Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills

High School





Pascack Valley Regional High School District



The health and safety of our staff and students is a primary concern of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. Our safety net is our staff and our students. If we are to maintain the security of our buildings, it becomes incumbent upon all of us to communicate concerns to the administration. To that end, the administration shall adopt procedures for potential crisis management.

The purpose of these emergency response procedures is to ensure that the Pascack Valley Regional High School District is as prepared as possible to respond to and deal with crisis situations if they arise. This will help minimize damage and loss and help the school community return to a normal functioning level as soon as possible by diminishing chaos and confusion. These procedures will provide for the necessary counseling to assist students, staff and community members who are affected by the crisis.


Table of Contents

Active Shooter & Lockdown Procedures 6

Bomb Threat 11

Off-Site Evacuation Procedures 13

Emergency Procedures 15

Fire 16

Accident/Medical Emergencies 17

Gas Leaks 18

Hazardous Material Accident 19

Explosion 20

Sudden Loss of Power/Blackout 21

Area Blocked 21

Weapons in School or on School Property 22

Food Poisoning 23

Auto Accident on Campus 24

Collapse of Structure 24

Hostage 25

Kidnapping 26

Animals 27

Weather- Severe 28

Recovery 30

Public Information 32

Code Red Procedures 34

Tragedy Plan 41

Suicide Procedures 46

Crisis Response Resource 51

School Maps 55

Pascack Valley High School

200 Piermont Road, Hillsdale, NJ



Crisis Intervention Team:

1.  T. DeMaio

2.  J. Puccio

3.  D. Squiccimarri

4.  D. Fallon

5.  S. Hroncich

6.  B. Fahey, E. Schwander

7.  E. Merk, R. Attanasio, D. Macaluso, M. Manning, E. Elisano, C. Rossig, S. Myers

8.  S. Struncis, M. Callanan, L. Taha, T. Henzel, R. Maggiulli, F. Andrisani, J. Kapp

Medical: D. Fallon & S. Hroncich

1.  Remain in Nurse’s Office unless the CIT is assembling

2.  Prepare emergency kit and portable oxygen, if available

3.  Provide student confidential health problem list

4.  Work with EMT, is necessary, upon arrival

Staff/Student Direction:

T. DeMaio

J. Puccio

D. Squiccimarri

Public Relations:

E. Gundersen

Emotional Trauma:

1.  S. Struncis, E. Merk, R. Katz, R. Attanasio, D. Macaluso, M. Manning, E. Elisano, S. Myers, C. Rossig, M. Callanan, L. Taha, T. Henzel, R. Maggiulli, J. Kapp, F. Andrisani

2.  Use the Guidance Office as well as assigned sites for crisis to meet with students

Trouble-Shooting: B. Fahey, E. Schwander

1.  Maintain radio communication with T. DeMaio, J. Puccio, and D. Squiccimarri

2.  Meet and guide emergency units to affected areas

3.  Advise administration of safety issues

4.  Coordinate traffic directions when necessary

Active Shooter/Lockdown:

In the event of an Active Shooter/Lockdown, a school administrator (Incident Commander) will set-up the command post in the Main Office. If the Main Office is not accessible, the alternate command post will be set-up in the Media Center. The IC will also retrieve the administrator’s emergency toolbox.

*Refer to the Lockdown procedures in the Emergency Plan Manual*

Bomb Threat:

Evacuate to the area designated by the police and Crisis Team.

Pascack Hills High School

225 West Grand Ave. and, Montvale, NJ 07645

201-358-7020 x2000


Crisis Intervention Team:

1.  G. deMarrais

2.  T. Wieland

3.  P. Paspalas

4.  R. Welyczko

5.  B. Fahey, J. Morrison

6.  E. Merk, K. Spano, J. Katz, D. Rosko, K. Vargo, G. Mangold

7.  S. Struncis, F. Cherichello, M. Donnelly, E. Franceski, C. Schneider

Medical: R. Welyczko

1.  Remain in Nurse’s Office unless the CIT is assembling

2.  Prepare emergency kit and portable oxygen, if available

3.  Provide student confidential health problem list

4.  Work with EMT, if necessary, upon arrival

Staff/Student Direction

G. deMarrais

T. Wieland

P. Paspalas

Public Relations:

