Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese

Anno scolastico 2014/15 Classe VB LS Docente: Prof.ssa Emma Pompei

Dai testi in adozione:

M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Layton “Performer Culture & Literature 2” con e-book ZANICHELLI

M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, Layton “Performer Culture & Literature 3” con e-book ZANICHELLI


Literature: Emotion vs Reason, A new sensibility, the emphasis on the individual

William Wordsworth: the relationship with nature, the importance of the senses, recollection in tranquility,

the poet’s task;

“Lyrical Ballads”, the Manifesto of English Romanticism (Milestones)

“Daffoldils” (text analysis)

Samuel T. Coloeridge: Coleridge’s view of nature

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”: the natural world, “The Rime” and the traditional ballad

“The Killing of the Albatross” (text analysis)

“Farewell, Farewell…”: the moral.

Iron Maiden, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”: ascolto ballata ispirata al poema di Coleridge.

Jane Austen: The debt to the 18th century, the national marriage market, Austen’s treatment of love

“Pride and Prejudice” :”Darcy proposes to Elizabeth” (text analysis)


The first half of Queen Victoria’s reign, The Great Exhibition (Milestones)

Life in the Victorian town: “Coketown” from “Hard Times” by Charles Dickens (from line 1 to line 25)

The Victorian compromise

The Victorian novel

Victorian education

The role of the woman: angel or pioneer?

Charles Dickens

  • and children: “Oliver Twist”, the story, London life, the world of workhouses

“Oliver wants some more” (text analysis)

  • and the theme of education: “The definition of a horse” from “Hard Times” (text analysis)


The British Empire

The mission of the coloniser: “The White Man’s Burden” from “The White Man’s Burden” by R. Kipling

Charles Darwin and evolution

Darwin vs God (reading)

Crime and violence

New aesthetic theories


Thomas Hardy: Hardy’s deterministic view , Hardy’s Wessex, main themes, structure and narrative tecnique

Thomas Hardy (Critical Notes) : fotocopia fornita dall’insegnante

“Tess of the D’Urbervilles”: “Alec and Tess”, text analysis

Robert L. Stevenson: “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, the story, the theme of the double

“The Story of the door”, text analysis

“The Search for Hyde”, text analysis

Oscar Wilde: the brilliant artist and the dandy.

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” and the theme of beauty: narrative technique, timeless beauty.

“Basil’s studio” ( text analysis)

“I would give my soul “ (text analysis)


The Edwardian age

World War I

Modern poetry: tradition and experimentation

The War Poets: Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen

Rupert Brooke: “The Soldier”, text analysis

Wilfred Owen: “Dulce et Decorum Est”


A deep cultural crisis

Sigmund Freud a window on the unconscious: Freud and the psyche

The Modernist Spirit

The modern novel

The stream of the consciousness and the interior monologue:

James Joyce“The funeral” from Ulysses

James Joyce: a modernist writer. Ordinary Dublin, style and technique.

“Dubliners”: the origin of the collection, the use of epiphany, a pervasive theme: paralysis,

narrative techniques;

“Eveline”: text analysis

“Gabriel’s epiphany” from “The Dead” : text analysis.

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