2017 Denton Braswell Lady Track and Field

Dear Parents,

Your daughter has shown interest in becoming a member of the Region 1, District 5-5A High School’s track team. She will be issued a uniform that will consist of a sweat suit, meet warmup top and bottom, jersey, and shorts. We expect the student-athlete to keep this uniform clean and in order always. If this uniform is lost, stolen, or damaged, she is expected to reimburse our athletic department for the loss or damage of the uniform. I will wash their workout clothes daily if they want, as well as their uniforms after every meet.

No academically ineligible student may compete for any high school in our district. A student who fails a nine week will have 1 week of eligibility followed by 3 weeks of ineligibility. They must bring up all their subject grades to passing by the end of the 3 weeks. Athletes are still expected to be at practice during this time.

Track practices will begin at 4:30 pm on Monday and Thursday and end around 6:30 p.m. Practice on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday will start at 6:30 am and end in plenty of time to get to first period. I understand that some athletes participate in other activities, all we ask is that the athlete communicates with us the night before through Remind or an email to let us know they will not be there. A track schedule of meets is posted on our Braswell track page.

Please make sure to check out the power point linked on our web page with important information on further expectations and ways to sign up for Remind to keep up with all important information on the upcoming season.

Parents are encouraged to accompany the team to track meets. If athletes are to leave before the meet is over, they must bring arelease form to me before the day of the meet(I have release forms posted on school track webpage). I strongly believe that track is not an individual sport, but a TEAM sport. Most meets are decided over the last event and I encourage every team member to stay until the end of each meet.

If you have any questions in regards to the above information, please feel free to email me at

Gary Brown

Head Girls Track

Braswell High School

Date: 1/4/17