Date Completed: / Reviewed by: / Date:
Last Name: / First: / Middle:


/ City/State:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone: / Work Phone:
Social Security Number: / Sex: Male ☐ Female ☐

Race: ☐Caucasian ☐Hispanic ☐African-American ☐Asian-American ☐American Indian Other______

Allergy History
  1. Are you allergic to any medication? * Yes ☐No ☐ *If yes, List Medication Name below

Medication Name
Type of Reaction:
  1. Do you have environmental allergies? *Yes ☐No ☐

*If yes, Date Started: / Date Diagnosed:
√ all that apply / ☐Itchy Nose ☐Sneezing ☐Stuffy Nose ☐Runny Nose ☐Postnasal Drip
☐Itchy Palate ☐Cough ☐Itchy Throat ☐Watery Eyes ☐Itchy Eyes ☐Red Eyes
☐Swollen, Puffy Eyes ☐Ear Fullness ☐Itchy Throat ☐Itchy Ears ☐Allergy Headache
☐Facial Pressure/Pain ☐Itchy Skin ☐Fatigue ☐Sore Throat ☐Congestion ☐Other
  1. Do you seem to have symptoms all year long? Yes ☐No ☐

  1. Do you have worsening of symptoms during certain seasons? Yes ☐No ☐
Spring ☐ Summer ☐ Fall ☐ Winter ☐
  1. Have you been tested to see what you are allergic to? *Yes ☐No ☐ *If yes, list below

  1. Do you currently receive allergy shots? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Date started?
Have you reached your maintenance dose? Yes ☐No ☐ / Date:
  1. How often do you receive your allergy shots?

Asthma History
1.Do you have asthma? *Yes ☐No ☐
*If yes, Year Started: / Year Diagnosed:
2.What makes your asthma symptoms worse?
√ all that apply / ☐Exercise ☐Tobacco ☐Smoke ☐Animals☐Dust ☐Mold
☐Humidity ☐Cold Air ☐Emotions ☐Weather Changes ☐Perfume ☐Cleaning Agents
☐Allergies ☐Grass ☐Foods ☐Laughing/Crying ☐Lying Down ☐Stress
☐Withholding Asthma Medications / ☐Other
Tobacco and Alcohol History
  1. Are you currently using tobacco? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Type:
  1. Have you ever used tobacco? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Type:
If yes, Date Started: / Date Quit: / How much per day
  1. Are you currently using alcohol? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Type: / How often?
Reproductive History
  1. If Male, have you had a vasectomy? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Date:
  1. If Female, have your started your period? Yes ☐No ☐
/ At what age?
Is your cycle regular? Yes ☐No ☐ Explain:
  1. Have you gone through menopause? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Date:
If yes, last date of period. / Date:
  1. Have you had a hysterectomy? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Date
  1. Have you had a tubal ligation? Yes ☐No ☐
/ Date
  1. What method of birth control are you currently using?
/ Since?


Surgical History
  1. None☐

  1. List Surgical Procedure
/ Date Performed / Hospital

When reviewing the following pages, please indicate if you have EVER experienced a problem by checking the line next to it. Please put the YEAR the symptoms first started on the line. Please leave the gray area blank. If you have questions a coordinator will be happy to assist you.

Ophthalmic History (eye)
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Glaucoma
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Glasses
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Cataracts
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Contact Lenses
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Nearsighted (cannot see far away)
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Farsighted (cannot see close up)
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Trauma
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Astigmatism
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Ear, Nose, Throat History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Sinus Infection-Last
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Nasal Polyps
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Sinus Headache
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Hearing Loss (Diagnosed)
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Deviated Septum
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Ear Infections/ Tubes
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Nasal Congestion
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Recurrent Strep Throat
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Tonsilitis/Pharyngitis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
Endocrine History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Thyroid Disorder
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Diabetes
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Delayed Growth
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Pancreatitis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Abnormal Lymph Glands
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Genitourinary History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Prostate Disorder
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Ovarian Cysts
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Menstrual Cramps
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Kidney Stones
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Urinary Tract Infection
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
Cardiac History (Heart)
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. High Blood Pressure
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Irregular Heart Beat
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Murmur
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Chest Pain
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Heart Attack
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Blood Clots
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Mitral Valve Prolapse
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Pulmonary History (Lungs)
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Pneumonia-Last
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Bronchitis-Last
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Emphysema
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Upper Respiratory Infection
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Shortness of Breath
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Croup
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Collapsed Lung
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. RSV
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
Blood History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Anemia
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Jaundice
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Abnormal Values (ie: high cholesterol, high liver values)
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Skin, Scalp, & Nail History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Acne
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Hives
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Fungal Infections
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Psoriasis/Eczema
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Breast Mass
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
Gastrointestinal History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Diagnosed)
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Crohn’s Disease
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Ulcers
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Hernia-Type:
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Colon Polyps
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Gastric Reflux Disease
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Frequent Heartburn
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Frequent Nausea/Vomiting
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Gallbladder
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Neurological History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Migraine Headaches
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Tension Headaches
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. General Headaches
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Depression
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Numbness
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Seizues
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Epilepsy
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
Musculoskeletal History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Diagnosed Arthritis Type:
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Osteoporosis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Frequent Back Pain
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Frequent Muscle Pain
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Frequent Joint Pain
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Bursitis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Broken Bone
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Broken Bone
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Broken Bone
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐


Miscellaneous History
Check if Year (Staff only) Changes to original medical history
Experienced began current Change initial/date
Yes No
  1. Rheumatic Fever
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Measles
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Mumps
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Chicken Pox
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Fifth Disease
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Polio
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Cystic Fibrosis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Tuberculosis
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Cancer
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Hepatitis Type:
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Abnormal Chest X-Ray
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐
  1. Other
/ Yes ☐No☐ / Yes ☐No☐




Version 2003 Gen Doc/Revised 11/2009