AutoPLANT P&ID Metric Conversion



Metric Units

Metric Environment “Unit consistency error” or “Primary Repository Units” mismatch

Metric Bubbles


OpenPlant PowerPID components are too small

OpenPlant PowerPID components are too large

Valve insert after conversion does not work correctly

Bubble are too small or too big

I get a Units mismatch dialog error

Component Relationships and Project DB Data does not look correct.

I do not get the Conversion Dialog

Pipeline Annotation does not show correctly


Optional Metric Scaling


OpenPlantPowerPID= OPPID

MicroStation Drawing extension = DGN


AutoCAD Drawing extension = DWG

Metric Units

APPID AutoCAD metric drawings are considered unit less in the MicroStation world. When an APPID DWG is opened in OPPID, the “DWG/DXF Units” dialog is shown:

This dialog allows the user to select a specific type of Units to be set. Currently the conversion requires that Millimeters to be set. This value is set as a default in the OPPowerPID_Metric.pcf file.

#This sets the default unit type for APPID Metric DWG files


To hide this dialog, check the following box

To enable this dialog box, the following must be done.

  1. Start an OPPID session
  2. Select a DWG file type
  3. Select Options button in bottom right of Open Dialog

  1. From the Option buttons, expand the “Advanced” node
  2. From “Advanced” node expand the “Display Units Alert”
  3. Checkbox the “Unspecified Design Center Units”

Metric Environment “Unit consistency error” or “Primary Repository Units” mismatch

Metric Drawing in AutoPLANT P&ID have a MicroStation Master System definition of English.

This causes issues in the OPPID unit matching logic. This logic is accessed when a drawing is initial opened and an AP Database Project is selected. Currently the only way to bypass this check is to add the following variable to the project.pcf (OPPowerPID_Metric.pcf)


Dialogs displayed:

Metric Bubbles

Bubble values may have to be modified, to accomplish this find and edit cfg variables in the OPPowerPID_Metric.pcf

  • Oval bubble elongated length


  • Regular bubble radius



OpenPlantPowerPID components are too small

  • The scale cfg variable was not set in metric workspace project.pcf file.
  • The scale cfg variable needs to be adjusted.
  • The default scale is set too high, try making it smaller.
  • Check the current OPPID workspace. Ensure it is a metric workspace.

OpenPlantPowerPID components are too large

  • The scale cfg variable was not set in metric workspace project.pcf file.
  • The scale cfg variable needs to be adjusted.
  • The default scale is set too low, try making it larger.
  • Check the current OPPID workspace. Ensure it is a metric workspace.

Valve insert after conversion does not work correctly

  • Check the current OPPID workspace. Ensure it is a metric workspace.
  • The valve break size values are stored in the cell schema xml
  • C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerPID (SELECTseries 5)\WorkSpace\Projects\OPPowerPID_Metric\Dataset\cell
  • Valves.cel.sch.ecinstance.xml
  • The scale cfg variable was not set in metric workspace project.pcf file.

Bubble are too small or too big

  • The scale cfg variable needs to be adjusted.
  • Check the current OPPID workspace. Ensure it is a metric workspace.
  • Check the bubble cfg variable in the metric workspace project.pcf file.

I get a Units mismatch dialog error

  • Added the bypass cfg variable to the project.pcf file.
  • The conversion process must be restarted because a Project DB is required.

Component Relationships and Project DB Data does not look correct.

The conversion process requires the AutoPLANT Project DB. If an incorrect Project DB is used, relationships cannot be established correctly. Relationships between components are stored in the Project DB.

  • If Project DB variables are set in the project.pcf, ensure they are correct.
  • AP_PROJECT_ROOT=c:\ProgramData\Bentley\Plant V8i\Bentley Plant V8i Projects\
  • AP_PROJECT_ID=0002
  • If a Project DB is select from the Initialization dialog, ensure it is correct

I do not get the Conversion Dialog

  • Drawing has already been converted
  • Check Bentley.ConversionServices.xml for the AutoPLANT PID conversion class.
  • PromptMode may be turned off
  • PromptMode="false

Pipeline Annotation does not show correctly

  • Reference the document APPID Conversion Pipeline Annotation.docx


The drawing (DWG) should be metric defined. To determine the APPID environment, from the file menu select Preferences->Drawing Modes. The following dialog should be displayed with Units set to Metric:

The drawing parameters will also reflect the scaling. As seen below the Global Scale Factor is set to 12. This indicates all components will be scaled up by 12.

Optional Metric Scaling

Pre-Conversion scaling can be done but is not recommended. If enabled, the entire drawing will be scaled by value in the project.pcf file. This variable goes in the project.pcf file (OPPowerPID_Metric.pcf). The APPID drawing will be scaled depending on this numeric value.


The Grid display is also affected by this. To compensate for this add this cfg variable to the project.pcf. This value sets the GridUnit value