MINUTES Saturday 13 FEBRUARY 2016

Meeting Opened: 14.00 hrs

Attendance: As per the Register

Apologies: As per the Register

1.  Welcome: The President of BirdLife Townsville, Janet Robino, declared the AGM meeting open, welcomed all members and further advised that members Gloria Zaverdinos and Rick Nuttall would soon depart Townsville (for Tasmania) and thanked them for organising the Branch refreshments over the last year.

2.  Minutes: Moved: Annette Sutton Seconded: Mark Horvath "That the AGM Minutes of Saturday 14 February 2015 ( as circulated to all members ) are a true and correct record." Endorsed

3. Bussiness arising from Minutes: Nil

4. Correspondence: AGM notifications as required by the Branch Rules ( as circulated to all members )

5. Reports: President: Janet Robino --- as circulated to all members

Treasurer: Nina Doyle --- as circulated to all members

Education Coordinator: Norm Rains --- as circulated to all members

Safety Coordinator: Janet Cross --- as circulated to all members

Moved: Annette Sutton Seconded: Ian Boyd "That the Reports as circulated to all members be received." Endorsed

6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee: The President Janet Robino declared all positions vacant, suspended Standing Orders and asked the Returning Officer, Wal Threlfall, to conduct the election for President.

Moved: Len Ezzy " That a vote of thanks be extended to the outgoing 2015 Branch Office Bearers and Committee Members for their tireless work on behalf of the Birdlife Townsville members." Endorsed by unanimous acclamation

The Returning Officer advised one nomination for the position of President was received in accordance with the Rules and declared: Janet Robino elected to the position of President.

Standing Orders were resumed and the President Janet Robino advised as one nomination for each of the positions, had been received in accordance with the Rules , those members were declared elected:

Secretary: Wal Threlfall

Treasurer: Nina Doyle

Committee Members (6 required): Norm Rains, Janet Cross, Eve Hanlon, Warren Charlton and Michael McMaster

As there was one vacancy for a Committee Member, the President Janet Robino, in accordance with the Rules, called for nominations from the floor of the AGM.

No nominations were received and the President Janet Robino closed the election.

The President further advised that the following members (ex officio) had agreed to undertake the following duties:

Local Website Coordinator: Ian Boyd

Newsletter Coordinator: Annette Sutton

Equipment Coordinator: Mark Horvath

Refreshment Coordinator: Beth Snewin and Wendy Kause

7. Financial Accounts : The President Janet Robino, Secretary Wal Threlfall , Treasurer Nina Doyle and Birdlife Australia Head of Finance Bruce Potgieter were endorsed as the sole signatories to the Birdlife Townsville Financial Accounts.

8. The President Janet Robino welcomed the new Committee and advised the AGM that BirdLife Townsville would continue to be an active Branch and thanked all those Members who continue to volunteer to take on certain tasks e.g. Equipment; News Letter; Leaders ; Website and the various Quests.

9. Any Other Business: MTQ World Science Festival ... Education Coordinator Norm Rains advised that volunteers were still required to conduct Birdwatching Tours for children at the MTQ on Saturday 20 February.

10. 2017 AGM: Date and venue to be advised in accordance with Branch Rules

11. Meeting Closed: 2.20 pm

12. Guest Speaker: Ian Montgomery (Birdway Ltd.) .... "New Caledonian Birds: from strangely familiar to the very strange"

"Minutes of the Annual General Meeting are endorsed as a true and accurate record ."


(Chair) (Date)