Guidelines for the Best Higher Degree byResearch StudentPublication
The ‘Best HDR Student Publication’ is an initiative of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). Awards will be made to students selected by each College. The value of each award will be $1,000.
The first author of the publicationmust be a Flinders University student, who has not previously won the Award, and whomeets the following conditions:
- The student must currently be enrolled in a Higher Degree byResearch at Flinders University.
- The publicationmust be published in the current year or year before, and must have Flinders University as the author’s affiliation
- Peer reviewed journal articles, refereed conference papers, book chapters only (not reviews) and book will be accepted.
- The student must only submit one publication for an award each year.
- Students should submit one publicationto their Dean (Research):
- Medicine and Public Health: Professor Ross McKinnon
- Nursing and Health Sciences: Professor Jennifer Tieman
- Science and Engineering: Professor Karen Reynolds
- Education, Psychology and Social Work: Professor Mike Nicholls
- Business, Government and Law: Associate Professor Gerry Redmond
- Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences: Professor Claire Smith
- Each College will establish its own internal deadline for submissions.
- Each submitted publicationwill be reviewed according to a general review process (judging criteria below).
- Each Collegewill select its winners.
- Winners will be submitted by the College to the Dean of Graduate Researchon or before 2 December each year.
- The Dean of Graduate Research will award the ‘Best RHD Student Publication’at an appropriate celebration.
Applicants should submit the following for review by the College:
- Copy of the publication.
- Month the research output was published.
- A justification of why the publication is important.
- Number of citations.
- Impact Factor of the journal orrefereed conference paper.
- Ranking of the journal in their field.
- For multi-authored publications, the relative contribution of each of the authors to the publication (% for the following components: research design; data collection and analysis; and writing and editing.
- A letter of support from the Supervisor that includes additional evidence about the importance of the publication specific to the field of study.
Judging Criteria
- Does the publicationmake a significant original contribution to the field of study?
- Are methodology, research, evidence and conclusions used appropriately and described clearly?
- Is the writing of high quality and the publicationwell presented?
- Is the publicationin a quality journal, book or equivalent?
- Each award is to the value of $1,000, payable to the student via electronic funds transfer.
- Oneaward will be available to the Collegesof:
Medicine and Public Health,
Nursing and Health Sciences
Education, Psychology and Social Work
Business, Government and Law
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Two awards to the Collegeof Science and Engineering
(This ratioisproportional to the numbers of HDR students in the College of Science and Engineering).
Office of the DVC-R and Office of Graduate Research
September 2017