“Optimal-Health Chiropractic for EVERY Body”

Video Series Overview

Video 1

Instantly Build Rapport and Relieve Concerns and Fears with two questions

and a statement

Video 2

Get your patients to fully experience the “Whole Story” from the inside out

during the exam with TTAT

Video 3

Get your patients to literally say the entire “Whole Story” out loud by the

end of the first visit!

Video 1 Notes

Doctor’s Consultation: 2 Questions and a Statement

Build Rapport and Relieve Concerns and fears

QUESTION 1. I see Mary referred you in how do you know Mary?


a.  Secret handshake (inner circle)

b.  Talk about Mary, how they know Mary, “Mary is just hilarious!” Something that lets this person know that you REALLY know Mary.

c.  What they do together or have in common i.e. Work together… Accounting, Surf… big waves, kids in school together… so your kids are at Napa St. school

d.  What if I don’t know? “We have had great results with her sure appreciate when people refer…”

e.  Make it personal

f.  What happens if they are not a referral and come from a flyer or yellow pages? Just go to step 2

QUESTION 2. What did she say to make you want to come in?


a.  Great information about what kind of patient they are i.e. “Get my neck cracked” or “Get healthy and stay healthy”.

b.  Gain rapport by Echo… Robert Cialdini proves if we use the same words, same lingo it builds rapport and we become in their inner circle i.e. “Ham on rye hold the mayo” vs. “Ham on rye with no mayo”. Do your best to use the exact same words!

c.  What happens if they are not a referral? Came in from yellow pages? I see you came in from the flyer… we have been able to help so many people from that flyer, or yellow pages, I am so glad you are here. Let me ask you, what was it on that flyer that made you want to come in?

i.  I live nearby…

ii.  I saw that you did more wellness type stuff… great well if that is what you are looking for you are in the right place etc.

STATEMENT #1: Relieve Fears and Concerns

This next point although it may seem so simple, may be one of the most important things you will do in your practice. Remove concerns and fears which of course leads to building rapport. Assurance “I want you to know that my main goal today is to find out what’s going on and see if you are in the right place to get the care that you need. My promise to you is I am going to help you. I will either recognize that I am the right doctor to give you the help that you need or I will recognize that I am not and I will do everything in my power to get you to someone who can help you. But my promise to you ______is I will not waste your time and money. Does that sound fair to you?” (Get a yes!)

What did we accomplish? We relieved three of the four most common fears:

2.  Waste my time

3.  Waste my money

4.  String me along and not help me

Expect to see deep breath and legs and arms to uncross.

I was talking to my good buddy Dr. Angus Pyke and he said “when it comes

to relieving concerns, fears and building rapport there is nothing more

powerful than that once sentence.” I know it sounds so simple, but the

affects are tremendous and I am just asking you to give it a try.

Keep your eye out for our next video. We will show you exactly how to get

your patients to experience from the inside out the entire whole story.

Please send this link to every chiropractor you know!!

Much love and aloha,

Dr. Russ Rosen

Copyright © 2013 “The System” by The Optimal-Health Chiropractic System

59 Holomakani Dr., Kula, Hi. 96790 Ph: 808.878.8384 www.TheOptimalHealthChiropracticSystem.com