Council Minutes 4th July 2011
34.9FleurieuPeninsula Regional Aquatic Centre (Confidential)
Moved Cr Gartrell seconded Cr Walker:
That pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3) (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Governance Officer, General Manager Strategy & Economic Development, General Manager Health & Community Development, General Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design, General Manager Finance & Corporate Services, General Manager Planning & Development, General Manager Engineering Services, Governance Manager and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 34.9 Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Aquatic Centre and the Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report on 34.9 Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Aquatic Centre and associated documentation contains/involves:
(b)information the disclosure of which:
(i)could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and
(ii)would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest
ACF11293Moved Cr Rusby seconded Cr Gardner:
1.That Council agree to an interim extension of term for the current Development Agreement between Candetti Construction Group ,City of Victor Harbor and Alexandrina Council up until 31st July 2011; and
2.That subject to the presentation to this Council on the progress and project scope by Candetti and the in principle agreement of the City of Victor Harbor to renew the joint agreement, this Council will determine to agree to a renewed Development Agreement between Candetti Development Partners, City of Victor Harbor and Alexandrina Council up until 31st January 2012 and that such determination on the matter be made at the Council meeting of August 1st 2011.
34.9Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Aquatic Centre (confidential) (continued)
3.That Council hold a workshop in regards to this matter at 12.30pm on July 18th 2011.
4.That pursuant to Sections 91 (7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 July 2011 in relation to confidential item number 34.9 and titled Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Aquatic Centre and the information by way of a report and any associated attachments thereto remain confidential and not available for public inspection (except for the purposes of advising the project partners) for a period of 12 months or a lesser period as determined by the Chief Executive from the date of this meeting.
5.That Council delegate to the Chief Executive the authority to determine the period of confidentiality for this item.