American Cultures 6.0 Name ______
Final Exam Review Sheet Period ____
Chapter 22: World War I (1914-1920)
1.) What were the underlying causes of WW I?
2.) I & E: 18th Amendment
3.) I & E: 19th Amendment
4.) How did the U.S. abridge civil liberties during WW I?
5.) How were the African American soldiers in WW I discriminated against?
6.) What were the political and social changes during the war?
7.) How did America react to immigration in the 1920s?
8.) Why did Wilson want the U.S. to sign the Treaty of Versailles?
9.) Why did the U.S. Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?
Chapter 23: The 1920s (1920-1929)
10.) What were the causes of the Red Scare?
11.) What was U.S. foreign policy after World War I?
12.) How did the government treat big business in the 1920s?
13.) What was a “Flapper?”
14.) What were the effects of the Prohibition era on American society?
15.) What issues prompted the growth of the KKK in the 1920s?
16.) How did panic contribute to the collapse of the stock market in 1929?
Chapter 24: The Great Depression and the New Deal (1929-1940)
17.) How did Herbert Hoover respond to the Great Depression?
18.) How did FDR respond to the Great Depression?
19.) What does the term “Hundred Days” refer to?
20.) What did the Social Security Act of 1935 do for many Americans?
21.) Who were the critics of FDR and why did they criticize him?
22.) What are the key elements of the New Deal?
23.) What are the important legacies of the New Deal?24.)
24.) I & E: The Dust Bowl
Chapter 25: World War II (1941-1945)
25.) How did the U.S. respond to the aggressor nations during the 1930s?
26.) What were the Neutrality Acts?
27.) Where did America focus its military efforts immediately following Pearl Harbor?
28.) How did our entry into WW II affect the economic problems associated with the Great Depression?
29.) How did the military treat African Americans during WW II?
30.) Why did many African Americans view our participation in WW II as hypocritical?
31.) What was the goal of the “Double V” campaign?
32.) How were Japanese-Americans treated during World War II?
33.) What was decided at the Potsdam Conference?
34.) Why did we decide to drop an atomic bomb on Japan?
Chapter 26: The Cold War (1945-1952)
35.) Where did the fundamental disagreements associated with the Cold War first appear?
36.) What did the GI Bill of Rights do for WW II veterans?
37.) What did the Truman Doctrine call for?
38.) What did the Marshall Plan call for?
39.) What was the Berlin Blockade/ Berlin Airlift?
40.) In what way was U.S. participation in NATO a departure from the pre- WW II foreign policies?
41.) Who were the Dixie-crats? How did they influence the 1948 election?
42.) What was the “Fair Deal?” How successful was the “Fair Deal?”
43.) Who investigated the Hollywood Ten? Why?
44.) What factors encouraged the growth of McCarthyism in the early 1950’s?
45.) Why did President Truman intervene in Korea in 1950?
46.) What issue created the Truman-MacArthur controversy?
Chapter 27: America at Mid-Century (1952-1963)
47.) What was Eisenhower’s economic policy?
48.) What was Eisenhower’s political ideology?
49.) What was the nation’s largest public works project?
50.) What stimulated home ownership in the 1950s?
51.) What caused the “baby boom” of the 1950s and 60s?
52.) What was decided in Brown v. the Board of Education?
53.) What was Eisenhower’s reason for sending federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas?
54.) How did Eisenhower change our nation’s policy on nuclear weapons?
55.) What was the Domino Theory? Where was it first applied?
56.) What was Eisenhower’s policy on the Vietnam?
57.) What was the outcome of the 1954 Geneva Conference?
58.) What was the “military industrial complex?”
59.) How did the 1960 Presidential debates affect the outcome of the 1960 election?
60.) How did the Alliance for Progress and the Peace Corp help other parts of the world?
61.) What action did JFK take to stop the Soviets from placing missiles in Cuba?
62.) What was JFK’s policy on the Vietnam?
63.) What was JFK’s record on Civil rights?
64.) What goal did JFK establish for NASA in the decade of 1960?
65.) What did the Warren Commission conclude regarding the assassination of JFK?
Chapter 29: War Abroad, War at Home (1965-1974)
66.) What changes were legislated by the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
67.) What was the most common criticism of conservatives regarding the New Deal and the Great Society?
68.) What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?
69.) What was the main issue compromising LBJ’s plan for a “Great Society?”
70.) In 1968, what event occurred in Vietnam that compromised LBJ’s Vietnam policy?
71.) What socio-economic, racial and ethnic groups were most represented in the U.S. military during Vietnam?
72.) What issue provoked the most student dissent during the 1960’s?
73.) What was President Nixon’s plan for “Vietnamization?”
74.) What issues intensified anti-war demonstrations in 1970?
75.) Why was the Watergate complex broken into?
76.) Who originally said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” and what was this person doing when he made this statement?.
77.) What were the economic effects of the 1973 OPEC oil embargo on the domestic economy?
78.) What is considered the most significant foreign policy achievement of the Nixon administration?
79.) What action was President Nixon forced to take as a result of the Watergate scandal?
Chapter 30: The Overextended Society (1974-1980)
President Ford...
80.) What are the provisions of the War Powers Act of 1973?
81.) What was President Ford’s most controversial action as President?
82.) What is “stagflation?”
83.) What was President Carter’s highest priority in international affairs?
84.) Why did radical Islamic students storm the U.S. embassy in Iran and take Americans hostage?
85.) What was President Carter’s most far reaching foreign-policy achievement?
Chapter 31: The Conservative Ascendancy and the New Millennium (1980-2000)
86.) How did “Reagonomics” (or supply side economics) stimulate the economy?
87.) How did President Reagan feel about big government?
88.) Who was President Reagan referring to when he spoke of the “evil empire?”
89.) What was the Iran Contra affair?
William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama (1992-2012)
90.) Why did the United States fight the Persian Gulf War?
91.) Why did people object to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
92.) What technological advance triggered the economic revolution of the 1990s?
93.) What were Clinton’s major economic reforms?
94.) What were the motives of the 9/11 terrorists?
95.) What controversy surrounded the Bush Administration and the Kyoto Protocol?
97.) I & E: The PATRIOT Act
98.) What was President Obama’s most significant legislative accomplishment during his first term?