Corporate Services Manager

(Assistant Principal Officer - Higher)


The National Disability Authority is a statutory body with responsibility for providing evidence informed information and advice to the Minister for Justice and Equality on matters concerning policy and practice that impact on the lives of persons with disabilities (income support, transport, housing, access to justice, the environment etc) and to promote universal design. Its functions include research, guidance on standards, codes of practice and monitoring implementation of codes and standards, including compliance by public bodies with their duties to ensure employment and supports for staff with disabilities.

There are approx. 34 WTE posts in the NDA which are deployed through 3 divisions as follows as well as the Director’s office:

  • Policy, Research and Public Affairs
  • Centre for Excellence in Universal Design; and Standards and Monitoring Unit
  • Corporate Services Department

As a public body the NDA’s personnel and corporate governance policies are based on those for the civil and public service generally.

The Corporate Services Department comprises a HR unit and Finance Unit, and it has responsibility for facilities management, governance, IT and other areas as appropriate. The NDA avails of shared services from the Department of Justice and Equality including financial shared services and IT support services, as well as shared payroll service from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

The Authority (i.e. the Board) comprises 13 members including the chairperson and it currently has 2 committees i.e. Audit Committee and Finance Committee.

Overall Role of the Corporate Services Manager

To manage the Corporate Services Department (CSD) and to be responsible for the day to day financial control, management and governance compliance, facilities management and other duties relevant to corporate services of the NDA including supporting the Board as Company Secretary. The Role also involves the management and development of human resources, policies and procedures, and the provision and maintenance of suitable accommodation and office facilities, ensuring effective systems in place to support the day to day operations. The manager will also be a member of the Senior Management Group which involves dynamically contributing to the overall direction and effectiveness of the work of the NDA.

For the successful implementation of this role, there are a number of key relationships to be fostered and developed within the organisation and external bodies. Excellent interpersonal skill are essential, as well as a proven high degree of initiative, leadership, flexibility and creativity, organisation and problem solving skills. As a staff member the holder of the post will be expected to actively contribute to and participate in the overall development of the NDA and to promote its policies to all staff at all times, in particular to be a source of guidance on such matters. Therefore this role requires a strong and constant physical presence and to be a point of contact for all staff.

Reporting to:Director

Core Competencies include:

Leadership (and strategic thinking)

Analysis and decision-making

Management and Delivery of results

Interpersonal and Communications skills (includes effective verbal and writing skills)

Drive and Commitment to Public Service Values

Specialist knowledge, Expertise and Self Development

Other key skills include:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Sound judgement

Good understanding awareness of governance and financial controls

Project management, planning and organisation skills

Ability to multi task, e.g. work on a number of projects at the same time as well as flexibility to deliver on the range of duties and demands of this role.

Ability to work on own initiative as well as being a good team player with ability to work collaboratively with others

Effective people management skills, including motivating and developing staff, while ensuring high performance

The following is an outline of the range of main duties and responsibilities involved in the role, but this is not an exhaustive list and may be subject to change in light of organisational needs.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To provide management and leadership support to the Director and as Secretary to the Authority

1.1To actively support the Director in the day to day management of the organisation as required.

1.2To actively support senior manager colleagues in their shared responsibility for the effective delivery of the NDA’s statutory remit in relation to disability and universal design.

1.3To be an effective Company Secretary where role assigned i.e. Secretary to the Authority in line with the functions set out in the NDA Governance Manual, and to other Authority committees including e.g. Audit and Finance committees.

1.4To ensure Authority members are effectively inducted and supported through training and development.

1.5To ensure the effective implementation of all requirements in the NDA Governance Manual and that it is updated as agreed by the Authority and the Audit Committee

1.6Oversee the development of the annual report, the strategic plan, documents etc. where required.

  1. Financial Accounting

To manage and lead the finance function

2.1To ensure the effective management of the finance unit team, finance function and effective implementation of financial controls and compliance with all relevant governance requirements.

2.2To advise and support the Director and senior managers in effective budget management.

2.3To enhance, monitor and maintain an effective financial reporting and accounting system, documented policies and procedures, effective records and file management.

2.4To oversee and ensure the preparation of accurate monthly accounts, analysis of expenditure, reconciliation and as appropriate audits of expenditure items and monthly financial commentaries

2.5To prepareannual budget profiles and ensure the effective preparation and presentation the annual financial statements for audit, approval and certification.

2.6To guide on, implement and monitor the project management system to include compliance with tendering procedures.

2.7To maintain a Fixed Assets register with periodic physical verification, and ensure effective systems in opration.

2.8To provide guidance and training to staff as appropriate on finance and audit matters.

  1. Management of the NDA Human Resource function to include
  2. To manage the HR team to ensure the HR function operates effectively and delivery on other tasks and roles in line with department and wider business needs and effective award systems
  3. Development of HR Strategy,policies and training to support staff in ongoing delivery of the strategic plan
  4. To develop and ensure effective recruitment and HR policies , procedures and processespension systems and reviews.
  5. To guide and ensure consistent application of PMDS across the organisation and maintenance of records, to review and act on outcomes as appropriate, including continued enhancement of the PMDS.
  6. To guide workforce planning, resource deployment and to support all staff on personnel issues.
  7. Ensure effective reception service and delivery of all tasks assigned to the Receptionist.
  1. Management of Corporate Services functions including facilities, legal and other matters as appropriateto NDA.

To ensure full compliance with all governance requirements and that accommodation and systems managed effectively to support staff.

4.1To ensure organisation is in compliance with all relevant legislative and governance requirements and to advise on and take action on any upcoming areas for attention as appropriate.

4.2To ensure effective management and maintenance of NDA premises and that effective systems in place to monitor same and ensure all regular maintenance checks and follow up actions are planned and delivered

4.3Ensure effective health and safety policies and practice developed and implemented by all staff, contractors and visitors and that needs of all building users and visitors met. This includes ensure all health and safety aspects of projects and tasks reviewed and managed appropriately, regular testing, the NDA Health and Safety Committee and that all persons trained as appropriate.

4.4Oversee the leasing of NDA office accommodation to tenants and ensure the effective delivery of the lease requirements and all financial and accounting requirements in particular

4.5To ensure compliance with Code of Governance for State Bodies and all data protection requirements, including in particular the General Data Protection Regulation, and that staff trained and aware of obligations on same, as well as Dignity at Work, Protected Disclosures and all other relevant requirements.

4.6Ensure effective systems operating in the NDA to support staff in their work and the effective maintenance of NDA property including for example – IT, printers, phones,parking, cleaning, security, energy implementation plan, access plans etc.

4.7Ensure efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of corporate services – finance, hr and facilities management – so that they are working effectively and co-operating in the delivery of the overall corporate service work programme which will require staff to be flexible and take on shared responsibilities.

4.8Ensure effective management, oversight and review of all contracts in place for services and works provided to NDA.

4.9Develop policies including a corporate procurement plan, customercharter and customer service plan and ensure awareness of and implementation of same.

4.10To ensure all staff and others (eg. Authority) are kept appraised of compliance requirements including e.g. procurement, health and safety, code of conduct etc. Act as first point of contact for DJE Disability Equality Unit queries as appropriate e.g. finance and governance matters.

4.11Act as NDA risk officer and ensure risks are appropriately identified, managed, monitored, recorded and reported n NDA as well as deliver on Secretary Role to Risk Management Committee.

  1. Carry out such other duties appropriate to the post as may be required by the Director, including within the wider organisation..