Danygraig Primary School

EAP – Emergency Action Plan

Revised version - 27th January 2014

Workplace Details /
Means of Escape / Page
Organisation and Responsibility / 4 / SECTION 7
Fire Fighting Equipment / 12
Means of Raising the Alarm / 5 / SECTION 8
Safety Section Information / 12
Procedures for Fire / 6 / SECTION 9
Site Drawings / 13
Fire Action Notices / 9

Workplace Details

Danygraig Primary School,

Ysgol Street

Port Tennant



Tel: 01792 650946

Key Holders:

Martin Cummins, Caretaker - Tel:

01792 547558 / 07887756556

Nigel Morgan, Headteacher – Tel: (07986140628))

Head-Cleaner: Karen Rees – Tel:

01792 422795 / 07880530819

The City & County of Swansea owns Danygraig Primary School building and the Headteacher and the Education Directorate has managerial responsibility for the facility.

Danygraig Primary School is located on the eastside of the city centre and is a two storey building situated within a number of terraced dwellings. The main activity is the provision of education to children aged 3 – 11 years of age. The school operates two Specialist Teaching Facilities (Moderate to severe learning difficulties) Education is supported by clerical and administration staff.

A detached canteen building is situated away from the main buildings – Main access for public, and for Fire/Emergency services in Bay Street

Trainee staff are often on site. Work contractors are on site at various times.

The school is open during working hours (6.00am – 6.00pm) Monday to Friday.

Cleaners open up at 6.00am and Employees can work until 6.00pm.

School opening times, for children is 8.50 am to 3.20pm, Monday to Friday.

An after-School club (independent of the school) operates 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm Monday to Friday.

A ‘Brownies’ group (independent of the school) operates between 6.00 pm and 8.30 pm on Thursday evenings.

The school is not open during weekends.

Cleaners and the Caretaker work at pre-arranged times during school holidays.

Fire control panel is in the corridor immediately adjacent to door Entrance/Exit 3 (Ysgol Street entrance/Exit)

There is good access for the fire brigade from Jersey Terrace – into the main playground.

The nearest water hydrant for fire fighting is located approximately 20m away from the entrance of the building.

The alarm system is supported by break glass points distributed around the facility.

Disabled access available - First Floor wheelchair ramps at entrance/Exits 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10

The nominated assembly point for the occupants of the premise is in the main lower playground, adjacent to the red metal steps (to upper playground) This area can be evacuated via gateways at – Bay Street (adjacent to the canteen) at Jersey Terrace main gates, via the red metal steps to the upper level playground.

The Nursery class, in room 47, will exit via Entrance/Exit 4. The assembly point is in the Nursery playground in the first instance or (egress) outside the school gate on Ysgol Street.


Organisation and Responsibility for Fire Safety

Headteacher/Premises manager or Deputy Headteacher (in the absence of the Headteacher)

·  Will inform all employees at the facilities of the emergency action plan

·  Will ensure all cleaning employees, trainees, visitors and contractors working at or visiting the facility are informed of the evacuation procedures. Induction procedures for staff and trainees will include Fire Safety and evacuation procedures. (Contractors will also be informed of the presence of Asbestos on the premises – see Asbestos Management procedures and policy)

·  Will oversee all arrangements in respect of fire safety and ensure all emergency procedures are followed.

·  Will delegate their responsibility when necessary e.g. holiday periods (to Caretaker) or in the absence of the Headteacher.

·  Will ensure the facility is covered by a competent “fire duty officer” at all times when the building is open.

·  Will ensure staff who deputise in the role of “duty fire officer” and “assistant duty fire officer” are trained and competent to do so (In this case, The Deputy Headteacher, Mr A Byrne, and Site Caretaker, Mr Martin Cummins are trained in all aspects of Fire Risk Assessment – see training record) All staff will have access to Fire Safety Awareness training – Next training due – 29th November 2013

·  Will ensure master keys are carried at all time.

·  Will ensure the emergency action plan is reviewed at regular intervals.

Caretaker (Mr Cummins)

·  Act as the “duty fire officer

(Or Deputy Headteacher, Mr A Byrne, in the absence of Mr Cummins)

·  Ensure all checks and inspections are carried out on the fire alarm system.

·  Ensure all persons working on system are competent to do so.

·  Ensure all maintenance and inspection checks are carried out and recorded

·  Ensure contractors are informed of Evacuation procedures, and the location of Asbestos.

