Posting the Position
Posting the Position / o  Internal Posting Only
External Posting
o  Reposting
Creating a Job Posting
Guidelines / If creating a job opening for a position, updates to the position must be completed prior to this step. Refer to the Maintain Positions Guide (change, update, create new position in GEMS) or call your HR Recruiting Consultant.
Resources / Classification & Compensation Guidelines
Diversity, Inclusion & Equal Opportunity Recruiting
GEMS Recruiting Training Guide
Maintain Positions Guide (change, update, create new position in GEMS)
Temporary Job Codes & Descriptions

Internal Posting Only

1. The internal posting procedure is designed to provide hiring authorities with the ability to focus their recruitment and selection efforts for Administration and Staff positions first within USF to identify high quality employees in search of career development and/or advancement opportunities. Some of the guiding principles are:

·  To always hire the best candidate (internal or external) for the position.

·  To develop and retain a high quality, diverse workforce.

·  To identify reassignment and promotional opportunities at USF.

·  To support employees in exploring and pursuing career mobility options within USF.

·  To encourage and support employees in reaching their full potential by developing their abilities, building skills and mastering the competencies of a 21st century workforce.

2. Candidates for internal recruitment opportunities:

·  Must meet the posted minimum qualifications for the vacant position.

·  Should have been in his/her current position for a minimum of six (6) months. Any exceptions should be reviewed by Human Resources. Contact Human Resources for more information.

·  Must not have received any discipline within the past six (6) months (excludes counseling and oral reprimands).

·  May not have a substandard performance evaluation in effect at the time of application except as approved by Human Resources.

3. Hiring authorities have the option to do one of the following:

·  Post the Administration or Staff position internally only (open only to current USF employees). Any individual currently appointed as a Temporary (formerly OPS) employee is considered an external candidate and may not apply for positions posted for internal candidates only; or

·  Post the Administration or Staff position internally and externally simultaneously (thereby creating an applicant pool consisting of both internal and external candidates).

To complete the job posting for internal recruitment, the hiring authority must designate on the Job Posting Details whether the position will be posted internally only or internally and externally simultaneously.

External Posting

1. As discussed earlier, the hiring department may choose either to post internally only (open to current USF employees) or to post both internally and externally at the same time. In keeping with the university’s equal access and equal opportunity employment practices, all Administration and Staff vacancies must be posted, unless an exception is granted. Exceptions to the posting requirement must be approved by the Diversity, Inclusion & Equal Opportunity Office (DIEO) via the DIEO waiver process. For more information, contact Human Resources or go to the DIEO website

·  Complete the Job Posting Details section in Careers@USF, and indicate if the position will be posted internally only or both internally and externally.

PLEASE NOTE: A national print advertisement is required for Faculty/Administrative vacancies (teaching or non-teaching) where international persons may be hired and the department wishes to sponsor that employee for permanent residency under the category of "Special Handling." The PR application, under "Special Handling," must be made within 18 months of the job offer. An acceptable print advertisement is one that is placed in a national professional journal, clearly states the position title, duties, and minimum job requirements.

·  Indicate the application deadline

·  All positions must be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days. The hiring authority may choose to post for a longer duration from the start or to re-post the position upon the expiration of the initial seven (7) days.

·  In order to generate a sufficient and diverse applicant pool, the hiring authority may choose “open until filled” in lieu of a deadline date. In such cases, the posting will be open for the minimum seven (7) days and will remain open until the hiring manager and/or recruiter believes a sufficient applicant pool has been established.

·  Staff positions designated as “time-limited” must be posted as such. Time-limited positions are those positions funded by a contract/grant or an auxiliary fund for a temporary and specified period of time.

• Positions that are anticipated to be or have been verified by Human Resources as high turnover or difficult to fill may be posted continuously as “Open (Continuous Advertisement)” on the Job Posting Details.

2. All Administrative positions will be advertised with a minimum starting salary to "negotiable." (Example, $45,000 to negotiable.) All Staff positions will be advertised with a minimum starting salary or a small salary range. (Example, $30,000 - $34,000). Only candidates that have exceptional qualifications (i.e., qualifications exceeding what was listed in the advertisement) may be eligible for the higher end of the salary range for Staff positions.

3. A position must be re-posted in the same location for at least seven (7) calendar days if any of the following conditions of employment are modified:

• Salary;
• Required minimum qualifications;
• Percentage of the appointment (Full Time Equivalent/FTE); and/or
• Application deadline.

4. If the initial posting does not generate an appropriate applicant pool, the hiring authority should consider additional locations to publicize the position opening such as advertising in the Chronicle of Higher Education and other publications.

Contact Human Resources for assistance in developing and designing an effective recruitment strategy.

Creating a Job Posting

Log into GEMS /
Main Menu
Create Job Opening /
Primary Job Opening Information
Job Family
(click hour glass to look up) /
*Your choice will determine the job description and the application the applicant completes.
*Positioned Job Families, ADM, EXC, FAC, STF, UPD, require updates to the position profile before creating job opening.
-Updates must be approved by respective department and HR.
-Job opening cannot be created before updating the position profile (see
Maintain Positions Guide to change, update, create new position in GEMS).
Choose the Job Family
Enter Position Number /
*If this is a positioned opening, once position is entered and you tab out of the field, system will auto populate remaining fields.

Temporary Job Opening /
Enter the Job Family, Department, and Job Code, Recruiting Location. Job Posting Title will auto-populate.
Complete Hiring Team Tab (if applicable)
Add Interviewers
Add Interested Party (if applicable) /
Complete Job Postings Tab / To add job postings to this add, click Job Postings.

Click the ‘Add Job Postings’ Tab

Add Posting Descriptions & Posting Destinations /

Select the Posting Destinations
Submit for Approval
/ The Job Postings Destinations lets you choose where to post your job.

Approve Opening

The Job is now posted!

Rev 5/2017 / / 1