E. Gundersen

Emotional Trauma:

1.  S. Struncis, E. Merk, K. Spano, J. Katz, D. Rosko, K. Vargo, G. Mangold, F. Cherichello, M. Donnelly, E. Franceski, C. Schneider

2.  Use the Guidance Office as well as assigned sites for crisis to meet with students

Trouble-Shooting: B. Fahey, J. Morrison

1.  Maintain radio communication G. deMarrais, T. Wieland & P. Paspalas

2.  Meet and guide emergency units to affected areas

3.  Advise administration of safety issues

4.  Coordinate traffic directions when necessary

Active Shooter / Lockdown:

In the event of an Active Shooter / Lockdown, a school administrator (Incident Commander) will set-up the command post in the General Office. If the General Office is not accessible, the alternate command post will be set-up in the Guidance Office. The IC will also retrieve the administrator’s emergency toolbox.

*Refer to the Lockdown procedures in the Emergency Plan Manual*

Bomb Threat:

Evacuate to the area designated by the police and Crisis Team.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600






1.  Implement a “Lockdown”.

·  Communicate this to staff and students using the school’s predetermined language and communication protocols.

·  Direct staff and students outside the building to move immediately to the evacuation assembly locations and be prepared to evacuate the school site, if necessary.

2.  If Possible, switch school, notification system to manual mode (i.e. bells) Ä

·  If feasible and necessary, deactivate fire alarm pull stations until the appropriate emergency first responder arrives on the scene and assumes the role of incident commander. However, it is vital that all fire sensors are not disengaged during this process.

3.  Direct staff to call 9-1-1 or other phone number previously designated by law enforcement officials. The caller should be prepared to:

·  Describe the situation.

·  Indicate if perpetrator has been identified or isolated.

·  Describe any medical injuries.

4.  Designate a staff member in the general office to monitor communication with classrooms, another person to meet emergency personnel upon their arrival, and someone outside the building to stop pedestrians/vehicles from entering school grounds until emergency first responders arrive.

5.  Allow emergency personnel to control the scene upon their arrival. They will follow their set policies for an active shooter situation.

6.  Ensure that all buses enroute to the school are redirected to the pre-designated alternate location.

7.  DO NOT check the building or attempt to assess the situation.

8.  Follow predetermined communication protocols to contact and advise:

·  Chief School Administrator

·  Parents/guardians

·  Media (check with the incident commander before speaking with the media)

Ä If a fire alarm goes of while you are in lockdown assess the situation before evacuating the building. The alarm may have been set off by the intruder/shooter(s) and an evacuation may place building occupants in harm’s way. Reasons for evacuating a building when a fire alarm sounds during a lockdown may include:

1.  First hand knowledge that there is a fire in the building

2.  A report of smoke or fire in the building from a reliable source

3.  Advice or an order from law enforcement, fire officials, or the incident commander



PRINCIPAL: Make the announcement on the P.A. system.

(Incident Commander) Set up a command post in the General Office.

Alternate command post:

Pascack Valley: Media Center

Pascack Hills: Guidance Office


PRINCIPAL (S): Call police on school phone or cell phone; report to command post.

The caller should:

1.  Give the name and exact location of the school.

2.  Describe the emergency situation and if any of the school occupants have been evacuated.

3.  Provide the following information, if known:

·  The number and a description of the suspect(s) (physical clothing)

·  The suspect(s) identity

·  Type of weapon(s) the suspect(s) have

·  Type, description, location of possible planted explosive devices

Ensure that all buses enroute to the school are redirected to the pre-designated alternate location.


SUPERVISORS Move students to the area behind the serving area and in the back store room.

LIBRARIAN: Lock doors; move students to safety.

(Alternate: LIBRARY STAFF)


OFFICE STAFF: Lock door and safe; move to a safe area.

