Course Syllabus – 2016-2017 school year
Dave Jessen ()
Course Overview
Economics is the study of how various people and groups make decisions based on scarce resources. Economics has direct relevance. It is the study of everyday “us”. That said, the study of Economics will include individual and group decision-making, the impact of policies on the economy and the balance between resources and needs. It is a required course necessary for graduation, but more so, it is probably the most relevant course to your life you will take.
Teaching Philosophies
1 This classroom is a “drama-free”, safe learning environment; we will leave the outside world outside, and treat all members of the classroom community with respect.
2. Learning is not a spectator sport, and no one learns anything of value without meaningful and respectful discourse. Worksheets do not grow intelligence.
3. Learning (developing wisdom, intellectuality, and capacity) is enhanced by pushing the limits of what we believe we can do….we lift increasingly heavy weights to get stronger, otherwise we stay where we are.
General Course Goals
By the end of this course, it is expected that all students…
- Will develop their capacity to read and analyze more complex documents, and respond to a question/prompt in a thoughtful, logical manner.
- Will have enhanced their ability to think critically in all scenarios and disciplines, even those with which they are not familiar;
- Will be able to make connections between concepts, and present day circumstances;
- Will develop a sense of awareness, acceptance, respect and empathy for diverse perspectives, opinions and cultures…
Grading Procedures
- The grade for the course is derived using the point system. Each assignment has an assigned point value, while students earn a certain number of points. The total points earned divided by points possible becomes the course grade. The grade will not be adjusted upward, and will never be adjusted downward.
- Assessments are typically worth 50 - 100 points per assessment, dependent on the length. Assessments will be comprised of a combination of multiple choice questions, completion, short answer, and constructed response questions. This includes quizzes (40 percent of course grade)
- Focus Questions/Exit responses are worth 5 points per day. Written responses to content, texts or images will be required; these will always be assessed, and feedback provided. (Approximately 10%)
- Classroom assignmentsand activities may be graded individually or as a group effort. Many of these are used to determine the extent of understanding of concepts and content within the course. They are all required, and assess classroom participation.(Approximately 20%)
- DBQs shall be worth 100 points for document analysis and 100 points for the paper.Other projects will have other appropriate assigned values. All students will be expected to complete document analysis and a written position paper once per grading period.(Approximately 30%)
- There are no homework assignments in this course. Learning and effort is expected within the classroom on a daily basis.
- Participation in class activities is expected at ALL times (Learning is not a spectator sport). I do not give participation grades. It is simply expected of a functional high school student.
New Universal Grading Guidelines
South Carolina changed to the 10 point scale for grading. This means that A = 90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, and D=60-69. Since 60 is now a passing grade, expectations for doing creditable work will be increased.
Missing and Late Assignment Policy
All late assignments (except those due to excused absences) will carry a 30% penalty (no matter how late – one hour is the same as one day, is the same as one week), and will be accepted only until the eighth week of each marking period. No assignment will be accepted after that point.
Attendance Policies
- State law requires that students complete 120 seat hours in a classroom setting to gain a full high school credit (60 for this course). Any days missed in excess of 3 must be made up through seat time recovery.
- No course assignments will be excused for absences. They are required elements of your grade.
- Work missed due to an excused absence will not be assessed a late penalty (including OSS/ISS)
- Field trips are not rights; they are earned privileges. School policy states that students who are not in good standing may be denied permission to participate in school activities. I rarely deny permission. You are, however, responsible for any work missed.
Extra Credit Policy
- Extra credit “work” is never assigned by this particular teacher. Please do not request any. Complete the work assigned, even if you must submit it late.
Class Materials
Students in an academic environment are expected to be prepared on a daily basis; in this class, it means retrieving your learning journal upon entry into the classroom, and coming with a writing implement.
- Three ring binder (provided, and left within the classroom) for use as a learning log, and learning journal; notes will be taken according to a method prescribed by the teacher.
- Handouts and returned work will be kept, and organized within the binder
- Entry/Exit responses will be completed in a separate section.
- Ablue or black pen, or mechanical pencil; tests are to be taken in pen. Learning journal entries may be written in pen or pencil, though pen is preferred. Students are expected to bring writing implements.
Plagiarism Policies
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s ideas, words or creations without giving due credit to that person. Plagiarism also includes cheating on tests and homework assignments. Plagiarism recognizes no distinction between accidental and non-accidental copying.
- All students are expected to complete tests and written assignments on their own.
- Any student who plagiarizes or cheats will receive a zero for the assignment, and will not be permitted to make up the assignment, no matter what request is made.
Contact and Communication
- Parents may access grade information at any point during the course using the Parent Portal PowerSchool)
- Parents will receive a formal grade reports at interims (halfway point of each quarter), and at the end of each grading period (report cards)
- Parent-Teacher conferences can be scheduled by calling the main office at 745-7140.
- Parents may email me for missing assignments or information regarding their child.
Procedures and Guidelines – Jessen 1