Organization/School Name: Shiprock High School

Street: P.O. box 3578
City: Shiprock
State: NM
Zip Code: 87420
Contact Person’s Name and Telephone: Cassaundra Siegersma (505) 368-5161
Contact Person’s Title: Science Teacher
Project Title and Brief Description:
The smartboard is an interactive whiteboard that allows students to use it like a computer. The students can highlight notes on the screen, look up information on the internet and project it on the screen, or write their own ideas on the board for other students to interact with during lecture.
Using this technology in the classroom, students are active participants in problem solving and use critical thinking, skills needed to construct and strengthen their learning. To create this environment, the teacher uses technology to drive the curriculum and help students actively explore information. The SMART Board interactive whiteboard is used in the classroom because of its interactivity, kid-friendly design and immediate access to information.
The smartboard is not using technology for technology's sake but rather as a tool that gives the teachers and their students’ flexibility and choice. The board is very visual tool and kids nowadays are very visual. It allows instructor the freedom to get the latest, very best information needed for the kids in a more accessible platform."
Geographic Area to Be Served: Navajo Reservation
Client Group to Be Served and Size of Group: High school students grades 9-12

Anticipated Project Period: to be implemented permanently as part of the curriculum.

Total Educational Project Costs: $ 2500

Amount Requested from PNM: $ 2500

Amount and sources of pledges/commitments to date: $0

Other funding sources (and amounts) applied to for this project: No other funding has been sought yet for this grant. Other moneys will be sought to supplement costs of interactive lab modules, training, and other components needed for effective implementation of this project.
Date: February 11, 2003
Purpose (What will this project specifically accomplish?)
The smartboard will allow students to interact hands on with the science curriculum. With this technology, the instructor will be able to illustrate difficult concepts by accessing the internet on the smartboard and playing interactive video clips that are content related. Also, the instructor will be able to show pictures, discuss current events by displaying the article on the screen, and the students will be able to interact with these activities, which will enhance their learning via tactile stimuli.
Why is this technology better than a chalkboard or a whiteboard? The students will be able to take an active role in their education using this technology. Instead of lecture guided classes, the students will be able to ask questions that can be easily accessed during the class period, thereby directing their own education around the content area. The results will be immediately displayed and then the instructor can elaborate on the subject material, while keeping the student interested in the learning process.
Need (What are the problems that this project will try to solve?)
This project is intended to allow students the freedom to help design their learning experiences around the curriculum. Students can meet components required by the state for each discipline, and can direct and control their own learning of these components, within reason, which will result in active participation of all students. It has been reported in literature many times, that students learn better through hands on activities than through auditory learning. This will provide the opportunity for all students to succeed at learning, while meeting the competencies set forth by the state.
Relevance (Why should PNM support this project?)
It is the responsibility of teachers to educate children so that they can succeed in life. As an instructor, it is important that all kids have their learning needs met, but this requires resources that not all school systems can provide. It is the responsibility of the community to reach out to the students that will one day be employed in this community, and to offer them resources necessary to function in a computer and technologically oriented society. By donating funds to further education, we are improving the quality of the future work force and increasing the desire of students to receive higher education.
Approach (How do you plan to implement this project?)
I plan on mounting the smartboard in front of the class and using it to display PowerPoint presentations, to look up guided questions that are student driven pertaining to the curriculum, and showing the students interactive videos and pictures that are available through macromedia software. This will allow the students to hear concepts being taught, see how the idea works in real life, and then interact on the board itself to reinforce learning.
Support (What kind of local support is there for the project?)
The administrative staff is very supportive of integrating technology into the classroom. With the help of funding for the project, this technology will be implemented immediately and the administrators will support the training necessary to use this technology.
Evaluation (How will you determine that the project is working and that it accomplished its purpose?)
If this technology provides students with visual representations and students interact with the board, then I expect comprehension of subject material to increase, thereby increasing test scores on teacher tests and state mandated tests. I also believe that students understanding of concepts will help bridge on former knowledge to increase knowledge base throughout their learning career.
Our Funds (Specifically, how will our grant be used?)
The grant money received will be used to purchase the interactive smartboard and computer-lab instruction software.
Future Support (How will this project be financed in the future?)
Once the smartboard has been purchased, the school will only have to worry about technological support and maintenance. The online technological support will accommodate any problems and maintenance can be performed on an as needed basis.
Competence (What evidence can you give of the ability of your organization and personnel to implement this project successfully?)
The district currently has training expertise that will be utilized in any situation requiring technical services for the smartboard.
Outside Consultant (Is the campaign for this request under either the direct or indirect supervision or influence of a non-staff contracted fund-raising organization?
If yes, please provide the organization’s name, contact person’s name, mailing address and telephone number:
Describe the amount and conditions for payment to the fund-raising organization names above for all services rendered.
Anything Else (What else would you like us to know about this project or alternative projects?)
This technology will be the basic setup for all science classes under my instruction. With this technology we can implement programs that allow the student and instructor to interface and demonstrate difficult concepts. This system can be used for virtual dissections, microscopy pictures, and interactive tutorials. As we accululate software programs, this system will allow us the freedom in the classroom to instruct students with copious amounts of information available now through technology.