Class #______Name:______Period_____

Unit 11

Quiz 1/31


11.1 “Early Industry and Inventions”

11.2 “Plantations and Slavery Spread”

Spirituals: 10 Adjectives

11.3 “Nationalism and Sectionalism”

Monroe Doctrine

“The Erie Canal”

Quiz (Open Packet) 1/30

Grading Rubric/Key
H 0 / Assignment not Done
H 1 / Incomplete Work
H 2 / More Details Needed
H 3 / Answers must be in own words
W 1 / Answers Must Be Neat and Legible. If I can Not read it, I can Not grade it.
W 2 / Answers Need to Contain at Least 8 Words
W 3 / Complete Sentences Restating Question in the Answer Needed
W 4 / All Work Needs to be Written in Pen
W 5 / Corrections Must be Written in RED PEN

Chapter 11 Section 1 “Early Industry and Inventions”

Recognizing Effects Fill in the chart as you read this section, noting how each development of the early 1800s affected the nation. Text P. 341-345(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

Development / Effects
1. Textile mills
2. Interchangeable
3. New inventions
*steel plow

Categorizing:Write what each person built or promoted that helped the nation to grow.

(Answers DO NOT need to be 8 words)

Samuel Slater:______

Francis Cabot Lowell:______

Eli Whitney:______

Robert Fulton:______

Samuel F.B. Morse:______

John Deere:______

Chapter 11 Section 2 “Plantations and Slavery Spread”

Recognizing Effects As you read pages 348-350, fill in the cluster diagram with effects of the cotton gin.(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

CategorizingAs you read pages 350-353, fill in the chart with details about each category of Southerners.(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

Slaveholding whites / Nonslaveholding whites / Enslaved blacks / Free blacks

Drawing ConclusionsBriefly Describe Nat Turner’s rebellion and its results.

(Answers need to be at least 2 paragraphs)


Draw one conclusion about Southern slavery based on what you learned about the rebellion.

(Answers need to be at least 8 words)


Chapter 11 Section 2 “Plantations and Slavery Spread”


Listen to the Spirituals presented in class. List two adjectives to describe each selection.

Adjectives for the spirituals:

Song #1 “Free At Last”

1. ______

2. ______

Song #2 “Hammer, Ring”

3. ______

4. ______

Song #3 “There is a Balm in Gilead”

5. ______

6. ______

Song #4 “Everybody Talkin’ About Heaven”

7. ______

8. ______

Song #5 “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”

9. ______

10. ______

Chapter 11 Section 3 “Nationalism and Sectionalism”

Finding Main Ideas Fill in the chart as you read pages 354-357, noting how each force moved the United States toward growth or natural unity.(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

Force / How it Led to Growth or National Unity
1. The American
2. The building of
roads and canals
3. Supreme Court
4. Boundary

Analyzing Points of ViewFill in the diagram as you read about admitting Missouri to statehood on pages 357-359. Explain what the North wanted, what the South wanted, and what the Missouri Compromise offered both sides.(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

Chapter 11 Section 3 “Nationalism and Sectionalism”

Monroe Doctrine

Summarizing What was the main message of Monroe Doctrine? (3 parts)

(Answers need to be at least 8 words)




List the events elsewhere in the Americas that led President Monroe to issue the Monroe Doctrine.(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

Latin America:______


Russian colonies:


Chapter 11 Section 3 “Nationalism and Sectionalism”

The Erie Canal

Read the following information and song, and answer the questions that follow.

The Erie Canal was 363 miles long, 40 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. It ran between the Hudson River and the Great Lakes. It took 8 years to build.

Irish immigrants mostly built the canal, for the wage of 50 cents per day. Along the canal were 83 locks which raised or lowered the canal boats through the hilly terrain. There were also 18 aqueducts along the canal – bridges that carried water over obstacles. Towpaths were built on either side of the canal so that the boats could be pulled by mules or horses from town to town.

Before the Erie Canal was built, it cost $100 per ton to carry items by road from Buffalo to New York City. After the opening of the Erie Canal, the cost of transporting goods this same distance dropped to $8 per ton.

The governor of New York in 1825, DeWitt Clinton, took the first ride on the canal. He took his nine day trip on board the canal boat Seneca Chief. The boat behind him was called Noah’s Ark. It carried two Indian boys, two deer, two eagles, and many other pairs of animals. When Clinton got to New York City, he dumped a barrel of water from Lake Erie into the Atlantic Ocean. Then there was a grand parade; church bells rang and people cheered.

Everyone could ride the canal – in a fancy passenger boat where meals were served on linen tablecloths, or on a flatboat jammed between cargo and animals. Towns grew up along the canal. People packed up their belongings and took the canal west, settling in Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. They also took the canal east, helping to make New York City the nation’s largest.

The Erie Canal

I’ve got a mule and her name is Sal,We’d better get on our way, old pal,

Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.

She’s a good old worker and a good old pal,You can bet your life I’d never part with Sal,

Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.

We’ve hauled some barges in our day,Get us there, Sal, here comes a lock;

Filled with lumber, coal, and hay,We’ll make Rome ‘fore six o’clock.

And we know every inch of the wayOne more trip and back we’ll go,

From Albany to Buffalo.Right back home to Buffalo.


Low bridge! Everybody down.

Low bridge! We’re a-coming to a town.

You’ll always know your neighbor,

You’ll always know your pal

If you’ve ever navigated on the Erie Canal.

The Erie Canal

(8 words NOT necessary for answers. Answers must be thoughtful and complete)

  1. If you had to transport 3000 pounds of iron ore from Buffalo to New York City, how much would it cost if:

You carted it by wagon?

You used the Erie Canal?

  1. How much would a canal worker earn for seven days of work?
  1. Why was the opening of the canal so celebrated by the people of New York?
  1. What do you suppose the purpose of the Noah’s Ark boat was?
  1. Why do you suppose Governor Clinton poured water from Lake Erie into the Atlantic?
  1. Once the canal opened, what do you suppose happened to the price of mules and horses in New York? Why?
  1. If the canal is 363 miles long, why does the song say “fifteen miles on the Erie Canal”?

Video: The Erie Canal

List 10 New Discoveries made by watching the video The Erie Canal.

(Answers need to be at least 8 words)

1. ______




3. ______














