SNEC, Oatridge, EcclesmachanEH52 6NH
Sunday 12th February 2017
Photography by Sinclair Photography
Please note rings 1 and 2 will run concurrently for classes 1,2 and 3
Classes 1 and 3 start 9am
Ring 1
Class 1: Lead Rein / Starter Stakes: - cross poles
Two rounds, second will be a timed round. Combinations of ponies and riders entered for this class will not be eligible for Class 3 or above. This class is for genuine beginners with limited competition experience only. No horses. Open to PC Teams & Individual competitors.
Class 2: Pre Nursery Novice : - First round max 30cms
Two rounds, second will be a timed round. Combinations of ponies and riders entered for this class will not be eligible for Class 3 or above. This class is for genuine beginners with limited competition experience only. No horses. Open to PC Teams & Individual competitors.
Ring 2
Class 3: Nursery-novice First Round Max height – 55cm
Two rounds, second will be a timed round.Genuine Pre-Novice combinations only! No horses. Open to PC Teams & Individual competitors. The same horse and rider combination are not permitted to enter both Class 3 and Class 4
Class 4: Novice First Round Max height – 70cm
Two rounds, second will be a timed round. Horse/pony-rider combinations are not to have won more than £100 BSJA Notional. Open to PC Teams & Individual competitors.
Class 5: Dengie Debut Max height 80cm
Open to individual Pony Club members but excluding any combination of horse/pony and rider that have represented their Branch/Centre at Intermediate or above ( summer) Area qualifiers for The Pony Club Show Jumping Championships or any rider who has competed at the Dengie Open Grand Prix Championships or The Pony Club Show Jumping Final at Hickstead. Riders cannot compete in the Open Grand Prix Competition if they have ridden in the Area Debut Competition. THIS CLASS WILL BE BY DRAWN ORDER. Please note non-Members of The Pony Club are allowed to compete in any Preliminary Round but must become fully paid up Members to go and compete at their Area Competition.
Pony/ rider combinations entering the Dengie class are not eligible for classes 1,2 or 3
Class 6: Intermediate First Round Max Height – 85cm
Two rounds, second will be a timed round.Horse/pony-rider Combinations are not to have won more than £150 BSJA Notional. Open to PC Teams & Individual competitors.
Class 7: Dengie Winter League Qualifier First Round Max Height – 90cm
Individual competitions open to Pony Club members, horse/rider combination not to have competed at Area Open S.J. Qualifiers, or any rider who has competed at PC Open SJ Championships or the PC SJ Final at Hickstead. JA ponies and Grade A/B horses registered with the BSJA in the current or previous year are ineligible. A Pony or Horse which upgrades during the 2015/16 series cannot compete any further in the Series. Limit of three horses/ponies for each competitor. Ponies/horses reg. with SJAI are graded with points as reported by SJAI by converting points to pounds sterling. (Horses 1 SJAI point = 9 BS points, Ponies 1 SJAI point = 2.5BS points). THIS CLASS WILL BE BY DRAWN ORDER. Please note non-Members of The Pony Club are allowed to compete in any Preliminary Round but must become fully paid up Members to go and compete at their Area Competition.
Pony/ rider combinations entering the Dengie class are not eligible for classes 1,2,3 or 4.
Class 8: Open - Team & Individual First Round Max Height – 100cm
Two rounds, second will be a timed round.Open to PC teams or individual competitors, all team members are automatically entered into the individual competition.
Please ensure all horse droppings are picked up from car park area
Hot & cold refreshments will be available
ENTRIES: Class 1 & 2 £30 per team, Individuals – £7.50 per rider per class.
Class 3-8 £60 per team, Individuals – £15 per rider per class
Entries to: Sarah Hammon-Lee, Ochiltree Mill Farm, Linlithgow, EH496PQ
Any queries please email: or
Entries close on Monday 6th February.
TIMES: Team managers/trainers can get approx. start times on our web-site and facebook page from Thursday 9th February
PC S.J. Rules 2016 apply andall team competitors must be PC members and
Debut, Winter League & Open Grand Prix Show Jumping Rules 2016 / 2017
Branches may enter more than one team in each class, each consisting of 3/4 riders, the best three scores to count.
Second rounds will be timed with the lowest 3 scores (faults and time) added together to decide placing.
Teams eliminated in the first round may compete in the second round.
Teams must be represented by a ‘team manager/trainer’ who will be present on the day of competition and will be responsible for team members being ready to compete on time. They must also declare any team changes before the start of the class.
Any objections must be made in writing by the team manager/trainer with a £10 deposit that will be refunded if the objection is upheld.
No horse/ponies left unattended tied to lorries/trailers
Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other personal property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.
The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at this event. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents. They must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.
All Non-Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third party cover.The L&S Branch of The Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for Non-Members and their insurance will not cover you.
Team Entry Forms
Branch Name …………………………………..
Class:Team Name:
Rider / Pony / Height
Team Manager/Trainer………………………………………….. Contact Number……………………
Class:Team Name:
Rider / Pony / Height
Team Manager/Trainer………………………………………….. Contact Number……………………
Class:Team Name:
Rider / Pony / Height
Team Manager/Trainer………………………………………….. Contact Number……………………
Class:Team Name:
Rider / Pony / Height
Team Manager/Trainer………………………………………….. Contact Number……………………
Dengie Debut Entry Form - £15.00 per competitor
/ Age /Horse
/ Height / TelephoneNo.Dengie Winter League Entry Form - £15.00 per competitor
/ Age /Horse
/ Height / TelephoneNo.No. of teams……………….@£30.00=……….
No. of Individuals……………….@£7.50=……….
No. of teams……………….@£60.00=……….
No. of Dengie……………….@£15.00=……….
No. of Individuals……………….@£15.00=……….
Total Fee £……….
Please make cheques payable to “Linlithgow & Stirlingshire Branch of The Pony Club”.