Chapter Meeting
Thursday January 26, 2012
7:00-8:30 pm
Thompson Room, 3rd Floor
Civic Center
Present: Lorena B. Allyson S. Barbe B. Leslie W. Suzanne P. Jessie B. Ted B. Anne Waddell Maske, Kim K. Casey Burgess, Kim Seabrook. Elia C. Elia L.
Guest: Randy Roy, Sault Search and Rescue
1. Call to order
i. 7:06 pm
2. Review and Acceptance of Minutes of October meeting
Motion to accept the minutes as presented.
Moved: Casey Burgess
Seconded: Barbe B.
All in favour
3. Financial Report
Kim provided financial report highlighting recent donations and expenses.
4. Review of Action Items and Old Business
No action items outstanding
5. News from Provincial Office: Voc Workshop, Regional Meeting, Potential Program
Kim will be attending the “Advancing Vocational Opportunities for Persons with ASD, Feb. 2-3, 2012 in Toronto
Regional Meeting will take place in February. Chapter representation TBD.
Potential Program materials were distributed.
6. Autism Foundation Conference Report: Dr. Ted Luck
7. SEAC Reports
ii. ADSB
1. Casey provided brief report highlighting upcoming essay contest related to inclusion.
2. SEAC Meeting minutes to be distributed via email
8. Sault Search and Rescue: Randy Roy
Presentation on Project Lifesaver
ACTION: Kim to provide letter of support on behalf of chapter for the initiative.
9. Fundraising
a. Dance
i. Great event, fun for all, however didn’t meet fundraising objectives.
b. Donations
i. Donations received in December from City SSM, Pennies from Heaven (St. Mary’s College) and Highland Ford.
c. Tattoos
i. Anipeg Tattoo will be hosting a fundraiser in April. Details to be confirmed.
d. T shirts
i. Autism Ontario T-shirts to be ordered. To be received in February.
e. Magnets
i. Autism Awareness car magnets have been ordered. Awaiting delivery.
f. Battle of the bands
i. Upcoming third party event sponsored by Boc Tu Roc music school. Proceeds to AO chapter. More details to follow.
g. Blues night
i. ACTION: Kim to follow up with Blues Society.
Brainstorming for fundraising events: Chuck-a-puck, Smile Cookies
10. Other business
i. World Autism Awareness Day is April 2nd. Sandra D will approach St. Basil re: having students “Light it Up Blue” (i.e. wear blue clothing) on April 2, for autism awareness.
ii. ACTION: Kim to inquire re: Light it Up Blue at civic center and Memorial tower.
iii. Kim to inquire re: delegation at city council at meeting prior to WAAD
b. Speakers for AGM and upcoming meetings(psychologist, asd consultants school boards)
i. ACTION: Kim to source psychologist to speak at AGM re: upcoming changes to ASD per DSM V
c. DSM 5
i. High level description of upcoming changes to DSM V, re ASD.
d. Best Buddies
i. Casey reported that a peer mentor type of initiative has been launched at Sault College.
e. PRO Grant
i. In partnership with the North Bay chapter our grant application was approved. Awaiting funds deposit. Funds allocated to development of ASD resource library. Input welcome.
11. Date of Next Meeting: February 23, 2012