Claro FaceMouse

Welcome to Claro FaceMouse. Claro FaceMouse is a powerful way to control your computer with your facial expressions and the movement of your head.

Setting up your Webcam

You need a Webcam to use Claro FaceMouse.

·  Go for a frame rate of 30 fps (or as close as possible).

·  Do not turn on “Low Light Boost” as this reduces frame rate.

·  Make sure the webcam is in line with the centre of the screen.

·  Use a reasonably good webcam.

·  Make sure you are well-lit but there is no glare.

·  If you wear spectacles, take them off at first. When FaceMouse is working you can put them back on.

·  Try uninstalling additional application software that uses your Webcam, leaving only the Webcam drivers.

Getting started

Start Claro FaceMouse. Hold your head centrally and still until the program picks you up. Your face is displayed with red lines to show that it has been recognised.

Now move your head, and the mouse pointer should move on the screen. Centre your head again and the mouse pointer should stop moving. Leave your mouse pointer stationary and it will do a left-click on whatever is under it.

Claro FaceMouse Toolbar

There are four red mouse buttons. These control what happens when the mouse clicks: left-click, double-click, right-click, and click-and-drag-select. If you do not have Hover with toolbar selected then these will not be shown.

The yellow circular-arrow button resets your face recognition. Click this if Claro FaceMouse has failed to recognise your face well, or at the right angle, and it will re-recognise you.

The grey cog button opens the settings if you have closed them.

The green pause button turns off Claro FaceMouse until it is clicked again.

The blue question mark button launches this help.

At the right-hand side of the toolbar is a tick or cross that shows you whether Claro FaceMouse has recognised and is using your face. You will also get a video window showing the camera view, but you can close this if you find this distracting.

Claro FaceMouse settings

There are two tabs that let you configure how Claro FaceMouse works. You can reset your settings back to their defaults at any time by clicking the Reset Default button on the right. The right of the settings section also shows you your head movement, your lip action and your eyebrow position, so you can confirm these are all being recognised correctly.

Movement settings tab

The Movement tab controls how Claro FaceMouse moves the mouse pointer around the screen. You can set horizontal (left-right) and vertical (up-down) movement separately to best suit how you can move your head.

You can see at the bottom-right of the settings window

·  Sensitivity controls how much you have to move your head before Claro FaceMouse starts moving the mouse – a dead zone in the centre. Turn it up if you find it hard to keep your head still, and down if you only have fine but small head movement control. The display on the top-right shows the zones and where you are pointing.

·  Speed controls how fast the mouse pointer moves or accelerates, depending on the setting of Acceleration band.

·  Acceleration controls how moving your head makes the mouse pointer move.

o  The first position means that the movement of the mouse is directly proportion to the displacement of your head.

o  The second position means that if your head is near the centre then it moves according to the Speed control, then at a bonus of 12.5%, then at a bonus of 50% as you move your head further from the centre.

o  The third position means you get a 25% bonus and a 100% bonus for moving your head further out.

·  Mouth sensitivity controls how much you have to move your mouse to trigger a click or Action.

·  Eyebrow sensitivity controls how much you have to move your eyebrows to trigger a click or Action.

Click settings tab

These control how you do mouse button clicks or let you issue commands and press keys on your computer with your face and head movements.

There are five options:

·  No clicks means that Claro FaceMouse only moves the mouse pointer according to the settings on the Movement tab. You have to click with something else, like an accessible switch, or a different dwell program.

·  Hover click means that Claro FaceMouse clicks according to the setting on the toolbar when you move the mouse pointer somewhere and then leave it alone. The toolbar buttons are left-click, double-click, right-click and select.

·  Mouth click means that your mouth makes the mouse left-click. Opening and closing or closing and opening your mouth will both perform an action.

·  Mouth multi-click means that when you open your mouth the mouse pointer starts changing to indicate what it will do when you close your mouth again. It cycles through left-click, double-click, right-click, and select. You wait until the mouse shows the action you want to perform then close your mouth again. If you miss your option, just wait and it will stop cycling and you can do it again. The slider controls how fast the mouse pointer changes between the different options. BUG

·  Actions means that Claro FaceMouse stops moving your mouse pointer around the screen. The settings on the Movement tab no longer operate. Instead your face and head actions (Mouth, Eyebrow, Head down, Head up, turn left, turn right) can be assigned to actions (like mouse click) or key presses (like pressing backspace or return.) For example, you could configure Claro FaceMouse with the necessary keystrokes to operate another program with your face and head.

By default one Action of your face or mouse triggers one keystroke, so if you want to keep pressing a key you have you keep moving your face. If you check Game mode then when you perform an Action then the key keeps being pressed until you move your face back to a neutral position.

It is possible to configure Claro FaceMouse to have different Actions for different programs. For example, you may want different Actions in Microsoft Excel from Internet Explorer. If you check Use scripts then different Actions will be loaded for each program. Contact Claro Support for more information.

Help and Support

Claro Interfaces website

Technical Support

+44 (0) 177 297 7888