Dear Parents/Carers
Christmas Fayre and Race Night
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the FASA committee led by Emma Wood for their magnificent fund raising efforts in the run up to Christmas. The Christmas Fayre was a fabulous and magical event which was superbly organised. It was lovely to see so many people from the school and the local community supporting our school and I was staggered to hear that the Fayre raised a truly magnificent £2,500 in addition to the Race Night which also raised £2,019. On behalf of all the children and staff at the school I would like to express my sincere thanks to FASA for all they continue to do for the school.
The money raised will be going towards funding a class set of tablets. On Monday an IT technician visited the school to assess the school’s broadband ability to support this. Those of you who live in Amberley will know that the local broadband is far from fast and there will be a delay in purchasing the equipment whilst the internal router infrastructure and Broadband at the school is improved.
Christmas Production
Rehearsals are in full swing for the Christmas production which takes place on Tuesday 15th December at 1:30pm and 6:00pm, with the dress rehearsal on 14th December at 1:30pm; we would ask that if you have pre-school children they are brought to the afternoon performance. There is no charge to attend but instead there will be a collection on the door to help cover costs of scenery/costumes etc. Mrs James (Felicity’s mum) will be filming the dress rehearsal and will be distributing this to parents on CD at very low cost. Parents are asked to bring their child back to school at 5.30pm to prepare for the evening performance.
Christmas Cards
The school will have its internal Christmas Post Box in place from Monday. Please encourage your child to post their cards into the box as the older children enjoy sorting cards and delivering them to classes; it also avoids unwanted envelopes littering the playground.
Christingle Service, St Michael’s Church, 10am
The children will be attending church on Thursday 10th December for a Christingle service. We will leave school at 9:45am to walk to the church and any parents who would like to walk with us are most welcome. Children are asked to bring an orange. All parents and friends are of course welcome to join us for this service and help the children make their Christingles. In the interests of safety, please ensure that children with long hair have it tied back.
Collecting the Stage from St James School
Next Friday we need to get the stage picked up from St James after their Christmas production, ready for our Christmas production. Is there anyone with a large vehicle or trailer who would be able to collect it on Friday morning so that the children can start their on-stage rehearsals here at Amberley on Friday afternoon? Thank you.
Netball Tournament
Last Monday a team of children from year 3 went to Rydon Community College for a Netball taster/tournament with four other STARS schools. Many of the children had not played netball before but they were given a series of excellent skill sessions by Rydon students. They learnt how to pass the ball and were taught basic rules of play. After the coaching there was a mini tournament. Amberley team was fantastic. They worked really well together and managed to win two of their matches and draw two. As a result we came joint first but were awarded first place on goal difference. A big "thank you" to the Rydon year 8 students who helped make the afternoon so successful. Mrs Webb
Lego Club
In the spring term we are hoping to run two after school Lego clubs; one on a Monday for years 1 and 2 and the other on a Wednesday for years 3, 4 and 5. Esther Collins and Cheryl Blundy have kindly offered to run these clubs but we still need another parent volunteer at each club so that they can run smoothly and safely. If youare willing to help and preferably alreadyhave had a school DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check could you please let us know. Many thanks. Mrs Webb
Pantomime and Christmas Lunch, Father Christmas and Parties
The children of St James’ School will be joining Amberley children for a pantomime at school on 16th December; thanks go to the Friends of both schools for jointly funding this Christmas treat. After the pantomime the children will have their Christmas lunch followed by a visit from Father Christmas (only for children who have been good this year) and there will be some party games organised by class teachers in their own classes.
End of Term Carol Service
The children will be finishing the term on Thursday 17th December with a candlelit carol service at St Michael’s Church at 2pm. All are most welcome to join us. The children are asked to be collected from the church by 3pm. All PE kits etc. will come home during the week.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Gilbert
Head Teacher
Lost Property: Child's pinball/bagatelle game (please ask at the Office)
Attached to this email:
Job Advertisement - Clerk to Governors at St Mary's Washington.
Two Week DiaryMonday 7th to Friday 11th December
Morning / Afternoon / After School
Monday / (All clubs finished until the new year)
Tuesday / Mrs Crunden covering all classes at various times
Wednesday / Mrs Artingstall teaching in Acorn Class all day
Thursday / 10am Christingle Service at St Michael's, Amberley
Friday / Mrs Artingstall teaching in all classes at various times
Monday 14th - Friday 18th December
Morning / Afternoon / After School
Monday / Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday / 1.30pm Christmas Performance / 6pm Christmas Performance
Wednesday / Jack & The Beanstalk pantomime in school / Christmas Lunch and a visit from Santa, followed by parties. /
Thursday / 2pm Carol Service at St Michael's, Amberley
Friday / INSET Day - school closed for pupils
Spring Term 2016
Monday 4th January - First day of term
Tuesday 12th January - Holly Class to Brighton Toy Museum
Tuesday 19th January - Holly & Oak Classes to Children's Concert at Chichester Festival Theatre
Friday 12th February 2016 - INSET DAY
St Michael's Church Christmas Events
Carol Service - Sunday 20th December, 6pm
Follow the Star - Thursday 24th December, 3pm from Amberley Square.