civilization

Unit 2- New Directions in Government and Society

Unit 3- An Age of Exchange and Encounter

Unit 4- Connecting Hemispheres

Unit 5- Absolutism to Revolution

Unit 6- Industrialism and the Race for Empire

Unit 7- The World at War

Unit 8- Perspectives on the Present


Class Notebook


Notebook Paper

Textbook: World History: Patterns of Interaction


WEB PAGE & GRADES: My classroom website can be found through the GCBE website.Assignments and grades will be updated throughout the semester.

LATE AND MAKE UP WORK: It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missed assignments, including tests within three days. You must have a proper excuse to make up missed work. Please check your grade sheet online before asking me about missed assignments.

PLAGIARISM: Any student found guilty of plagiarizing (copying) someone else’s work will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. Plagiarism is any attempt to pass off the work of someone else as your own, whether it is the work of another student or a scholarly source, such as a book or website. This holds true for tests, class work, homework, and projects.

FOOD: Food is not allowed in my classroom until you prove to be responsible enough. Bottled drinks are fine.

RESTROOM/BREAKS: Maximizing instructional time is important to academic achievement. For this reason, students are given limited passes to leave class. If you are not on task and taking care of your classwork, you will not be allowed to leave class that day. There are appropriate times to ask to leave for the restroom – never in the first 15 minutes of class, never during instruction. You may leave for the restroom when you are working on assignments.

EXTRA CREDIT: Opportunities for extra credit include bonus questions on tests, extra points from participation in review games, and extra points for turning in projects in advance.

TESTS: Students, should they choose, will be allowed to retake any tests that they fail one additional time. It is your responsibility to let me know you want to do this and also to remind me you need to take it again. This must be done within three class days of you getting your test back.

LATE TO CLASS: You are expected to be in your seat ready to start when the bell rings. If you are late you must have a signed student pass from another faculty member to be admitted into the classroom. Every three tardies counts as one absence towards the exemption policy.

Cell Phones: They are not to be out during classroom instruction time.There will be times where you will be allowed to use them on assignments. I will start by asking you to put it up. If that doesn’t work, I will take it up for the rest of the class period.

VII.Exemption Policy

Every student at GCHS is able to exempt their final exam so long as them meet the following criteria:

1. 80 or above average

2. No ISS or OSS throughout the semester

3. 3 or less absences in the class

4. Not on the unclear list



  1. Come prepared to work and learn every day.
  1. Respect everyone and everything in the entire class.
  1. Respect the opinions of others and do not interrupt.
  1. Cell phones go away before we start class.
  1. Pens are the preferable writing utensil.
  1. No food items are permitted during instructional times.
  1. Once the bell rings you are to stay in your seat unless otherwise directed.
  1. Stay in your seats until the dismissal bell rings.
  1. Be on time.
  1. No restroom breaks the first 15 minutes of class or during instruction.
  1. Be seated with all necessary materials out and working on the opening activity when the bell rings.
  1. Do not deface school property, including your assigned textbook.
  1. Encourage and support others learning.
  1. Trash goes in the trash cans, not the floor.
  1. Honesty and integrity are expected at all times.
  1. All school rules not already mentioned apply in this class. See your student handbook for clarification.
  1. Consequences of classroom disruption will be handled based on my judgment.

-By signing on the back, you are agreeing to act according to these expectations.


Movie Release Form:

During the course of this semester, we will use a few History Channel documentary series called “Engineering an Empire,” “Mankind: The History of All of Us,”and “The World Wars.” They have no rating and go into details about the various Empires and Civilizations we will be studying during this course.

We will also possibly watch several other videos it time allows:

Kingdom of Heaven: A story about a Christian knight who goes to the Holy Lands to fight Muslims during the

Crusades. Rated R due to the violent war scenes.

The Worst Jobs of the Middle Ages: An episode from a tv series that documents some of the unpleasant jobs people had during the Middle Ages. No Rating

Digging for the Truth: Chinggis Khan: A documentary about the Mongol leader Chinggis Khan. No Rating

By signing below, you are giving your student permission to watch the above mentioned films. If you do not want your student to watch any of the above mentioned films, he or she will be given an alternate assignment to complete.

-I give my student permission to watch any of the above mentioned films in class.

-I have read the syllabus and classroom rules/expectations and agree to follow them in Coach Stephens’ classroom.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______