Reviewed T4 2012



4. According to legislation on financial and property matters, Vogeltown School Board

of Trustees is also required in particular to:

i) Allocate funds to reflect the school’s priorities as stated in the Charter;

ii) Monitor and control school expenditure, and ensure that annual accounts

are prepared and audited as required by the Public Finance Act 1989 and

Education Act 1989;

iii) Comply with the negotiated conditions of any current asset management

agreement, and implement a maintenance programme to ensure that the school’s buildings and facilities provide a safe, healthy learning environment for students.

Vogeltown School Board of Trustees meets its obligations to NAG 4, by ensuring that the following documentation is developed, implemented and reviewed as part of the Board’s self review process.




Ten Year Property Management Plan Monthly report to Board (Caretaker, Principal)

Asset Register Budget

Approved delegations & budget authorities Minutes of Board meetings

Hazard register Annual School Operational Plan

Property Occupancy Document Annual Financial Statements

Insurance Portfolio Annual reports to community

Annual Audit report Charter

Building W.O.F. & Manual Strategic Plan

Ministry Gazette Notices & Circulars Fire Equipment Certificate

Site Plans Caretaker’s job description

Hall Agreement


Asset Replacement Car Parking

Day to day Property management Hall use

Keys and Alarm codes Library register

Personal belongings Property management

Use of School Property Vandalism & damage



1. A minimum value of $500 (exclusive of GST) is set for items to be included in the asset register held by the School Accountant. In some instances items less than this value may be combined under a common category. A copy is also kept on site and updated regularly.

2. Asset replacement;

· Monitoring of items undertaken yearly

· Disposal of items - physically dumped or sold off. Items taken off asset register at then end of the year, when the accountant forwards a copy to be updated.

· New items put on register, serial numbers recorded, Vogeltown School” etched into item (if appropriate)

· Curriculum committees are deemed to be responsible for those items directly concerned with their area of curriculum responsibility

· The Principal is responsible for reporting to the board for items that need replacing.


1. Staff car parking is in front of Room 7, by caretakers shed or behind Room 5. There are red line areas that alert children to boundaries and children must not go beyond these boundaries.

2. Parents and visitors are asked to park outside the grounds.


1. School grounds and facilities;

· The Property manager is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these. A job description and a property maintenance checklist is in place.

· The caretaker will undertake repairs and maintenance or make contact with appropriate qualified trades people.

· Children’s’ bikes are stored in the bike rack situated behind the walkway between the main office block and the senior classroom block.

· Red Flags- if the fields/grass are too wet for children to play on the caretaker or duty teacher places the red flags on the grass areas,

· The caretaker will report to the Board every month and report regularly to the Principal.


1.  The hall is used during school time on a time tabled system for singing, Phys. Ed., assemblies etc. Teachers are reminded that care needs to be taken with the floor to prevent scratching, e.g. no shoes when running, dancing etc. No dragging furniture.

○  Piano Use - To be used by staff only unless permission is given to children and others

○  Audio System - This is to be kept locked and only used by staff or children under supervision

○  Displays - The use of wall space for display will be encouraged particularly when good quality work is put up carefully - See display expectations

Outside Groups - The Hall is available for hire to sports and social clubs and subject to terms and conditions set by senior management. This is arranged through the school office.



1 Staff are responsible for any keys issued and ensuring that alarms etc. are reset

2. Keys are collected from leaving staff

3. Keys must not be given to people without the permission of the Principal.

4. All key holders must be aware of the need for security procedures to safe guard school property.


1. A copy will be kept off site as part of asset register. This will be updated annually after stocktake at the end of the year. Deleted items written off by journal entry.


1.  1. The school policies, rules and procedures apply at all times. This covers people and their property.

1.1. · Lost property - will be collected and held in designated areas, one in the junior, middle and senior school, these are accessible to parents and students during school hours. Parents are to be encouraged to name all clothing.

1.1.1.  Lost property will be displayed once per term to be claimed. At the end of each term, unclaimed clothing will be donated to charity.

1.2. Teacher property - personal belongings are not covered by the school’s insurance policy. Teachers need to ensure that their private insurance covers any personal items taken to school. Teachers using their own belongings in the classroom do so at their own risk.

1.3. Student’s property - all non-essential items (e.g. toys and sports gear) are the responsibility of the student who brings them to school.

1.4. Items of Value - any items found should be handed in to the office and returned to the finder. If not claimed within a specified timeframe, the items may be returned to the finder, or disposed of.

2. When inappropriate use of personal property takes place, the staff need to use discretion to modify behaviour:

· If the item does not belong to the student, it must be returned to the rightful owner.

· Any items used in any inappropriate way are retained and held by the teacher until the end of school. The item is then returned to its owner.

· Constant offenders are dealt with according to the Behaviour Management Plan.


1. The annual budget will provide for ongoing maintenance to existing property, plant and equipment. This budgeted amount will align with the school property plan

2. The 10 Year Property Plan is reviewed and updated annually. It includes all maintenance and capital property requirements.

3. All maintenance requirements will be prepared and built into the budget as per the maintenance aspect of the Property plan

4. The school will endeavor to comply with all legal requirements for health and safety in relation to Property

5. The school’s written procedures are actively practiced and reviewed for compliance, as stated under National Administration Guideline 2 - Self Review.

6. Routine maintenance work shall be the responsibility of the caretaker who will report directly to the Principal. The caretaker will have discretionary expenditure of up to $100 per item. Expenditure above this amount will be referred to the Principal.

i. The Principal will be responsible to the property portfolio holder for the identifying of, and completion of, all repairs and maintenance and minor capital works. Where the required work is beyond the immediate resources of the school and/or a limit of $1000 per item s/he will refer the matter to the property committee for its consideration.

ii. The Property Portfolio holder will report to the Board of Trustees through the Principal’s Report..


1. Outside groups need to request permission from the Principal who informs the Board. Groups are requested to keep the grounds clean after use. If toilets are needed then arrangements can be made for these to be opened and locked by a key holder.

2. Commercial groups will be charged a fee.


1. Any vandalism or damage is reported to the Principal. The caretaker is then informed and makes arrangements for the repairs. This will be recorded in the caretaker’s report to the Board. Any vandalism costs will come out of the vandalism budget.

2. Pupils and their family may be asked to contribute in part or full when the damage is willful, deliberate or the result of reckless behaviour.


Frequency Date Comments


Windows; exterior Regularly

Drinking fountains Regularly

Vandalism Regularly

Plumbing; toilets, basins, taps etc Regularly

Exterior fittings and fixtures Regularly

General cleaning Regularly

Paintwork check; exterior and interior Each term

Electrical fittings, power sockets Each term

Electrical appliances/tools Each term

Floor and floor coverings Each term

Furniture and equipment Each term

Window coverings Each term

Interior joinery, fittings, display boards etc Each term

Storm water system/drains Annual

Exterior of buildings; wash Annual

Spouting; repairs and cleaning Annual

Roof of buildings Annual

Heating Prior to season


Playing fields; spraying, grassing Regularly

Mowing Regularly

Adventure playground Regularly

Rubbish disposal/bins Regularly

Hard courts, paths and paving Each term

Fences and gates Each term

School bell and flagpole Annually

Court and field markings Annually

Hedges and trees Annually