CUSTODIANS: Lock outside doors.



1. After the situation has been brought under control, the SA or the Incident Commander makes an announcement ending the lockdown or occupants are evacuated by emergency personnel. Occupants of the building may be evacuated to an alternate site for family reunification.

·  Staff evacuates the building using the designated exit routes and alternate routes to the assigned assembly areas, take attendance if practical, and move to the busses for transport.

·  The SA requests the Chief School Administrator activate parent and media notification protocols and direct parents to go to the reunification site.

·  The SA notifies officials at the evacuation assembly locations of the situation and to activate family reunification protocols.

·  The SA requests bus transportation or alternate transportation to the reunification site, if needed.

2. The SA activates the District Crisis Response Team and notifies the area mental health agency to provide counseling and mental health services at the relocation site.

3. The SA debriefs the School Emergency Management Team.

4. In consultation with law enforcement officials the SA determines when the school can resume normal activities and communicates the information to parents and the public.

5. Complete an incident report and conduct a debriefing at the earliest appointment.



When a lockdown announcement is heard:

·  Lock your door. Remain calm. Scan your hallway for unsupervised students. Lock your door immediately thereafter. If you do not have a room key, wedge chair/furniture against the door. Do not walk the hallways in search of the problem. Stay with your students until you receive further instructions. Keep students calm and quiet.

·  Permit no one to leave the classroom. Prepare a list of those present and those out of the room with a pass. Also list anyone else who is in the room, who is not usually in the room that period. Keep this list with you, as it will be necessary to identify “missing students” or possible suspects.

·  Shut off all lights, computer monitors, and televisions in the classroom. Shutting off all interior lights reduces the visibility from an outside source. If you can safely close the shades or blinds without exposing yourself to the outside, do so immediately.

·  Ignore all bells. During a lockdown, the bell system will be disabled ASAP. In the event that the bells cannot be disabled, please disregard all bells until you receive further instructions.

·  Move to safety. Move all your students out of their seats and onto the floor in the safest part of the room, away from all windows and doors. Use any lavatories, large closets, locker rooms, etc. The intent of this directive is to place everyone out of sight of an intruder. If you are not in your classroom at the time of the lockdown, move to the closest empty room or lavatory. Keep everyone together. Do not let any student wander, or leave “to check the status of the school.” In the cafeteria, move to the storage rooms behind the kitchen, and close the door.

·  Instruct students not use their cell phones. Use of the cell phones can interfere with police communication and cause a greater disturbance to the site.

·  Students are allowed to leave the classroom only when an all-clear announcement is given or when directed to move to another location by the police.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600



A threat may come in written form of a letter, writing on the wall or desk, or note. Another method of threat may be a call from the outside. All secretaries have been trained in specific procedures to detect caller’s sex, any accent, background noise, and caller ID. When a threat in any form is received:

1. Notify Montvale Police Department (9-1-1 or 201-391-4600).

2. Notify Superintendent (ext. 21005).

3. Bring administrative team, nurse, and building manager together in the General Office to prepare for evacuation. All unassigned teachers are also to report to the office to assist.

4. Imminent threat: Announcement and evacuation to outside the building, following fire drill routines and routes, unless otherwise indicated.

a. Nurse to bring emergency pack and AED. Nurse will also have the list of students who need immediate supervision or assistance due to health concerns.

b. Administrators to bring emergency information kit and school register.

c. All teachers must bring their attendance roster and orange hallway pass and keep class together while moving to the outside. Teachers should be last out, but then move to the front of their group. Teachers are to report any missing students to the general office. Students are to remain with their teachers throughout the event.

5. Disabled Students/Staff Members

Particular attention will be paid to the needs of the physically handicapped or disabled students. They must evacuate the building, but may need assistance. A record of all students who may need such assistance will be maintained in the nurse’s office.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600



Certain events and/or circumstances may mandate evacuation of students and staff to an off-site location. The decision for such an evacuation would be made by police personnel in charge of the incident, in conjunction with school administration. In general, the following procedures will be followed: