
Regular………………...$ 13,361.81

Maintenance……….….$ 50.00

Ash Wednesday……....$ 3,885.21

Black & Indian Mission $ 2,614.00

Solemnity of Mary…….$ 1.00

Cath. School Tuition….$ 50.00

Food Pantry…………...$ 105.00

Coffee & Donuts………$ 17.12

Sharing your faith.…….$ 5.00

Total……………….…...$ 20,089.39

Building Fund……...... $ 1,995.00

Capital Campaign……$ 100.00

Total……………………$ 2,095.00


Friday March 2, is First Friday of the month, andAdoration will continue after the 8:00am Mass until7:00pm.

We ask you to please come before the Blessed Sacrament for at least one hour to pray for peace in our country, our families and our world.


Today’s readings tell us about the necessity of suffering in our lives. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac whom he had got in his old age. It was a painful decision for Abraham. St. Paul, in his letter to the Romans, tells us that God did not spare his own son to save us all. The Gospel tells us that the Apostles had a vision of the glory of Jesus in his transfiguration so that when they see Jesus rejected and killed, they would not be scandalized. It tells us that God allows us to go through crisis after crisis to test our faith. During the Lenten Mission we will have opportunities to listen to God who deals with us in our life. This is a chance to understand His love for us for us, even though we face sufferings, in different areas of our life

Las Lecturas de hoy noshablan de la necesidad de sufrirennuestrasvidas. Se le pidióa Abraham que sacrificara a suhijo Isaac quienle habíallegadoensuvejez. Fuéunadecisión dolorosa para Abraham. San Pablo, ensu carta a losRomanos, nos dice que Dios no perdonó a supropiohijo, para que nossalvara a todos. El Evangelionos dice que losApóstolesteníanunavisión, de la gloria de Jesús, ensutransfiguración para que cuandovieran a Jesús rechazado y asesinado, no se escandalizaran. Nos dice que Dios nospermitepasarpor la crisis después de la crisis para probarnuestrafe. Durante la MisiónCuaresmaltendremos la oportunidad de escuchar a Dios que se ocupa de nosotrosennuestravida. Estaesunaoportunidad para entendersuamorpornosotros, a pesar de que nosenfrentamos a sufrimientos, endiferentesáreas de nuestravida.


Friday, March 2is the Third Friday of Lent

There will be Stations of the Cross in English at 6:00pm

and a Meatless meal, provided The Youth Group

El Viernes, 2 de Marzo, esel TercerViernes de Cuaresmahabráestaciones de la Cruz enInglés a las 6:00pm seguidasporuna comida sin carne, proporcionadaporEl GrupoJunvenilen el Salón Parroquial.

Estaciones de la Cruz, o Via-Crucis enEspañol a las 7:30pm


There is Fast and Abstinence on Fridays of Lent.

All Catholics 14-59 are obliged to fast on and abstain from meat onFridays during Lent.

Todoslos Viernes durante la Cuaresma son losdiasenloscualestoda persona Catolicade 14-59 años de edad, debenguardarayuno y abstenersetotalmente de carne y sopao salsas hechas de carnes.

February 23 – St. PolycarpBishop of Smyrna, Asia-Minor. Plolycarp was a disciple of the apostle St. John and a friend of St. Ignatius of Antioch. He faithfully cared for his flock despite being surrounded by pagans a government opposed to his religion. Before he was martyred, he thanked God for making him worthy of a martyr’s death.

There will be a Parish Mission during Lent.

Speaker Pedro Moreno, O.P.will give the Mission on February 27, 28 and March 1.

Mission talk in English at 6:30-7:30pm

Mission talk in Spanish 8:30pm-9:30pm

He will speak to the Youth March 4, at 10am


Pedro Moreno O.P.

February 27, 28, March 1st -- 9:00am.


The Rosary shall be a powerful army against Hell.

It will destroy vice, decrease sin,

and destroy heresies.

It will cause good works to flourish;

it will withdraw the hearts of men

from the love of the world and its vanities,

and will lift them to the desire of eternal things.

Please join us every Tuesday 7:00pm to pray the Rosary in the Chapelin order to increase our relationship with Jesus through the Virgin Mary. We pray not only for the worldwide Church, but also for our parish of St. Thomas the Apostle.

Fishers of Men: Take Up your Cross and Follow Jesus

Saturday, April 21 7:00 am- 5:00pm.

Good Shepherd Catholic Community 1000 Tinker Rd.

Colleyville, TX 76134. Register Now: or 866-826-3640 for more information.


Faith in God is not a passive virtue resting in the background of our lives.

Belief and love for God compels us to an active life or serving, sharing and living our faith daily.

Embrace excellence. All that we do becomes prayer when we give our employers, communities, neighborhoods and families our best abilities in God’s name.

Celebrate the Eucharist. No Catholic life is complete without weekly Mass attendance. Do what is necessary so you can receive Communion.

Become Family. Register in your parish and look for ways to get involved in parish ministry, such as lecturing, ushering, singing, or becoming a Eucharistic Minister.

Forgive often. Learn to practice this critical skill and to ask for it when needed.

Be Joyful. Scripture comfort us with the assurance that God will not rest until we find our way home to him. Reject earthly worry and live with joy God is in control.

Lent is a time of Reconciliation and healing.

Let us bring our brokenness and sin to God and heal our relationship with Him and with one another.

The following is the schedule for the parish Lenten Penance Service: March 15, at 7:00pm

To all the parents with children in our CCD, RCIC and Sacramental Preparation programs:

Please make sure you get to know and talk to your child’s catechists on a regular basis. We want to also remind you to be familiar with the program they are in and/the sacraments they are about to receive.

That not only shows your responsibility towards your child and the catechists, but also one of the first steps to actively build an appropriate environment for your child’s spiritual formation to grow and consolidate.

Thanks for choosing us to be a key part in your child’s spiritual formation. Let’s keep praying for each other. We all are part of this team committed to our children’s spiritual and religious formation.

Calling all 9th – 12th graders:

We will be having an informational meeting for our Spirit Team on February 28th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the Parish Hall.

You will be able to sign up to lead our Middle School Youth Group, Retreats, and/or Prayer Teams.

If you have any questions, please contact KC Snow at

God bless, and hope to see you there!

“And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Let the Holy Spirit acknowledge and increase our love for our spouses while we participate in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter WWME) weekend on April 13-15, Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: . For more information e-mail or call 469-444-0904.