Grandview Antique Tractor & Machinery Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes - 2 - February 27, 2014
Grandview Antique Tractor &
Machinery Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2014
Tom Goltz, President, called the meeting to order with 25 members and quests present. Dolores Barrington won half the $70 in ticket sales. Guests Dan Holveck, Ed, Brandy, Cresson and Kenyon Goltz were introduced.
Adryce Mathisen read the minutes from the January 30, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Milton McCoy and seconded by Don Hestand. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report for February will be presented during the March meeting.
Membership Report
The membership report for February will be presented during the March meeting.
Committee Reports
Jerrell Holveck reported on the plow day that took place 2/15/14 at the Goltz’s place.. Approximately 15 members and 6 tractors participated. Tommy Williams brought his bus and grill and provided burgers and fixin’s. A good time was had by all.
Old Business
Members were reminded that dues are due this month.
New Business
Liability insurance. A motion was made to withhold EDGETA payment until other forms of insurance for the club were researched and reported at the next meeting. Motion made by Charlene Williams, seconded by Rose Goltz.
Seed for Plowed Field. Kenny Carlton volunteered corn seed. Members decided to plant 16 rows of corn and the rest in hay, depending on the price for hay seed.
Safety Officer. Jerrell Holveck requested that someone in addition to him serve as the safety officer for the upcoming tractor show. Tom Poteet and Gary Holveck volunteered.
Needs to be updated. Adryce Mathisen indicated that she would do so.
Upcoming Events
Granbury Fly Wheelers, March 1,,2014 Granbury Park
General Pat Cleburne Celebration, April 12, 2014
John Percifield mentioned that a Museum of the American Indian was being built in Cleburne to house artifacts donated by Big Bear.
May 2014 GATMC Show
Location. Ball field east of I-35. Grandview Bank has given us permission to level the ground and mow the show area. Tommy Williams requested that we set up a work day. No date has been set for the work day.
Flyers - to go in local businesses and to send to other clubs. Charlene Williams volunteered to create these.
Event Signs – to direct people to the event. Terry Jackson volunteered to make the signs. Charlene motioned that the club pay for the plywood, John Holman seconded the motion.
Newspaper Ad- Motion was made to place a free add in the Grandview paper by Millie Holveck. Charlene seconded the motion.
Charlene volunteered to check on getting signs to acknowledge sponsors
Donations A Black and Decker drill has been donated by Home Depot (T. Williams). Raffle tickets to be drawn every hour.
Concessions. Charlene nominated Rose to be in charge of the concessions, Terry Jackson seconded.
Tractor Show Activities
Awards for tractors in show, best restored, best original, most distance traveled.
Awards for kiddie tractor pull, all kids get award. Everett has the pulling sled
Awards will be ribbons, motion made by Terry Jackson, Rose Goltz.
Tractor games – to be managed by Gary Holveck, motion made by Charlene Williams, seconded by Tommy Williams.
Parade through town at 1:00, motion made by Charlene Williams, seconded by Terry Jackson.
Show buttons, hats and Tshirts
A motion was made by Tommy Williams to use the buttons we have, seconded by Tommie Poteet.
Hats and t-shirts are Rose Goltz’s house.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business, Dolores Barrington made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Donnie Allen. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Submitted by
Adryce Mathisen
GATMC Secretary
Approved: ______, 2014