
Minutes of a meeting of Ottery St Mary Town Council Planning Committee

held in the Council Offices, The Old Convent, Ottery St Mary on
Monday 30th June 2014 at 7pm

Present: Chairman: Councillor Carter

Councillors: Dobson, Holmes, Talbot, Hansford, Watmore, Bartlett and Bailey.

Together with the Deputy Clerk


At the start of the Meeting Councillor Holmes asked the Chairman and the Committee if they would mind if he did a “trial” recording of the meeting for 5 minutes to ascertain sound and costing for the future. This was agreed.

1.  P/14/06/32

To receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors Thurgood, Giles, Mitchell, Pang and L. Harding.

2.  P/14/06/33

To receive Declarations of Interest and requests for new Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) Dispensations for items on the Agenda

Councillor Hansford declared a DPI in Application 14/1424/AGR as he rents land from the Applicant.


Councillor Talbot declared a Personal Interest in Applicant 14/1348/FUL and would not be voting as she is known to the Applicant.

3.  P/14/06/35

Reports, Correspondence and Items referred to the Committee

The Chairman Councillor Carter, read reply correspondence received from Councillor Parr. This was in connection with Corner Croft, Lower Broad Oak Road, West Hill –(Application 14/0454/FUL) regarding mis-recording of tree diameters and root protection areas. It was agreed to respond to Cllr Parr thanking her and asking if this application had been amended to reflect the new measurements.


Amended Plans 14/0262/RES Land Adjacent Greytops (Cooper Court) West Hill Road, West Hill. (Amended plans showing repositioned plot, revised design for Plot 4 and additional information regarding insurance in relation to trees.). It was agreed that because plans had not been scanned on the EDDC Portal and comments were required 14 days after only been received on the 24th June into the office this could not be commented on.


Councillor Dobson would contact the Ward District Councillor and request an extension given the circumstances so this could be put on the agenda for the next planning meeting. This was agreed.

4.  P/14/06/37

Planning Decisions Received

13/2633/LBC – Cadhay House Cadhay, Ottery St Mary EX11 1QT Granted **

13/2632/FUL – Cadhay House, Cadhay, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1QT Granted **

14/0242/VAR – The Cottage, Fenny Bridges, Honiton, EX14 3BH Refusal **

14/0160/FUL – Land To Rear of Crantock, West Hill, EX11 1TU Granted **

14/1103/PMB – Slade Farm, Slade Rd, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1QN Refused**

13/1809/MOUT –Land North of Eastfield, West Hill. Granted **

14/1306/FUL -5 Broadoak Close, West Hill, Ottery, EX11 1XW Granted

Town Council applications with a ** do not agree with East Devon District Council decisions.


5. To confirm the Planning Committee Minutes of the 4th June and 16th June 2014

The Minutes of the 4th June and 16th June 2014 were agreed as accurate minutes.


The Chairman sought and received permission to bring forward applications 14/1348/FUL, 14/0835/FUL and 14/1406/OUT to allow members of the public present to speak on these applications.


6. To consider and determine observations on the following Planning Applications

The Manager of 20 years spoke on the application 14/1348/FUL points raised:

·  Planning permission was granted in 2011 completed in 2013.

·  There had been no major problems although occasional shooting by travellers next to the fishing pond.

·  The dogs are not noisy only occasionally when fed and there had only ever been one complaint.

·  A separate log cabin is needed as a night watchman has to be on site 24 hours a day also by having this cabin this would eliminate problems staff have getting in when flooding in this area.

Reference Applicant Details

1)  14/1348/FUL Scott Construction of log cabin style

building to provide overnight

accommodation & additional staff

welfare facilities


Animal Rescue Centre, Chineway Road, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1PL

The Planning Committee fully supports this application

2)  14/1255/FUL Shaw Construction of single storey side


5 Higher Ridgeway, Ottery St Mary EX11 1TH

The Planning Committee has no objection to this application

3)  14/1402/FUL Prettejohn Construction of single storey side &

rear extension

1 Chineway Gardens,

Ottery St Mary, EX11 1JG

The Planning Committee supports this application

4)  14/1416/FUL Bebber Removal of existing extension &

Construction of single storey annexe extension, reconstruction of 2no chimneys & alterations to existing vehicular access

Ridgeway House, Ridgeway, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1DT

The Planning Committee supports this application but would like the Annex kept as part of the main house.

A member of the public spoke on Application 14/0835/FUL saying the technical report on the Groundwater Abstraction Risk Assessment did little to substantiate the lack of support for this application.

5)  14/0835/FUL Peninsula A M E ND E D P L A N S

Properties Ltd Amendments relate to Ground Water Risk Assessment submitted

Pump House, Chineway Road,

Ottery St Mary

The Planning Committee unanimously did not support this amendment and wish to reiterate their previous comments.

6)  14/1403/FUL Batten Removal of existing porch and

Construction of replacement
enlarged porch and lobby


47 Slade Close, Ottery EX11 1SX

The Planning Committee supports this application.

Councillor Hansford left the Chamber at 8.11pm having declared a DPI

7)  14/1424/AGR Thistlewayte Construction of track

Land West of Cadhay Lane

(Cadhay Wood & Sandpit Copse)

Ottery St Mary

The Planning Committee had no objection to this application

Councillor Hansford returned to the Chamber at 8.17pm

8)  14/1448/FUL Grant Construction of single storey front extension

14 Warren Park, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TN

The Planning Committee was unanimous in supporting this application

·  The Applicant spoke regarding her application stating incorrect information had been placed on the EDDC planning portal. This had been taken up with the Planning Officer and subsequently removed. The Tree Officer had been in touch and they were proposing to plant 6 trees to off balance the 2 trees that would have to be removed.

9)  14/1406/OUT Pyne Demolition of existing bungalow & construction of replacement two storey dwelling & additional

bungalow (outline application

reserving all detailed matters)

Site Of Little Field Toadpit Lane,

West Hill.

The Planning Committee supports this application but would be subject to the EDDC Tree Officers’ recommendations


7)  To Receive Councillors’ Questions relating to Planning Matters
Councillor Dobson told the Committee he had heard from the owner of the Ottermill Switchgear site and the hold up for commencement of this development was due to the Section 106 agreement not being signed off at present. He was reassured once this was done works on the factory site would commence.


Councillor Carter asked about progress on the Salston Manor. Councillor Dobson said paperwork still required being “signed off” before this development could commence.

The meeting closed at 8.25pm

The date of the next meeting of the Ottery St Mary Planning Committee is on Monday 14th July 2014 at 7pm in the Council Offices.

Mayor’s initials ……………………..