Internal FormGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Privacy Statement: This application form may be viewed by any Authority manager who may need to fill a non-ongoing vacancy. Any personal details submitted to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Non-Ongoing Employment Register will only be used for the purpose for which they are provided. We will not use your personal details for any other purpose, and will not disclose them, without your consent.
* Denotes a mandatory question
Citizenship StatusPlease note: Under the Public Service Act 1999 s22(8) an Agency Head must not engage, as an APS employee, a person who is not an Australian citizen, unless the Agency Head considers it appropriate to do so.
* What is your current Citizenship Status?
Australian citizen
Australian permanent resident
New Zealand citizen
Unrestricted work visa
Non-holder of current work entitlements
Personal Details
* Last Name: / * Given Name(s):
* Street / * State:
* Town/Suburb:
* Mobile Phone: / Alternate Contact no.:
* Email Address:
Employment Details
* Are you currently employed in the Australian Public Service (APS)? (Yes/No)
If yes, please complete the following:
* Department/Agency Name: / * AGS Number:
* Substantive Classification: / Actual Classification:
* Position Title (substantive):
* Ongoing employee? Yes/No
If you are not a current APS employee, please complete the following:
* Name of Employer:
* Level or Rank (State Govt, ADF): / * Ongoing employee? Yes/No
* Position Title:
Information regarding work levels in the APS may be found here. The Integrated Leadership System outlines the behavioural and skills requirements for each level; this information should be used to carefully select the level that your skills most closely align.
* Please select the level that you believe aligns with your skills:
APS 1 – APS 4
APS 5 – APS 6
EL 1 – EL 2
* Please select your preferences (maximum of 3) in relation to the fields of work you believe are best matched to your skills and experience(enter 1 – 3 in order of preference):
Accounting and Finance / Legal and Parliamentary
Administration / Monitoring and Audit
Communications and Marketing / Organisational Leadership
Compliance and Regulation / People (Human Resources)
Information and Communications Technology / Science
Information and Knowledge Management / Service Delivery
Intelligence / Strategic Policy, Research, Program & Project
Education Details
Qualification (e.g. Diploma) / Qualification Title
Referee Details
* Name: / * Contact No.:
* Position Title: / * Email:
* Name: / * Contact No.:
* Position Title: / * Email:
Diversity Information (collected for statistical purposes only)
* Age group?
16 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44
45 – 54
I choose not to disclose this information
* Do you have a disability?
I choose not to disclose this information
* Do you identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
I choose not to disclose this information
*Are you from a non-English speaking background?
I choose not to disclose this information
Resume & Cover Letter – the application
*Please submit this application form along with your resume and a cover letter. The cover letter should outline your skills and experience in the context of the Integrated Leadership System (ILS). NOTE: The ILS is a comprehensive list of the skills and behaviours a public servant is expected to demonstrate at each level. For this cover letter, there is no need to try and address each skill/behaviour; focus on the key attributes you possess and relevant work experience that will outline your suitability for non-ongoing opportunities.
Cover letters should:
- Be no more than 2 pages
- Use Arial 11 font
- Have margins of at least 2cm
- Focus on demonstrating skills and experience rather than relying on unsupported statements