JANUARY 21, 2013


PRESIDING: Carl Lum, Chair

PRESENT: Walt Zaremba, Clyde Haulman

OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Potter, Robin Carson

1.  Carl Lum, Chair called the meeting to order


A.  Clyde Haulman, Treasurer provided the November Financials noting no issues. Cash on hand as of January 1 was reported to meet the target of $1,500,000 for 2013 campaign carryover. Transition invoices were sent to City of Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Busch Gardens & Colonial Williamsburg each in the amount $30,000 to cover the onetime cost of the destination research project and visit Williamsburg & discover Williamsburg website mergers. Private partner contributions and the VTC co-op invoices were also sent.

3.  TTRANSITION UPDATES – Robin Carson reported the following:

A.  Website merger with visit Williamsburg & discover Williamsburg – Mannix Marketing has been retained to complete the merger. Once the merger has been done, Williamsburg Weekends and other social media links will be redirected to visit Williamsburg.

B.  Director of WADMC Marketing – The Executive Board, MRTF Chair & Chamber Vice President of Tourism were formed as the search committee. Initial review of the 72 resumes received are being done by Carl Lum, Robin Carson and Bob Harris to narrow down to 5 to 10 for consideration of the entire search committee.

C.  Destination Research Project – Elizabeth McLaughlin, head of research at the VTC assisted Bob Harris in developing the RFP sent to eight companies. Responses are due back January 25. The companies solicited came from tourism partners and the VTC as well as ones previously used by the Chamber.

D.  Advisory Groups & MRTF – MRTF and the committees remain in place executing the 2013 Marketing plan. There were questions concerning transition financial reporting and how new advisory committees will interact.
The Executive Committee will ask Bob Harris & Dick Schreiber to attend the next Executive Committee meeting to report on the transition.

4.  Outstanding Contracts – The WADMC Board had asked Dave Potter to negotiate a new contract with Wildes & Company to perform Financial Reporting. The desire was to change from Monthly to Quarterly and replace the key data report supplied by Wildes Company with the report provided by the Chamber. The Executive Committee agreed with the changes in the revised contract authorizing Dave Potter to execute a one year agreement through December 31, 2013. Clyde Haulan recommended, sense going to the Quarterly Financials, we still needed to review & report the monthly cash flow as compared to budget and previous year. He and Dave Potter will develop an Executive Summary.

5.  Letters of Appreciation – The Executive Committee signed letters of appreciation that will be sent to MRTF members.

6.  There being no further business Carl Lum adjourned the meeting.

7.  The next WADMC Executive Meeting will be held February 18, 4:30 PM at Busch Gardens.

Respectfully submitted by,

David M. Potter

Campaign Coordinator