North Dallas High School
Biology/Pre-AP BiologySyllabus
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Instructor: T. Green Prerequisite: Middle-School Science
Course Title: BIOLOGY Credit: ½ each semester / 1 full year
Room: TBD Email Address:
Planning Period: TBD Tutoring: Monday-Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:00 pm;
Friday 8:15 am – 8:45 am
This course will provide a review of the basic terminology, concepts, skills and real worldapplications of biology. New topics such as the scientific process, biomolecules, the cell structure, cellular processes, microorganisms,genetics, DNA replication, gene expression/regulation, evolution, ecology, classification/taxonomy and body systems are studied in depth. This course will give a complete biology background necessary for the success of students in college biology and prepare students for high school chemistry.
Textbook:Glencoe Geometry
Supplies:1. 2 Spiral Notebooks
2. Pens
3. Pencils (#2) 4. Glue Sticks (pkg 3)
5. Ruler 6. Highlighters – at least 3 different colors
7. Pencil Pouch
Extra Credit:Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, Dry Erase Markers (low odor)
Grading Policy:
40% Classwork & Homework25% Tests & Quizzes
20%Projects15%Six Weeks Test
STAAR Biology
Eligible TEKS:Reporting Category 1:Scientific Process; Ecology; Biochemistry
Reporting Category 2:Biochemistry; Cell Structure and Function; Energy Conversion (Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration)
Reporting Category 3: Cell Cycle; Protein Synthesis; ACP Review
Reporting Category 4: Genetics; Evolution and Natural Selection
Reporting Category 5: Viruses and Bacteria; Classification; Plant and Animal Systems
Reporting Category 6: STAAR EOC Review; STAAR BIOLOGY Exam
Strategies:√ Whole Group Instruction√ Manipulatives
√ Individual Instruction√ Educational Technology
√ Paired Instruction/Peer Tutoring√ Real World Applications
√ Small Group Instruction√ Multiple Resources
√ Student and Class Profiling√ Individual/Small Group Exploration
Student √ Projects√ Labs
Activities:√ Computer simulations√ Case Studies
Assessments:√ Oral√ Group√ Informal√ Formative
√ Written√ Individual√ Formal√ Summative
Makeup Policy:Studentsare allowed to make up any missed assignments due to anabsence. The work must be turned in within two (2) days for each missed day after returning to school.
Retest Policy:Students are allowed to retake any failed majorclassroom test (except ACP’s) within five (5) days of the date of receiving the failing grade.
Student √ Enter the classroom before the tardy bell rings.
Expectations/√ Attend class daily.
Standards: √ Maintain a positive and receptive attitude toward learning.
√ Bring all supplies & textbook daily.
√ Maintain an organized notebook.
√ Take care of all personal business before or after class.
√ Respect yourself, your peers and the teacher at all times.
√ Complete all assignments in a timely fashion on or before the due date.
√ Show pride in your work by writing neatly and legibly.
√ Celebrate success!
Classroom √ No talking when others are speaking.
Rules: √ Follow all lab safety rules.
√ Cell phones, IPODs, and other electronic devices are not allowed. (They will be
√ Profanity, lewd remarks and racial slurs are unacceptable.
√ Students must remain seated in class—unless given permission.
North Dallas High School
Geometry Syllabus
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Instructor: T. GreenPrerequisite: Middle School Science
Course Title: BIOLOGY Credit: ½ each semester / 1 full year
Room: TBDEmail Address:
Planning Period: TBD Tutoring: Monday-Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:00 pm;
Friday 8:15 am – 8:45 am
Teacher/Parent Communication
Parent and/or guardian, by signing this syllabus, you are stating that you have discussed the requirements and rules of this class with your student.
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Parent/Guardian Printed Name______
Home ______Cell______Work______
Email ______
Teacher/Student Communication
Student, by signing this syllabus, you are statthat you understand and will comply with all guidelines established for this course.
Padres de familia o tutor: Al firmar este papel, usted esta aceptando que ya discutio los requerimientos y reglas de esta clase con su estudiante y que usted esta de acuerdo.
Student Signature______Class Period ___
Student Printed Name______
Email ______