Duty Fire Officer – Mr M Cummins.

·  Will investigate all fire alarm activations.

·  Will ensure the premises manager is informed of any fire at the facility when practical.

·  Will ensure all fire alarm activations are recorded in the logbook.

·  Will ensure an investigation is carried out following a false alarm or fire.


Means of Raising the Alarm

The means of warning of fire at this facility is an electrical break glass fire alarm system. The fire alarm is clearly audible above background noises in most areas. The call points (break glass) are located in conspicuous places around the facility – see site map

Detection and Audio alarms will be increased and improved during 2014




In the event of fire being discovered the nearest call point should be activated. This will activate the alarm that is audible throughout the facility.

On hearing the alarm, Main Office admin staff, Mrs Pennock, Mrs Lancey or Mrs Griffiths will Phone 999


(i)  Children, the general public, staff and visitors are safe in your doing so.

(ii)  Confident in your abilities

(iii)  Familiar with the fire extinguishers location and operation (and, preferably trained accordingly)

(iv)  You are sure it has the correct extinguishing medium (contents)

(v)  Personal safety is compromised – example, escape route is blocked by fire.


2.1.1 Duty Fire Officer/s – Mr Cummins or Mr Byrne

Fire Alarm Activation Procedures - NB – Main Office Admin staff will phone the Fire Brigade on 999

1.  Check fire control panel to identify location of alarm activation.

2.  Duty fire officer/s to investigate location of activation (unless personal safety is compromised – see below)

3.  Staff investigating activation area must approach location cautiously.

4.  When entering area of activation if heat, smoke or flames are present do not place yourself in any danger. Close doors behind you and leave the building through the nearest fire exit door. Do not enter boiler or electrical switch room.

5.  If smoke or flames are visible through the glass panel in door, do not enter.

6.  Main Office Admin staff, Mrs Pennock, Mrs Lancey or Mrs Griffiths will Telephone the fire brigade, at the very earliest opportunity, through the emergency number 999 - Only tackle the fire if safe and trained to do so.

7.  The fire control panel must not be reset until it is confirmed that there is no fire present.

8.  Return to corridor to reset fire control panel.

9.  Record all alarm activations in log.

10.  2.1.2 Following an Evacuation

Duty Fire Officer – Mr Cummins or Mr Byrne

1.  Check and ensure Admin Office staff have telephoned the fire brigade (see above) through the emergency number 999.

2.  Make your way to the entrance point to meet the fire brigade – Jersey Terrace entrance onto Main Playground. (Or Bay Street for a Canteen emergency)

3.  Ensure information from assembly point is received before the fire brigade arrives.

Assistant Duty Fire Officer (Mr Byrne, Deputy Headteacher)

1.  Make their way to the assembly point to check with Fire Marshals that all staff and visitor have evacuated safely and report their findings to the duty fire officer, and to the Premises Manager/Headteacher.

2.1.3 Post Event (Duty Fire Officer)

1.  Replace (Or arrange for replacement) broken glass in call point.

2.  Isolate area or equipment affected by the fire until an investigation has been under taken.

3.  Log details of incident.

4.  Inform Headteacher/Premises Manager, and corporate health and safety section of incident. (Tel: 635144/635897)

2.1.4 Other relevant persons Duties

Employees/Group leaders

1. All staff/group leaders – Including the Independent After-School Club, and the Danygraig Brownies - to follow site specific evacuation procedures and fire marshal duties.

Receptionist – Mrs Pennock, Mrs Lancey, (Also, see below – Fire Marshalls) On hearing the alarm, phone the Fire Brigade on 999 Then:-

1.  Pick up signing book/visitor’s book.

2.  Check the main office, Physiotherapy room room, stafftoilet, male & female Children’s toilets and Foundation block disabled toilet (in the reception area) to ensure all areas are evacuated.

3.  Help any less able persons to safely evacuate.

4.  Evacuate yourself closing internal doors behind you (if safe to do so.)

5.  Make your way out through the main front door – Entrance Exit 5 and to the assembly point. (Exits 2,3 or 4 as alternatives)

6.  The designated assembly point is the main lower playground.

6.  Inform duty fire officer (Caretaker) or Mr Byrne and/or Headteacher of findings of visitor book check.

7.  Never re-enter the facility until the Senior Fire Officer (SFO) or duty fire officer confirms that it is safe to do

First Floor evacuation – fire marshals – N Morgan (Headteacher office) and Mrs J Griffiths (Administration Office)

1 Ensure all employees evacuate via the stairs to ground floor, and through the doors – Exit 1 for Headteacher’s office, and Exits 2 or 3 for Administration office that lead to the assembly points in the Main or Nursery playgrounds.

