/ Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
Global Partnerships for Chemical Safety
Contributing to the 2020 Goal
Sixth session – Forum VI
/ IFCS/FSC/WG Lead and Cadmium/ 03 rev5
30 May 2008

Lead and Cadmium: Need for International Action?

Forum VI Plenary Programme – WORKING VERSION

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The focus of the Forum VI plenary session is the question of health and environmental problems that may be related to the international transport of lead and cadmium via trade. The question to be examined is whether or not countries are able to address these problems effectively through unilateral or bilateral action or if there exists a need for coordinated international action and support.

All presentations will be requested to address the potential need for an international reply versus local/national activities against Pb and Cd releases taking into account the special situation of vulnerable groups (especially children).

If the Forum concludes that there is a need for coordinated international action, it may wish to consider and recommend possible actions and the means for their implementation. These recommendations would then be submitted to the UNEP Governing Council for its 25th session in February 2009, the second International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM-2) in May 2009 and other relevant organizations and institutions for consideration.

Topic - presenter
Dr. Reiner ARNDT
Head of Division
International Chemical Safety
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
General Introduction -
Dr R. Arndt, Head of Division
International Chemical Safety
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Relevant outcome of Budapest Conference
(Sept 2006/Forum V) -
Dr G. Karlaganis, Switzerland
Head of division
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Substances, Soil, Biotechnology Division / CONFIRMED
Trade related dispersal of lead and cadmium - framing the discussion
Overview of issues and concepts presented in Thought Starter meeting paper
E. Rosenthal, CIEL / CONFIRMED
Material flows - interconnections
Prof Iddo Wernick, The RockefellerUniversity, Programme for Human Environment, NYC, NY, USA / Invited UNAVAILABLE
Will suggest others
Industry - Pb (presenter via David Wilson) / CONFIRMED
Industry - Cd (presenter via David Wilson) / CONFIRMED
E-waste - Ravi Agarwal/Toxic links / CONFIRMED
Toy industry - challenges and concerns re: Pb in toys and children's products - supplier requirements - Mattel Liz Krisel (VP innovations)
-Mattel (invitation via Liz Krisel)
-ToysRUs - Rick Ruppert, Executive VP for Product development, Safety and Sourcing
-WalMart - Joshua Gardner, Edelman (PR firm) / Invited
Joint UNEP-Sweden information activities on Study on the effects on human health and the environment in Africa of the trade of heavy metal containing products - African Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption & Production (ARSCP)¨
Jerker Forssell
Division for Eco-Management and Chemicals
Ministry of Environment
ARSCP will make presentation / ACCEPTED
Experiences and Case studies
Ms Wenchao ZANG, Deputy Director
Division of Solid Waste Management
Department of Pollution Control
State Evnrionmental Protection Administration
No 115 Xizhimennai Nanxiaojie
Beijing 100035, China / Invited
Analysis of current chemicals and product safety regulations in the United States as well as the agencies that implement these laws- Joel Tickner
Presumption of Safety: Limits of Federal Policies on Toxic Substances in Consumer Products (February 2008 - report LowellCenter for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell) / ACCEPTED
India - BEST Certificate project to recycle lead batteries; problems and challenges of recycling batteries (can include data on import and export trends) - will cover international trade aspects of lead battery recycling and manufacturing -
Perry Gottesfeld
Executive Director
OK International
220 Montgomery Street, Suite 1027
San Francisco, CA94104USA / CONFIRMED
Basel Action Network (BAN - project and work on recycling lead & cadmium (e-waste heavy metals components) / Invited /Tentative
Peru - mining (lifecycle aspects)
Consumers International (toys and lead) - experience of CI in Peru, Chile, etc - Peru (CI)
Jaime Delgado, Peruvian Consumers Union organization (ASPEC) / Invited
Zambia Action to Minimize Heavy Metals (Lead and Cadmium) in Dairy Product, Fertilizer, Paints and Other Foods
Mr Michael Musenga
Environmental Health Officer and Public Prosecutor for Environmental Health
Environmental Health
Monze District Council / Confirmed
Discussion and conclusion on the international dimension/concern, ability of countries to adequately respond (unilaterally or bilaterally) and the need for and possible types of coordinated international action for the protection from/prevention of Pb and Cd releases