As the assistant business manager for Maison Richard, a 200-seat restaurant in Seattle, you received an inquiry from Chris Shearing, 1926 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA98101. She had several questions about the meat and fish served in your restaurant. Here are her questions and your answers.

  1. Are the cattle from which your beef comes allowed to roam freely on an open range instead of being fattened in cramped feedlots? No, allowing free-roaming would increase the muscle tissue in the beef, making it less tender.
  2. Are the cattle fed antibiotics and hormones? Yes, to ensure a healthy animal and to promote faster growth.
  3. Do your trout come from lakes and streams? No, they’re farm-grown, which is more economical and results in less disease.

Ms. Shearing is a well-known animal-rights activist, and you want to present your case as positively as possible to avoid the loss of her goodwill and any negative publicity that might result. Respond to her letter, supplying whatever other appropriate information you feel is reasonable.


I decided to use a direct organizational plan for this letter because it was a routine reply to a routine request for product information. I used a descriptive subject line and direct opening paragraph to set the stage for my comments.

Most of the answers to Ms. Shearing’s questions are probably not what she wanted to hear. Thus, I took pains to explain the reasons for our decisions and to avoid using negative language. The reasons show how people other than Maison Richard (for example, our customers and employees) benefit from our decision. The “you” approach is stressed throughout.

Finally, I closed on a positive, confident note, assuming that I had answered all of her questions in a satisfactory manner.

I formatted the letter in standard block style and did not include reference initials, because I typed my own letter.


The document follows on the next page.


I certify that this document was composed and formatted by this student.





October 8, 20--

Ms. Chris Shearing

1926 Second Avenue

Seattle, WA98101

Dear Ms. Shearing:

Subject: Your Inquiry of October 1, 20--

I am happy to provide you the information you requested about our restaurant. You will be pleased to know that we purchase only top-quality government-inspected meat, fish, and fowl.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides strict guidelines for meat products. Most cattle today are raised in specially designed lots that are cleaned daily to ensure animal and human health. Also, to ensure healthy animals and promote faster growth, antibiotics and hormones that have been approved safe for both animals and humans are fed to the animals. The highest quality beef, in demand by beef consumers in stores as well as by top restaurants such as ours, is produced this way.

The trout we serve in our restaurant is grown on a farm, where careful monitoring of water and other conditions results in less disease. This process provides a safer, higher-quality product for our customers.

I am pleased to answer your questions about the food we serve and look forward to seeing you soon at Maison Richard.


Ima Student

Assistant Business Manager