2 Ensure help is given to any less- able person to safely evacuate.

3 Check the First floor toilets and other first floor rooms for personnel.

4 Evacuate yourself closing internal and final exit doors behind you (if safe to do so.)

5 Make your way to the designated assembly points which are the Main lower playground (Exits 1 and 2) or Nursery Playground (Exit 3)

6 Inform headteacher, Duty Fire officer or assistant duty fire officer of findings.

7.  Ensure all evacuated persons are injury free and ensure free access for the Fire Brigade.

8.  Never re-enter the facility until the Senior Fire Officer (SFO) or duty fire officer confirms that it is safe to do so.




The means of escape from PCC are displayed on the fire plan drawings atto thi document.

Final Exit Doors

  1. Main entrance doors (final exit 1) are designated as the primary route of escape.
  2. The Fire Exit doors (final exits 2, 3, 4 5) are designated as the secondary route of escape (suitable for wheeled personal transport).



The means of escape from Danygraig Primary School are displayed on the fire plan drawings attached to this document. The Exits are numbered according to the Plan. Numbers are displayed at the Exits.

Exit Routes – NB Alternative escape routes are suggested. If the main and alternative exits are blocked, then staff should use professional judgment, and with best endeavour, find the nearest safe exit, and report to the nearest assembly point


PRIMARY EXIT ROUTES – Exits 1,2,3,4,5,8 and 9 are designated as the primary route of escape from the main school building. (Suitable for wheeled personal transport).

Exits 6 and 7 (Foundation building) are main, non wheel chair exits

Mr Hobb’s/Mrs Tashara’s class, Mr Field’s, Mrs Stark’s classes and occupants of the Computer Suite and Music Room should aim to exit via Exit 1 – as an alternative, cross the main hall and into the corridor adjacent to the Junior Girls toilet. Exit 2 or Exit 3

Fire Marshall – Mr Field will sweep/check the Junior Boys’ and Disabled toilet (If safe) ON THE WAY OUT and report to the Fire Duty Officer (and/or Headteacher)

Mrs Smedley, Mrs Jenkins’ and Mrs Jeremiah’s classes should exit via the new corridor and Exit 2 (Exit 3 or Exit 5 as alternatives)

Fire Marshall – Mrs Jenkins will sweep/check the Junior Girls’ toilet ON THE WAY OUT (if safe to do so)

Mr Byrne’s class should exit from the new corridor and Exit 2 (Exit 3, 4 or 5 as alternatives)

The Nursery class (Mrs Morelli) should exit through Exit 4 (Exits 3 or 2 as alternatives)

Fire Marshall – Mrs Morelli will sweep/check all nursery play areas and the Nursery toilet ON THE WAY OUT (If safe to do so)

NB – after evacuation assembly and Child/personnel check, a message should be sent to the Headteacher. A member of staff should leave at the Ysgol Street gate, turn left into Jersey Terrace, and left again into the main playground (But only if safe to do so – Do not go through the school building or re-enter the building)

Administration Office staff should exit through Exit 5 (Exits 2, 3 or 4 as alternatives)

Fire Marshall – Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Lancey or Mrs Pennock will Phone Fire Brigade on 999, collect Visitors’ Book, and sweep/check the Physiotherapy room, the Infant Boys’, Girls’ Disabled and Staff Toilet (all toilets and Physio room are adjacent) (If safe to do so)

Foundation Building –

Mrs Currenti’s class exit through Exit 6 (Exit 5 or Exit 8 as alternatives)

Magic Room exit through Exit 6 (Exit 5 or Exit 8 as Alternatives)

PPA Room exit through Exit 7 (Exit 5 or Exit 8 as Alternatives)

Mrs Morgan’s class exit through Exit 7 (Exit 5 or Exit 8 as Alternatives)

Staffroom and Mr Curtin’s class exit through Exit 5 (Exits 6 and 8 as alternatives)

Mrs Williams’ class exit through Exit 8 (Exits 5,6 or 7 as alternatives)